Dewine to Announce Football Decision Today?

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Your entire premise of burden of proof is flawed, so your argument falls, Everyone agrees that kids should be in school. There is no argument or faction that wants to deny education. So, the "right to a proper education" argument is irrelevant, since no one has denied that. What your burden of proof is is that you must show why those who want to assure that the schools need to have the proper procedures, equipment, and staff before they can open safely should be disregarded. McDonald's, pools, amusement parks have regulations which limit the number of people. Are schools going to do the same? Prove to us that these procedures in "real life" are not contributing to the precipitous rise in cases from where we were during the shutdown. Only then can we agree that the procedures of these places have not contributed to the situation we are in now. If you can prove they are not, then we can move on to opening schools as we opened businesses and amusement parks. The burden of proof is on those who advocate the opening of in-person education in the midst of a situation very much like that when the schools went to online school. You might cite the pediatric association, but they have explained that in-person learning is preferable and even necessary, but MUST be done in a safe environment.
Again. Schools are NOT closed. The burden of proof needs to go as to WHY they would close to begin with. Your whole premise is safety. That’s the biggest flaw of them all. You point to “head counts” at McDonald’s as your safety procedures yet you refuse to acknowledge that workplaces are operating at full capacity, the hands that give you a McDonald’s cheeseburger have touched money, a thousand other pair of hands that day, etc. No other faction of our lives are closed but you want to exempt schools. You want to exempt sports. Your argument is so hard AGAINST schools opening that you fail to see that you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

The more voices we have out there like yours screaming that you can get an ice cream at the local ice cream shop, yet schools aren’t safe....the easier it is for our government to shut schools down and let you enjoy your ice cream.

If you have the solutions for safety measures, then by all means contact your local congressman. But getting on a public forum (and I’m guessing you give this same opinion in public and on social media sites), creates a doubt in Ohio’s mind if people even want schools to open. Nothing will ever be safe enough or fair enough for the doom and gloom crowd. A little wake up call is needed. We don’t need a one size fits all socialist state or union. Stop asking for government control because you are personally scared of something. The rest of us will continue to live and thrive.
Again. Schools are NOT closed. The burden of proof needs to go as to WHY they would close to begin with. Your whole premise is safety. That’s the biggest flaw of them all. You point to “head counts” at McDonald’s as your safety procedures yet you refuse to acknowledge that workplaces are operating at full capacity, the hands that give you a McDonald’s cheeseburger have touched money, a thousand other pair of hands that day, etc. No other faction of our lives are closed but you want to exempt schools. You want to exempt sports. Your argument is so hard AGAINST schools opening that you fail to see that you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

The more voices we have out there like yours screaming that you can get an ice cream at the local ice cream shop, yet schools aren’t safe....the easier it is for our government to shut schools down and let you enjoy your ice cream.

If you have the solutions for safety measures, then by all means contact your local congressman. But getting on a public forum (and I’m guessing you give this same opinion in public and on social media sites), creates a doubt in Ohio’s mind if people even want schools to open. Nothing will ever be safe enough or fair enough for the doom and gloom crowd. A little wake up call is needed. We don’t need a one size fits all socialist state or union. Stop asking for government control because you are personally scared of something. The rest of us will continue to live and thrive.

I think the point is, if most places can’t go back to work, 100+ fans can’t attend games or even less at most schools, if only professional sports are barely happening with massive test is a bit of a gamble to expect our children and staff to be “just fine” in schools of 1000+ students. That could be a way of looking at it.
Off the soap box and a side note. Did everyone catch Dewines speech in full? I know a lot of people are hammering him. But he completely politicized the job market, GDP, our effects on the nation, and keeping Ohioans working. He has stated in the past that shutting down schools has social and economic impacts. I found his rant on economics to be quite a push in everyone’s face that we will see schools and items moving forward, but he wants to see us have more restraint with how we go about everyday life.
Like cknights, I also see somewhat of an inconsistency in the schools-must-be-safe-or-they-can't-open argument. Why doesn't that argument apply to all other places where people come into contact with others?

I understand that there are more people in a typical school building than in a Kroger, styling salon, or church, but there is still contact at all of those places.

There has been so much interaction between people for most of the days and weeks since the virus hit in Feb (particularly by highly active teens) that it seems unlikely that bringing kids and adults together in school buildings will rather suddenly bring a new, dangerous level of contact into the equation.

Obviously, I don't know this for sure, but the gloomy forecasts do not seem realistic. Most teens are social animals, and have been moving about a lot with nary a thought to precautions - the vast majority of incoming juniors and seniors (and thus their younger siblings) have probably already been exposed to the virus multiple times.
Have everyone that is scared go into hiding. The rest of the state can operate. Works for me.

That might be your opinion but that is not the opinion of the people in charge of making the decisions. After listening to Dewine's speech if anybody thinks he will not cancel football they are crazy. We need leaders who are going to come up with creative solutions for how our High School seniors can have a season. I do not know what the best plans are, but I am not in charge and being paid large sums of money. These plans should have been presented to the governor so he sees there are options rather than just saying no football. I believe the OHSAA failed their members miserably throughout this whole situation. They needed to be proactive in creating alternative plans with their coaches that were available for public scrutiny and debate. We are putting ourselves in an all or nothing situation with football season and I do not believe it had to be that way.
That might be your opinion but that is not the opinion of the people in charge of making the decisions. After listening to Dewine's speech if anybody thinks he will not cancel football they are crazy. We need leaders who are going to come up with creative solutions for how our High School seniors can have a season. I do not know what the best plans are, but I am not in charge and being paid large sums of money. These plans should have been presented to the governor so he sees there are options rather than just saying no football. I believe the OHSAA failed their members miserably throughout this whole situation. They needed to be proactive in creating alternative plans with their coaches that were available for public scrutiny and debate. We are putting ourselves in an all or nothing situation with football season and I do not believe it had to be that way.
Every player wear a mask and stay six feet apart during practice and games.

Use hand sanitizer after every play you touch the ball.
Some of the new schools have windows that barely open. They will have it rough.
Kids are a bunch of pu$$ies today.
I laugh and ask when school gets let out with it being too hot.
Cancel sports practice? Nope too hot to sit in a class, but still okay to practice.

We reap what we sow and well........
Every player wear a mask and stay six feet apart during practice and games.

Use hand sanitizer after every play you touch the ball.

No like creating possible scenarios for a delayed or spring season. Instead we have coaches freelancing all over the state putting plans together. They keep saying coaches will have a seat at the table well I think it is time for the table discussion.
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Kids are a bunch of pu$$ies today.
I laugh and ask when school gets let out with it being too hot.
Cancel sports practice? Nope too hot to sit in a class, but still okay to practice.

We reap what we sow and well........
You do know there are heat guidelines for practice now and practice can be cancelled for heat.
We need to find a way to live with this. And that may mean masks but we also have to change our mindset that covid equals death. Sure it can kill and has but so do a lot of things and we do not stop the world. For instance West Nile, a bug bite and you could have it. People did get that and did die. Did we all stop going outside? No. Cars crashes, how many people still do not wear seat belts? There are many things in this world that will hurt you. Life is a risk. Playing football is a risk. We have to stop letting our fear control us. Healthy fear is good, but the fear we are seeing today is toxic. What happens if this thing never goes away? How are we going to move forward with our lives?
No like creating possible scenarios for a delayed or spring season.
Delaying does nothing. It will be no safer a month from now or four months from now. It will be no safer until we have a vaccine that works.

The OHSAA has considered flipping seasons etc. but has decided not to do that.
After listening to Dewine's speech if anybody thinks he will not cancel football they are crazy.
I must be crazy. Because he clearly went on a rant about economics of shutting anything down and the socioeconomic impact on the state and the country. This was one of his first priorities in his speech. He made it a point to say we are 5% of the country's GDP. Shutting down schools would hinder jobs and have a huge trickle down effect. Whether its politically driven or not, we are pushing towards school and a season.

