Middletown Middies looking for new coach

Heard a rumor that Marshall also applied for the Monroe job. Not sure I agree with everything being said about giving a young coach a chance. At a place like Middletown that's struggling to stay competitive on a consistent basis, maybe you give a young guy a shot. There's a lot more to building and running a football program than X's and O's. It's fun to watch when a young guy gets a shot a puts it all together. It's more often than not a train wreck that can set a program back another 5 years. If you're an administrator and you take a shot on a young, inexperienced coach, you better be all in on the guy because there will be issues that arise. And hopefully, that young coach has a mentor that can guide him through the process of establishing a program.
Monroe would be a good place for Marshall to start in my opinion.
People keep talking about Maurice Douglass... with his recent success at Springfield, especially with his recent win over Moeller and a trip to the D1 finals, I really don't see why he would even entertain the Middletown job. Maybe that is why they are called rumors....

Does anyone hear of any other names who have applied/shown interested?
I think middletown is a burial ground for a outsiders coach's career. they always choose an outsider and it never works. they need a guy from within who knows the community and been coaching it for awhile. bring someone in who has coached these kids all the way up since they been winning in pee wee to junior high to now coaching high school somewhere. the right middie guy can make middletown special. jalin would be an ideal candidate, is there any other guy you could think of with a middie background?
I think middletown is a burial ground for a outsiders coach's career. they always choose an outsider and it never works. they need a guy from within who knows the community and been coaching it for awhile. bring someone in who has coached these kids all the way up since they been winning in pee wee to junior high to now coaching high school somewhere. the right middie guy can make middletown special. jalin would be an ideal candidate, is there any other guy you could think of with a middie background?
Exactly what Middletown needs…. A pee wee coach who has moved up with these kids. Shake my head!!!!! I really hope this is in sarcastic font and I can’t read that on my droid.
I agree with this as well.

Can Middletown ever return to what they were back in the 1990's and even prior? They used to be a football power, competing at some of the highest levels of D1. Is the talent still there?
Middletown was strong in athletics Periot! IMO, they won't return to the glory days no time soon especially with Fairfield being the biggest school in southwest Ohio and the Lakotas keep growing. people are moving to those areas and Middletown is old, industrial and more irrelevant. This is why neither Middletown and Hamilton aren't relevant anymore.
No respectable coach wants Middletown, it used to be full of crazy athletic blue collar kids. Now it’s a bunch of entitled welfare babies who think they are great cuz their mom porked Chris carter back in the day.
A lot of ignorance on this website and cowards behind a keyboard! This kind of post is quite said even worst have individuals who are in agreeance with it. Someone needs to report clown activity and post like this.
A lot of ignorance on this website and cowards behind a keyboard! This kind of post is quite said even worst have individuals who are in agreeance with it. Someone needs to report clown activity and post like this.
No respectable coach wants Middletown, it used to be full of crazy athletic blue collar kids. Now it’s a bunch of entitled welfare babies who think they are great cuz their mom porked Chris carter back in the day.

While I agree with you kidkudi4211, the first sentence above is 100% accurate. The second sentence is out-of-line and uncalled for. There is still a lot of positivity in Middletown.
Middletown was strong in athletics Periot! IMO, they won't return to the glory days no time soon especially with Fairfield being the biggest school in southwest Ohio and the Lakotas keep growing. people are moving to those areas and Middletown is old, industrial and more irrelevant. This is why neither Middletown and Hamilton aren't relevant anymore.
I would agree...except Springfield is showing that it is not necessarily true.
No respectable coach wants Middletown, it used to be full of crazy athletic blue collar kids. Now it’s a bunch of entitled welfare babies who think they are great cuz their mom porked Chris carter back in the day.

While I agree with you kidkudi4211, the first sentence above is 100% accurate. The second sentence is out-of-line and uncalled for. There is still a lot of positivity in Middletown.
Where's the positivity in Middletown?
Where's the positivity in Middletown?
There are a lot of great community members/students/teachers in Middletown Schools and within the community of Middletown. To shed light that the whole city is in shambles because of an unsuccessful football program is ludicrous. Is it what it used to be...no. But Middletown is a good place. Armco/AK/Cliffs is still alive and well, albeit not what it used to be. It is definitely an industrious city that is currently going through some tough times, but to say there is nothing positive in Middletown...Like Cris Carter used to say "come on man."
There are a lot of great community members/students/teachers in Middletown Schools and within the community of Middletown. To shed light that the whole city is in shambles because of an unsuccessful football program is ludicrous. Is it what it used to be...no. But Middletown is a good place. Armco/AK/Cliffs is still alive and well, albeit not what it used to be. It is definitely an industrious city that is currently going through some tough times, but to say there is nothing positive in Middletown...Like Cris Carter used to say "come on man."
I never said the city was in shambles because of the football team.

The city is in shambles and as a result so is the school and football program. There are far too many issues to call Middletown positive. There's great community members, students, and teachers everywhere.

Not every community can be great.
A lot of ignorance on this website and cowards behind a keyboard! This kind of post is quite said even worst have individuals who are in agreeance with it. Someone needs to report clown activity and post like this.
Lol! Report alleged “Clown” activity for what? Giving his honest opinion that certainly has some truth to it? Why are you allowed to give Your opinion and call people names but this guy can’t? Gotta be a progressive democrat!!
A lot of ignorance on this website and cowards behind a keyboard! This kind of post is quite said even worst have individuals who are in agreeance with it. Someone needs to report clown activity and post like this.
Only because you’re one of those kids. Go do some heroin and watch your mother’s Chris Carter sex tape.