Jill Biden to give 100 million in funding for research into womens health

"Biden has said women don't know enough about their health because the research historically has been underfunded and lacking. The White House initiative aims to change the approach to and increase funding for women's health research.

We will close the gaps, we will accelerate new ideas, and change women’s lives,” the first lady will say, according to excerpts of her prepared remarks that were shared with The Associated Press.

“We will build a health care system that puts women and their lived experiences at its center, one where no woman or girl has to hear that ‘it’s all in your head,’ or, ‘it’s just stress;’ where women aren’t just an after-thought, but a first-thought; and where women don’t just survive, they lead long, healthy, and happy lives,” she says."

Meanwhile in the US:
Male life expectancy - 73.5
Female life expectancy - 79.3

Clearly we're not focusing enough on women's health.