DVI Kirtland vs Versailles Updates (12/01/23)

Versailles ball on their 40.

1- run (-3) yards
2- run 8 yards
3- pass 10 yards

First down
The receiver caught the ball and as he made a move, the ball was knocked out. It's very close.
Versailles ball on their 45. 4th and 5.

4- going for it...halfback pass 6 yards

First down
I just was able to turn on the game. Has Kirtland missed two XPs? I guess I’d be surprised if they didn’t have a kicker.
Versailles ball on Kirtland 10.

1- run 2 yards
2- pass incomplete
3- pass incomplete
4- going for it...penalty delay of game (-5) yards
4- still going for it...pass incomplete

Kirtland ball at their 13

5:57 3Q
Kirtland's been very dynamic with their play calls on offense and has been outstanding overall on defense. They fly to the ball when you run the ball, they've defended the pass very well. Outside of Versailles's one TD pass, their WR's have been blanketed all day. Nothing easy for Versailles today.
Versailles ball on their 44.

1- pass incomplete
2- pass 10 yards

Generous spot

First down
Versailles ball on Kirtland 46.

1- pass incomplete
2- sacked (-2) yards
3- run 16 yards

First down
Versailles ball on Kirtland 32.

1- pass incomplete
2- run 4 yards
3- sack (-6) yards
4- going for it...timeout Kirtland

:41 3Q