We need leaders who are going to come up with creative solutions for how our High School seniors can have a season. I do not know what the best plans are, but I am not in charge and being paid large sums of money. These plans should have been presented to the governor so he sees there are options rather than just saying no football. I believe the OHSAA failed their members miserably throughout this whole situation.
We have leaders sitting at the table, including the OHSAA. Do you think they are sitting on their hands and doing nothing? You aren't in charge or making large sums of money, but you sure have an opinion on those that are. I would say apply for a job at the OHSAA if you think they are doing a poor job and you could do better. Spring will not happen. Seniors will get their ballgames in. Leaving it at the local level to decide is something that has been part of our democracy since the beginning of the US. Local-state-national.

If we need coach's input on things, I think you should talk to your coach about reaching out to the OHSAA. I know many AD's are doing such and giving input.
I must be crazy. Because he clearly went on a rant about economics of shutting anything down and the socioeconomic impact on the state and the country. This was one of his first priorities in his speech. He made it a point to say we are 5% of the country's GDP. Shutting down schools would hinder jobs and have a huge trickle down effect. Whether its politically driven or not, we are pushing towards school and a season.

We have leaders sitting at the table, including the OHSAA. Do you think they are sitting on their hands and doing nothing? You aren't in charge or making large sums of money, but you sure have an opinion on those that are. I would say apply for a job at the OHSAA if you think they are doing a poor job and you could do better. Spring will not happen. Seniors will get their ballgames in. Leaving it at the local level to decide is something that has been part of our democracy since the beginning of the US. Local-state-national.

If we need coach's input on things, I think you should talk to your coach about reaching out to the OHSAA. I know many AD's are doing such and giving input.

I made no mention of closing schools. I believe if numbers do not improve within two weeks he will cancel the season. My point is if there is no back-up plan in place there will be no football played in 2020-2021.
“We want to release that plan by the end of July because we know how much things are changing all around us,” Bagley told the board. “We think it’s really important to look at all aspects and, as I said last month, our intention is to be back in school with students and staff, but we want to make sure we do it safely and the right way.”

“Our start date is scheduled to be August 19 and we would love to be able to be back with students and staff in our buildings with many precautions,” Bagley continued. “It won’t be business as usual and it won’t be normal as it has been.

Bagley added that he’s met with the other county superintendents and the health department to discuss plans and he noted he also met with Van Wert County Emergency Management Director Rick McCoy.

A snippet from a county superintendent in our county. They went on to say that the biggest problem they are facing is bussing issues if social distancing is enforced. As I have stated, we will be at least the fourth county in our area to announce full time school. What that will look like may be similar to Auglaize, Allen, and other schools and counties I have posted. Mask wearing is looking more likely. Masks mandatory on busses is something being strongly considered. We should have our guidelines in the next week or two unless the governor orders differently.
I made no mention of closing schools. I believe if numbers do not improve within two weeks he will cancel the season. My point is if there is no back-up plan in place there will be no football played in 2020-2021.
I think its an "all or none" scenario. Seasons won't be swapped. If we lived in a warmer state, we could start much later and still give our kids time to rest and heal for the next season. But football in spring with a one month turnaround to have fall football in 21-22 is just asking kids to hurt themselves for the sake of football. Moreover, many seniors that are playing college ball would opt out. Many travel sports would take the place of football season for kids in AAU or other like-kind travel sports in other fall sports. Fall ball for baseball and softball would have to be cancelled. Basketball would have to be pushed up and wrestling could not happen. Its pretty hard to justify any of that to swap a season to spring.
Article today

Most of the teachers I know have what someone earlier called a "healthy fear" about returning to work. I personally think that schools and teachers should be considered essential. We have to find a way to make schools work during the pandemic. We cannot wait until it is over. It could be years before we have a vaccine. We may never have a vaccine. School districts and our government will have had almost six months to figure all this out by the time school starts. Sitting on their asses and hoping for a vaccine or a miracle from God to just make it all go away isn't a plan. Hope is not a strategy. We owe it to the young people in this country to get them to school, five days a week, full days of school. Most students and families are not built for home-schooling which is essentially what virtual learning amounts to. I know very few families that are not two income families. I am starting to have serious doubts about fall sports and the reopening of schools, though I don't think it is necessary I can surely see it happening.
I think its an "all or none" scenario. Seasons won't be swapped. If we lived in a warmer state, we could start much later and still give our kids time to rest and heal for the next season. But football in spring with a one month turnaround to have fall football in 21-22 is just asking kids to hurt themselves for the sake of football. Moreover, many seniors that are playing college ball would opt out. Many travel sports would take the place of football season for kids in AAU or other like-kind travel sports in other fall sports. Fall ball for baseball and softball would have to be cancelled. Basketball would have to be pushed up and wrestling could not happen. Its pretty hard to justify any of that to swap a season to spring.

I don't necessarily disagree with that. I just hate to see a decision made about football during the last week in July that cancels the entire season. If we have massive numbers next week or the week after I could see the governor pulling the plug on the entire season. My point was again, I hope their are plans on the table for different versions of modified seasons and if there are not I believe someone failed.
Kids are a bunch of pu$$ies today.
I laugh and ask when school gets let out with it being too hot.
Cancel sports practice? Nope too hot to sit in a class, but still okay to practice.

We reap what we sow and well........
I was just making a point. Windows are not even an escape route unless they are busted out with a hammer.
Even though they are non-contact sports I think we really should be using baseball and softball as examples of how sports can be played safely. I have been to multiple large softball tournaments this summer. Two of the tournaments had a couple hundred teams. Most of them have four fields in a quad together with 8 teams all playing at once and stands and lawn chairs full of parents, grandparents, siblings and friends. I have also seen many NAIA and DIII coaches (DI and DII are not allowed to recruit this summer). You add in umpires, park employees, tournament volunteers and the coaches of the teams playing, I would say there is very easily several hundred people in a space about the same size as an average high school football stadium. My wife coaches my daughters team and they've been playing for about 9 years. We know many coaches and families in the softball community. We have not heard of one outbreak on any teams. In fact, I haven't heard of one case among players or parents. The only mitigation I've really seen at the tournaments is players not shaking hands post-game. If this can work, I just don't see why football can't. On the field, the players are naturally socially distanced. In the dugout or during warm-ups, in between games hanging out in the shade, etc... they most definitely are not.
Like cknights, I also see somewhat of an inconsistency in the schools-must-be-safe-or-they-can't-open argument. Why doesn't that argument apply to all other places where people come into contact with others?

I understand that there are more people in a typical school building than in a Kroger, styling salon, or church, but there is still contact at all of those places.

There has been so much interaction between people for most of the days and weeks since the virus hit in Feb (particularly by highly active teens) that it seems unlikely that bringing kids and adults together in school buildings will rather suddenly bring a new, dangerous level of contact into the equation.

Obviously, I don't know this for sure, but the gloomy forecasts do not seem realistic. Most teens are social animals, and have been moving about a lot with nary a thought to precautions - the vast majority of incoming juniors and seniors (and thus their younger siblings) have probably already been exposed to the virus multiple times.

People do not have to go to open places if they do not want to. It is a choice to go to a place and eat, shop or whatever else. Kids have to go to school there is no choice to not attend school if they open the buildings. Yes you can home school, but how many people realistically will do that. It is the districts responsibility to provide a place that students and parents feel safe to send their kids. Why do you think they started locking doors to keep the public out. Not only that, but the schools do not want to be held accountable if someone gets sick in their building or at one of their functions. It only takes one kid or staff member to die from this to really put a district in a lot of trouble. There will be lawyers lining up down the street to represent that family.
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