

Well-known member
Anyone tried it for an extended period of time? I’m currently in the middle of an 80 hour fast to kick start ketosis and get off some of the weight I put on from the holidays and recently traveling.
I’d do a 24 hour twice a week. Down 10lbs in two weeks. Monday-Tuesday morning and Thursday-Friday morning. Obviously I eat pretty healthy, do some sort of exercising 6 days a week whether it be weights, cardio, or combination. I also have been doing 100 reps of an an exercise everyday. I figure if it’s good enough for the military it’s good enough for me.
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Anyone tried it for an extended period of time? I’m currently in the middle of an 80 hour fast to kick start ketosis and get off some of the weight I put on from the holidays and recently traveling.
so what is your plan after the 80 hours?
I've been intermittent fasting for several months, fasting for 16 hours a day. Sometimes I cheat a little, but really try to stay within 15 hours.

Weight is down, blood sugar is down.
so for what time to what time do you fast? and then what kind of food do you eat after that? what food s do you NOT eat
I have found a bit of an extended time between meals helps me cut intake, feel better and lose weight. I eat twice a day, until I am full both times, no snacking but water between meals. I've been on this for about 8 years. Lost 40 lbs and have kept it off. Intentionally avoid sugar and carbs when possible, but not always.

I eat at 5 and 5 most days when possible.
so for what time to what time do you fast? and then what kind of food do you eat after that? what food s do you NOT eat
I fast from 8:00 pm 'till noon. Basically I don't snack while watching TV or reading at night and then skip breakfast.

There are days that I am busy in the afternoon and evening and have no time to grab anything but a small snack. Those evenings are tough.

And one of my favorite things in life is breakfast, big or small. So that can be tough.

There is nothing I avoid eating, but I do try to moderate things I enjoy that are not so healthy.

I make sure to eat some raw fruits/veggies everyday. Which is easy for me because I enjoy them.

I have friends that have had success with Weight Watchers; Group A & B, measuring, counting calories, etc. I cannot do all that.

I have a friend that has eliminated sweets; candy, pop, pie, ice cream, cake , cookies, donuts, etc. I couldn't do that either.

I accidentally read about the advantages of intermittent fasting and my doctor was very positive. My weight is down, blood sugar is down.
Intermittent fasting (16-18 hour) has worked for me in spurts over the years (first started it in early 2020). The problem for me has always been breaking away from the eating schedule for any special occasion (holidays, long weekend, vacations, binge drinking for big sporting events).

The one time I followed it very strictly (over several months) I lost 15 lbs.
Nice to see all the different fasting methods.

Personally, I fast Saturday and Sunday, skipping breakfast and lunch both days. Then have a light dinner both days and a light snack at night. Weigh myself on Monday mornings. The rest of the week I eat sensibly and in moderation.

I do exercise and sauna everyday. Have seen great results and am pretty lean for a 55 year old.
Nice to see all the different fasting methods.

Personally, I fast Saturday and Sunday, skipping breakfast and lunch both days. Then have a light dinner both days and a light snack at night. Weigh myself on Monday mornings. The rest of the week I eat sensibly and in moderation.

I do exercise and sauna everyday. Have seen great results and am pretty lean for a 55 year old.
have been hearing things about the sauna? how often do you do that?

i have found out that for me to drop some pounds, it has more to do with the diet then the exercise...
have been hearing things about the sauna? how often do you do that?

i have found out that for me to drop some pounds, it has more to do with the diet then the exercise...
Try to sauna every day right after working out. Usually for 30 minutes. Elevates your heart rate a bit so it is almost like light cardio, but without the muscle strain.
Intermittent fasting (16-18 hour) has worked for me in spurts over the years (first started it in early 2020). The problem for me has always been breaking away from the eating schedule for any special occasion (holidays, long weekend, vacations, binge drinking for big sporting events).

