

New member
:clap: I give congrats to lasalle high school for being the 2nd school in Ohio to pass starting next year mandatory drug testing. I feel every school really should but know there are many things that stand in the way. This is a huge step for a catholic school since the numbers mean so much. But this also shows that a drug free school is more important than numbers. So once again congrats to lasalle for standing up and doing this.
:clap: I give congrats to lasalle high school for being the 2nd school in Ohio to pass starting next year mandatory drug testing. I feel every school really should but know there are many things that stand in the way. This is a huge step for a catholic school since the numbers mean so much. But this also shows that a drug free school is more important than numbers. So once again congrats to lasalle for standing up and doing this.

Love this!

Who was the 1st school?
Agree. Let the families who want their kids in the best learning environment send their children there. If you don't care that your kids smokes weed, there are a plethora of other options available.

La Salle is going to be a better learning environment because of this? Alcohol is obviously about a 100x bigger problem among high school students and that's probably conservative
La Salle is going to be a better learning environment because of this? Alcohol is obviously about a 100x bigger problem among high school students and that's probably conservative

Yes, it's going to be. It will help eliminate usage along with the violence that surrounds it.
I just don't care about eliminating usage, it should already be legal anyway. Its not hard to function and smoke

As someone who went there, if we had drug testing and they busted kids for smoking weed it would have had zero effect on me as a student. This is just going to nail a lot of black kids if we're being honest
No, they should leave it alone because it's an invasion of privacy. As long as it isn't happening on school grounds, who cares what kids go home and do?

So you're ok with a student smoking on his way to class then being high all day?

For the record, I care what my kids do at home. And I care if other kids are doing illegal things that can cause problems for my kid.

I'm interested in knowing why you're more concerned with protecting the ones abusing and breaking the law then you are the majority who are not.
So you're ok with a student smoking on his way to class then being high all day?

For the record, I care what my kids do at home. And I care if other kids are doing illegal things that can cause problems for my kid.

I'm interested in knowing why you're more concerned with protecting the ones abusing and breaking the law then you are the majority who are not.

It's pot! Weed! Not cocaine or heroin. Kids high on marijuana aren't harming other kids. Christ.
It's pot! Weed! Not cocaine or heroin. Kids high on marijuana aren't harming other kids. Christ.

It's illegal, and unless I'm mistaken, the drug test will be for all drugs, not just weed.

But good retort:

I'm interested in knowing why you're more concerned with protecting the ones abusing and breaking the law then you are the majority who are not.

"It's pot! Weed!"
So you're ok with a student smoking on his way to class then being high all day?

For the record, I care what my kids do at home. And I care if other kids are doing illegal things that can cause problems for my kid.

I'm interested in knowing why you're more concerned with protecting the ones abusing and breaking the law then you are the majority who are not.

If they smoke in the morning before class and are high all day:
a) I need to find out where they get their stuff
b) how does that effect your kid
No, they should leave it alone because it's an invasion of privacy. As long as it isn't happening on school grounds, who cares what kids go home and do?

its a private school. They can make almost anything they want as a requirement to go there.

Not to mention it is illegal and they had a student die during a drug deal :shrug: