Intel Community secretly gutted requirement of first hand whistleblower knowledge within the last year.

This truly does point back to the intent and strategy of the fox in the henhouse.

The Dems do not challenge the autonomy of the intelligence community and the career bureaucrats running their own show. Free rein in an uneasy alliance temporarily sharing a common goal. Weakening Trump protects their boys Mueller, Comey, Clapper, et al.

Simply: Let the hit begin.
The original story Breitbart jumped on is pretty telling -

I can't see this policy enduring beyond Trump. Talk about potential for quid pro quo - they put a heresay "whistleblower" in essentially a witness protection program for his "protection" :ROFLMAO:

I wonder if he's doing it for "Team Democrap" as a true believer, or is he getting a great promotion, too ? Go, Swamp!!
If this rule was changed specifically for this case, then heads should roll (figuratively).

This stinks of ugly politics and anyone in the intel community who is playing politics should be out of their job and publicly reprimanded. But the reality is that they will likely get hired by CNN.