The one time I followed it very strictly (over several months) I lost 15 lbs.
Exactly, I eat a fairly clean diet but Christmas time and just getting back from Las Vegas really ballooned me up and I needed a quick fix to get me at least closer back to where I previously was.
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I’ve not done any fasting, but I have done some juice cleanses in the past. Three days, most of the time, just a little something to kick start a diet.
Anyone tried it for an extended period of time? I’m currently in the middle of an 80 hour fast to kick start ketosis and get off some of the weight I put on from the holidays and recently traveling.
I've done a keto diet for about 3 months each year for the last 5 years or so, with very good success. I never did long fasting like you're talking about. Rather, I'd do intermittent fasting: Lunch around noon, snack early afternoon, and then dinner in the evening. Then no food for 16 hours from 8pm-noon the next day. Basically you're just eliminating (1) breakfast and (2) late night snacks. If you're strict on limiting/eliminating carbs and not taking too much protein, it's very effective.

The first week is a little difficult as your body adjusts to when you're eating your meals, but after that, I actually really enjoyed not eating breakfast, and my body had so much more energy. I also learned a lot about my bad eating habits. I found that I'd routinely just start walking to the pantry around 9:30pm thinking I was hungry. But then I'd catch myself... "Am I really hungry? Or do I just want something tasty to snack on?" I found the answer was almost always the latter. So I just drank water instead, and I quickly realized that all these snacks I eat throughout the day when I'm not really hungry are what kill me. So I just drink more water.

Lunch options: Atkins shakes or Premier Protein shakes (we prefer the Atkins, as they have less protein to align better with the Keto diet)
Snack options: Celery + peanut butter; Raw carrots + peanut butter; Plain almonds + a string cheese; Or any combination of these
Dinner: This is the difficult part... finding good (and filling) dinners that are portioned properly and do not have carbs (or don't have too many carbs). You can find good keto-friendly meals online... but it can be a pain doing the grocery shopping and meal planning/prepping. And if you're eating out, find the restaurant's nutrition fact menu online and see what items don't have as many carbs. (chicken wings are great - some sauces have 0 carbs while others have loads of carbs)
After-dinner snack (rare) (before 8pm): Small portions - maybe 2 strawberries, or similar snacks like mentioned above.

Obviously everyone is different, and our bodies all react to diets differently. Do what works for you. But I wanted to just provide my take on a slight variation of the keto diet that works for me.
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have been hearing things about the sauna? how often do you do that?

i have found out that for me to drop some pounds, it has more to do with the diet then the exercise...
Correct. I'm not going to remember the numbers, but calories burned from just existing, are not all that many fewer than inserting an hour of exercise into the mix. Exercise does tone, improve heart health and reduce stress, so I still see it as a key to success. But I totally agree, it is intake regulation that matters most.
I’ve done 3 and 5 day fasts, with nothing but black coffee and water. Most I’ve ever dropped was 13lbs from initial weight to post fast weight. I would drink at least .75-1 gallon of water each day. First day was always the hardest with that empty stomach feeling.

It’s been said but everyone’s body is different. I’ve found to truly lose weight (fat) and keep it off I need 5-6 meals a day, smaller portions, high protein, low carb.

While it’s not covered by insurance one great place to better understand your body and how it individually works is Ways2Well.
Intermittent fasting (16-18 hour) has worked for me in spurts over the years (first started it in early 2020). The problem for me has always been breaking away from the eating schedule for any special occasion (holidays, long weekend, vacations, binge drinking for big sporting events).

The one time I followed it very strictly (over several months) I lost 15 lbs.
I will be starting intermittent fasting after vacation for this exact reason. Hoping to stay true to it for the rest of the year and see some results so I can give myself permission to enjoy Christmas and all the food that brings.
I had prediabetes ect and tried everything. I highly suggest you read and follow the book “ How to Eat to Live” by Elijah Mohammed. It goes over intermittent and prolonged fasting and what foods to avoid. I ended up shedding 30 pounds and rolled back my pre diabetes after about 10 months changing things up. Never felt better
Down 20lbs since January. I've stuck to the 10am-6pm for eating and only really drink alcohol in social settings. Obviously I could be at 200lbs by now but I'm not trying to lose more than 2lbs a week, and I'm lifting weights more than cardio.