Do Kids Really Need Trainers?

I know parents who have paid thousands of dollars to train their kids. In your opinion, when do trainers become unneccessary? What grade do you determine that your kid has all the tools to be successful?
You decide

I know parents who have paid thousands of dollars to train their kids. In your opinion, when do trainers become unneccessary? What grade do you determine that your kid has all the tools to be successful?

The question isn't do they have all the tools they need, but can they continue to perfect and improve their games? Having all the tools is a start to a journey to get better. Pros use trainers all the time so apparently they see value in training. Your question hints at whether you need to hire and pay to get the prorper level of training and the answer is not always yes if your HS coaching or AAU program offers adequate support. You have to make that decision ultimately and decide.
I can put a different spin on it daughter was continually spraining her ankles early in career so we had her evaluated based on the family physicians remarks. This not only eliminated the ankle issue, but taught her how to train AND condition properly. It was amazing the difference that it made having a year or two of professional training. In addition, it was cheaper than having to keep taking her to the ER or urgent care for x-rays, etc. in the long run, plus she now has a routine that has made her much stronger, quicker and knowledgeable in how to train. While she has had some tremendous coaches, a good trainer will take a person to a different level.
Our kids wanted extra training to get faster, avoid injuries, and become stronger. I highly recommend it. Some kids have discipline to do on their own if given a good workout program, but worth the money to hire someone to teach them correct technique and give them some sample workouts
I can put a different spin on it daughter was continually spraining her ankles early in career so we had her evaluated based on the family physicians remarks. .
Particularly so with the girls. All the research traditionally has been the male body and girls are popping knees like old men.

Sports plays heck with the body. Better training now.....