Mascot Issues Again Surface...Cleveland To Drop 'Indians'...Will High Schools Do The Same?

I'm actually shocked it doesn't happen more at the high school level. The state could always withhold funding until the name is changed. Now I don't agree that the names should be changed because we've now gone down this road that if ANYTHING if offensive to ANYONE, we have to change it. I'm sure in the 1950's the Redskins and the Indians were offensive to someone but people were just tougher and it rolled off. Now we feel like we have to make everyone "feel" good.

My next question is, many names of schools, counties, roads are named after Indian tribes. Are we soon headed down that road?
It would be ridiculously expensive for schools to change their mascot. Gym floors, turf football fields, signage, uniforms, etc. No way a HS can afford that just to make a few people who worry about that kind of stuff happy
It would be ridiculously expensive for schools to change their mascot. Gym floors, turf football fields, signage, uniforms, etc. No way a HS can afford that just to make a few people who worry about that kind of stuff happy

It's more of a "phased out" approach, from what I've gathered.
Let’s get the animal rights activists to push for all teams that are nicknamed after an animal to be changed. Wow.
Wow!!! Apples and Oranges bro, Apples and Oranges.

Redskins and Indian mascots must go. Should have been gone.
Serious question...Should schools be politically correct (and inclusive) or no?
Political Correctness and inclusive are 2 different things. Of course we need to be inclusive. To me, it should be an honor for an ethnic group to associated with a nickname, and I think a lot of people in those ethnic groups feel that way. Are the Africentric Nubians going to change their nickname? I hope not, if that is what they want.
Political Correctness and inclusive are 2 different things. Of course we need to be inclusive. To me, it should be an honor for an ethnic group to associated with a nickname, and I think a lot of people in those ethnic groups feel that way. Are the Africentric Nubians going to change their nickname? I hope not, if that is what they want.

I think it's really hard for people to talk about what it "should be" for an ethnic group when they're not a part of that group. Maybe a big part of the problem with the racial tension in our world? There may be Native Americans who support it but I do know there are way, way, way more that do not - it's well documented by the groups/organizations that represent indigenous people.
I think it's really hard for people to talk about what it "should be" for an ethnic group when they're not a part of that group. Maybe a big part of the problem with the racial tension in our world? There may be Native Americans who support it but I do know there are way, way, way more that do not - it's well documented by the groups/organizations that represent indigenous people.
As I said earlier, quips on “political correctness” are just snide dismissals of what we in our society should expect in everyone: respectfulness and consideration for others. There’s emphatically no serious position to be had by arguing “schools shouldn’t consider changing questionable caricature mascots of peoples that were raped, killed, and forced into centuries of inter-generational poverty” on the basis of ‘bUt PoLiTiCaL CoRReCTneSs.’
As I said earlier, quips on “political correctness” are just snide dismissals of what we in our society should expect in everyone: respectfulness and consideration for others. There’s emphatically no serious position to be had by arguing “schools shouldn’t consider changing questionable caricature mascots of peoples that were raped, killed, and forced into centuries of inter-generational poverty” on the basis of ‘bUt PoLiTiCaL CoRReCTneSs.’
Political Correctness and inclusive are 2 different things. Of course we need to be inclusive. To me, it should be an honor for an ethnic group to associated with a nickname, and I think a lot of people in those ethnic groups feel that way. Are the Africentric Nubians going to change their nickname? I hope not, if that is what they want.
To compare the term Nubian to Redskins or Indian is just plain ridiculous. The Nubians were a proud civilization. Credited with many contributions to civilization that pre-dated even Egypt.

Redskins and "Injuns" are not that. Horrible comparison. Smh...
To compare the term Nubian to Redskins or Indian is just plain ridiculous. The Nubians were a proud civilization. Credited with many contributions to civilization that pre-dated even Egypt.

Redskins and "Injuns" are not that. Horrible comparison. Smh...
Also worth noting that the folks who landed on the Nubian mascot, and the students who attend said school, have an ancestral claim to where that civilization (and others of its era and relative geographies) once lived. That, as well as the fact the mascot & school specifically acknowledges its student body is the product of a forceful diaspora (where the forefathers didn’t exactly have a say in coming to North America.)
Also worth noting that the folks who landed on the Nubian mascot, and the students who attend said school, have an ancestral claim to where that civilization

about as much as most of us would have to Liechtenstein. It's a fairly small (and not particularly popular) culture from a specific spot in a big continent. Other than that, I'm agreeing with your points. I don't believe many Nubians made their way here as slaves. I think they mostly went north to Egypt instead of clear across the continent to the west slave trade. The students at Africentric unlikely to have any more of an ancestral claim to "Nubians" than the Toledo Central Catholic football team has to the Irish. ?
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about as much as most of us would have to Liechtenstein. It's a fairly small (and not particularly popular) culture from a specific spot in a big continent. Other than that, I'm agreeing with your points. I don't believe many Nubians made their way here as slaves. I think they mostly went north to Egypt instead of clear across the continent to the west slave trade. The students at Africentric unlikely to have any more of an ancestral claim to "Nubians" than the Toledo Central Catholic football team has to the Irish. ?
As with most districts and their ties to animal mascots. Are the Centerville Elks, connected to that because their specific land mass was once roamed by the mighty horned animal grazing about Ohio 741?? What about Northridge, the polar bear is of course native to the the artic vortex that sits solely upon the straits of North Dixie Dr. Right next to the strip clubs, drive throughs and cheap car dealerships!

Those mascots are a representation of strength, power, endurance, etc. Like Nubians.....A representation of a powerful culture, which could actually have a direct connection to the students in that building.

Other districts have more regional reflections, i.e., Hilltoppers, Oilers, we could go on and on...

Redskins and Indianas are not and do not reflect either of those descriptions .

This discussion nationwide continues to get more ridiculous.

Where are the folks supporting the "Hillside Highschool Hillbillies"......There are none because that negative, derogatory and stereotypical term would not be acceptable for a School Mascot...Why should Redskins? Just sayin....
One of the two Mercer County schools could swap out their nickname and reflect its particular heritage. Kinda favor something like the Battling Brats or the Kaisers.
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