DIV State Semifinal: Canton South vs. Cleveland Glenville

Who wins?

  • Canton South by 1-8

    Votes: 25 17.9%
  • Canton South by 9-16

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Canton South by 17+

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Glenville by 1-8

    Votes: 10 7.1%
  • Glenville by 9-16

    Votes: 39 27.9%
  • Glenville by 17+

    Votes: 62 44.3%

  • Total voters
Yes because kids are flocking to the school
district because of their education.

Looking like 30-40 kids,
Many football players included, will be graduating with associates degrees along with that hs diploma.
Sad part is they all move to N.E Ohio or Pittsburgh or C-bus.Zero jobs in Steubenville.
Show proof that NFL players are buying homes - don't just repeat what other morons say
I may have been mistaken on the OSU/NFL take in this case due to the same name. However the home is definitely that of a Glenville grad. The transfers dad used that address to register to vote, show proof of residency while still owning a nice home in the suburbs. The information I have relayed is easily found using state and county web records.
I have stated previously my respect for Ginn regarding helping many disadvantaged kids. I have also stated kids should be able to play wherever they want. The issue is transparency.
All these Gville threads go to crap once we hear how Ginn is some savior to an environment created by the people in that environment.

Nothing more or less.

What was it…. 13-15 letterman at other schools last year transfer in?? Somehow they were already succeeding before people bring out the crutch and act like they were in a terrible environment.

Legal…. I guess so but it is laughable and always will be brought up.
Ted Ginn Sr will soon be Dr. Ted Ginn Sr PhD. CSU!!!!! No matter what you think, he is that guy and there is nothing your hate can do to diminish that!!! Those kids get treated like crap at those other schools that care only about their programs and nothing about the kid!!
Actually, the schools are one of the main reason families pick SCS over other local options. Tied with several other schools for #1 in the state. The afformentioned Hudson is tied for 13th. Glenville somehow isn’t even on this list which is interesting. So the question is, are all these D1 kids leaving schools with much better academics to get a great education at Glenville/GA? Or is it just for football….. hummm.

Most of these kids go to Tri-C while at GA!
Come on now! I think we need to keep this about football.
Tell the anti-Glenville dopes that. They NEVER talk football. It's all "Glenville cheats," "Glenville games the system," "Glenville recruits," "OHSAA let's them do it," "They're afraid to discipline them because it might look racist," and all of this garbage! They hate the fact that an urban school can compete as an equal with their suburban and small-town schools. This is how they lash out. They want Glenville and other city schools to fail, to be doormats and punching bags for their schools. We'll I have news for them. That ain't happening. Ginn and Glenville will continue to be here, continue to succeed, and continue to help kids reach their full potential. Haters will just have to deal with it!
Nobody with any semblance of a backbone or dignity is gonna allow themselves to be lectured by Stuebenville football fans ever again. You guys try to talk about whats right and wrong but support a school in a community that puts football above EVRYTHING else.
You’re wrong brother. First of academics before anything else. Again, debating with you is like dueling with an unarmed man.
Stop taking potshots at Glenville, Cleveland neighborhoods, and its kids and I'll stop talking about rape culture in Steubenville
No one has denigrated a single kid. God forbid we question a zero CB number when 10+ kids who lettered for other schools last year are playing for glenville this year. Time and time again I have acknowledged that they are playing by the rules.
it’s amazing in all these threads not one person will say how many kids at GA play for Glenville but will gladly tell you what other schools some of the kids play for. Lmao
The Metro Cleveland all star team playing farm country makes sense to you?
Shut up, dude. Stop crying. You sound like a broken record. Nothing stopping any of these suburban and small-town schools from going open-enrollment. So stop complaining about Glenville and other open-enrollment schools, whether public or private
Stop taking potshots at Glenville, Cleveland neighborhoods, and its kids and I'll stop talking about rape culture in Steubenville
Go back to post #282 friend. I KNEW this was going to be the response you would come with. Never once did I degrade the kids at Glenville, city or neighborhoods. But that is your go to right? An adult riding the coat tails of teens that can’t admit the truth. If you are even an adult…. When people post facts and numbers you go directly to name calling and shaming a community for things that have been handled.
No one has denigrated a single kid. God forbid we question a zero CB number when 10+ kids who lettered for other schools last year are playing for glenville this year. Time and time again I have acknowledged that they are playing by the rules.
Really - saying kids can't read at grade level is not putting the kids down ? Whenever the talk switches away from the game or football it takes on a racist undertone. People dance around their words - but we can see what some (not all) are trying to say. Because of these idiots it's very easy to pull for Glenville and against their opponent. It's a shame because it's the kids that suffer from all the side garbage the adults generate.
No one has denigrated a single kid. God forbid we question a zero CB number when 10+ kids who lettered for other schools last year are playing for glenville this year. Time and time again I have acknowledged that they are playing by the rules.
Can you name all the kids with D1 offers ? Can you name 10+ kids that lettered at other schools ? or are you like so many others that just repeat what they hear to the point where it becomes their truth.
Really - saying kids can't read at grade level is not putting the kids down ?
So the ODE is putting kids down? It's their metric, their evaluation.

But for the record: no, it's not putting the kids down. Rather, it's putting down the adults who are responsible for and lay claim to the ability to provide for their education.

Unless, of course, you think these kids really are too stupid to learn. Do you?

Whenever the talk switches away from the game or football it takes on a racist undertone.
Shove that race card up your bunghole. It's not about that, and if you were a man of character, you wouldn't even hint that it was.
Really - saying kids can't read at grade level is not putting the kids down ? Whenever the talk switches away from the game or football it takes on a racist undertone. People dance around their words - but we can see what some (not all) are trying to say. Because of these idiots it's very easy to pull for Glenville and against their opponent. It's a shame because it's the kids that suffer from all the side garbage the adults generate.
Pretty sure every skill player for South is black other than Snyder. Not sure racism is the problem.
Really - saying kids can't read at grade level is not putting the kids down ? Whenever the talk switches away from the game or football it takes on a racist undertone. People dance around their words - but we can see what some (not all) are trying to say. Because of these idiots it's very easy to pull for Glenville and against their opponent. It's a shame because it's the kids that suffer from all the side garbage the adults generate.
Stating facts doesn’t equal racism. Numbers don’t lie, people do.

Funny thing is, Glenville is actually higher than GA in proficiency.
You can go open-enrollment, talk up the strengths of your school and maybe those D1-caliber players will matriculate there
It’s just funny that I was just looking at 247 sports and Glenville has more kids ranked in the top 60 than any other school in Ohio (4 I believe). All home grown talent of course. Just amazing with a school of around 250 boys can produce that much talent in a small community while the other Cleveland schools with 3-4 times as many boys have 2 at most. Just makes you wonder.
30??? 40??? Under 10. It’s a simple question that all these posters could answer. How many GA students play at GVille.
Tell the anti-Glenville dopes that. They NEVER talk football. It's all "Glenville cheats," "Glenville games the system," "Glenville recruits," "OHSAA let's them do it," "They're afraid to discipline them because it might look racist," and all of this garbage! They hate the fact that an urban school can compete as an equal with their suburban and small-town schools. This is how they lash out. They want Glenville and other city schools to fail, to be doormats and punching bags for their schools. We'll I have news for them. That ain't happening. Ginn and Glenville will continue to be here, continue to succeed, and continue to help kids reach their full potential. Haters will just have to deal with it!
I did not read 1 post stating they want Glenville to fail. I see them wanting Glenville in a higher division but I have not seen 1 post hoping they fail. In fact a lot of people are giving Ginn and GA props for helping the kids.
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