Election Day 2023

Finally getting that extreme right wing Supreme Court has been an incredible success for the Republican Party . The overturning of Roe has been an obvious success as the winning continues for the good guys . 50!year precedent thrown out has been a major win as 73 percent of Americans opposed to going back many decades on this issue . Trump killing Roe and he brags about it as being a major accomplishment isn’t seen that way by over 70 percent of Americans .

Emotional responses about killing babies and all non conservatives being pro abortion is just that . Pure emotion No one is encouraging abortion . No one is telling anyone to get abortions . You want Government and politicians making decisions like this after a 50 year precedent just because the court is packed with an unrepresentative view of the country ? Minority ruling the majority is the goal . Trump backed candidates continue their “ winning “ streak . This minority extreme right rule ideas keep winning ? Trump did say when he took power that you may tire of all the winning. You all need a nap yet?
Worst mid term performance of the party not having the Presidency in almost 90 years . Trump wins and haters of Democrats rejoiced and were dancing in the streets . We own the Libs and our kingdom. will have no end . Sorry this is happening to you was a popular phrase here. Good thing for the Republican Party that even when they lose they just say they won and whine about being cheated . Even when the majority of the country sees something they don’t ? They are always right . Speaker of the house who most Republicans didn’t even know wanted to do whatever he could to try to keep the losing Trump in power . He wasn’t just inquiring about legal questions . He wanted the election overturned . He Is a far right conspiracy theorist . This will bring even more winning I am sure
Bad for the country.

I agree, but only by winning elections can a political party have the power to influence the direction of the nation.

If you look at the 2022 results plus last night from a conservative point of view, there are two common themes: the lingering toxicity of Trump in the background and pro life being a losing issue.

The question now is what will the Republican Party do about it. My guess is at best the GOP will change nothing or at worst double down on Trump and the abortion issue.
Baby murder is not healthcare. Never was never will be no matter what % of the population says so.
Yea great win For most Ohioans,, WETF that means..
Sick people. But that is who we are as a nation now.
Yes, we know you support government control over personal issues, along with rape incest victims being forced to carry out their pregnancy.
Ran across an interesting bit of election news. It seems candidates running on a platform of parental rights did not fare so well in school board elections across the country:

So if the crusade against "woke" in schools is failing, do Republicans need to find a new bogeyman to campaign against?
Ran across an interesting bit of election news. It seems candidates running on a platform of parental rights did not fare so well in school board elections across the country:

So if the crusade against "woke" in schools is failing, do Republicans need to find a new bogeyman to campaign against?
They should try going back to CRT.

It’s nothing personal. It’s just business. And our business is winning elections, which you haven’t yet done. You got appointed in 2017 as the Republican National Committee chair and proceeded to fail in every single election cycle since, including last Tuesday’s. All you do is lose. I was promised exhaustion from the sheer volume of winning, but I’m exhausted by the sheer volume of losing.

You may be a nice person. You may not be a nice person. But I don’t care whether you are a nice person or not a nice person. What I care about is that you are an incompetent person who has consistently proven herself unable to perform the most basic task associated with being the head of the Republican Party, which is to win elections. You have done the opposite. You are terrible at your job. You need to go. I don’t care where. You just can’t stay here.

It’s nothing personal. It’s just business. And our business is winning elections, which you haven’t yet done. You got appointed in 2017 as the Republican National Committee chair and proceeded to fail in every single election cycle since, including last Tuesday’s. All you do is lose. I was promised exhaustion from the sheer volume of winning, but I’m exhausted by the sheer volume of losing.

You may be a nice person. You may not be a nice person. But I don’t care whether you are a nice person or not a nice person. What I care about is that you are an incompetent person who has consistently proven herself unable to perform the most basic task associated with being the head of the Republican Party, which is to win elections. You have done the opposite. You are terrible at your job. You need to go. I don’t care where. You just can’t stay here.
Look at what she has to deal with.