Middletown Middies looking for new coach

Your Buddy has no idea what he's talking about. Jones is a Dayton guy. Half of his guys that were on his staff are from Dayton. The only coach he kept from the former Middletown staff was Marshall, who is the assistant head coach. Nobody in their right mind would stay in CPS and get paid peanuts and turn down 100,000. Dude has made it happen everywhere he has gone. Its takes about two years to change the culture.
Not so sure Middletown's teachers pay scale is that high, unless someone is Masters plus 30 and 25+ years experience? Unless the position is an admin position?
Pretty sure the last couple of head coaches, except for Wells, had some sort of dean of student/attendance officer type job that paid pretty well. And the Middies have always paid the head coach well with supplemental contracts. I believe they get a contract for coaching and then another for running the off-season weight program. That may have changed in recent history, but it was that way for a long time. I could easily see the head coach making close to 100k or more for the Middies.
Looks like Jordan Vann will be playing for the Middies next fall. What a great addition to the team.
What’s the rule, if any, about him having to sit out? These rules change from year to year and also change based on private/public. I can’t keep my head above water on these rules.
Pretty sure the last couple of head coaches, except for Wells, had some sort of dean of student/attendance officer type job that paid pretty well. And the Middies have always paid the head coach well with supplemental contracts. I believe they get a contract for coaching and then another for running the off-season weight program. That may have changed in recent history, but it was that way for a long time. I could easily see the head coach making close to 100k or more for the Middies.
How is that going to fly when they are cutting over 40 jobs?
I’m not saying it won’t, just hard to say hey we cannot afford a $70,000 teacher, but we are going to pay this new guy 100k
How is that going to fly when they are cutting over 40 jobs?
I’m not saying it won’t, just hard to say hey we cannot afford a $70,000 teacher, but we are going to pay this new guy 100k
They're not cutting teachers. They're cutting aides and tutors they should have never hired in the first place.

Anyone with half a brain cell knew the ESSER funds were temporary and should never have been used to hire people unless a different source of long term funding was available. The fact that any district did it is a sign of how poorly run those districts are.
They're not cutting teachers. They're cutting aides and tutors they should have never hired in the first place.

Anyone with half a brain cell knew the ESSER funds were temporary and should never have been used to hire people unless a different source of long term funding was available. The fact that any district did it is a sign of how poorly run those districts are.
You are a moron. Yes, they knew the funds were temporary but they hired more aids and translators to have a closer one to one ratio and more individual time. Remember this thing called covid where students didn't go to school for months? Students last valuable time in the classroom and those jobs were to help them catch back up to where they should be. It was a spend it or lose it so why not spend all of it.
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What’s the rule, if any, about him having to sit out? These rules change from year to year and also change based on private/public. I can’t keep my head above water on these rules.
I believe the transfer rule from private to public, is that if you transfer from a private school to the public district where you live, you don't have to sit out.
You are a moron. Yes, they knew the funds were temporary but they hired more aids and translators to have a closer one to one ratio and more individual time. Remember this thing called covid where students didn't go to school for months? Students last valuable time in the classroom and those jobs were to help them catch back up to where they should be. It was a spend it or lose it so why not spend all of it.
While I agree with some of what your saying, I also believe the poster is correct. They are cutting jobs, but they are not cutting teachers. And truthfully, I don't have any inside info I was just saying what they have done in the past. I think we all know, right or wrong, that they will find away to take care of the head football or basketball coach regardless of other cuts in the district.
I am assuming that off-season workouts have begun....

What are the preliminary numbers attending these?

I asked this in the past but never received a solid answer...who has Jones assembled on his staff? I know Jalin Marshall is on his staff, other than that I have no idea.