Dementia Joe gets lost again.....

Why would they do that? He’s still smarter than most democrats. ;)

I think most Rs agree that Trump is a jerk, with good policies.
Most Ds can’t seem to admit to ANY Biden shortcomings. And there are many.

Do we deserve better? Are there enough decent citizens that deserve better?
Trump can do the job. In my opinion very well. He’s just a jerk doing it.

Joe Biden is a crook and a train wreck, but he’s far from a lone solitary crooked Senator-gone-wild.

Joe is just the boldest and most dysfunctional foreign grifter. Kerry, McConnell, Pelosi, Romney, tons of them, have their family globetrotting and getting paid for their "elite family collective". They all have insider traded for decades, both houses of Congress, and they pull this crap to a lesser degree than Joe's "Biden Syndicate". That’s a large part of why these people are on board with protecting him. They either don’t want the whole thing to unravel because it will maybe get to them, or they want to get in the game themselves.
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Trump can do the job. In my opinion very well. He’s just a jerk doing it.

Joe Biden is a crook and a train wreck, but he’s far from a lone solitary crooked Senator-gone-wild.

Joe is just the boldest and most dysfunctional foreign grifter. Kerry, McConnell, Pelosi, Romney, tons of them, have their family globetrotting and getting paid for the collective. They all have insider traded for decades, both houses. That’s a large part of why these people are on board with protecting him. They either don’t want the whole thing to unravel because it will maybe get to them, or they want to get in the game themselves.

It is time for the unraveling.
I know MAGAs get agitated when it’s pointed out that Trump is guilty of everything they criticize Brandon over. It’s an in convent truth. As such, I will always call it out. In fact, your reaction is further motivation. Thank you.
????? Maybe you should delete your post above making fun of someone's tweet!
A large majority of them only saw that he wasn't Trump and that was enough for them. Sad really that in a country of 300 million plus people the best we have to offer are two geriatric conmen, with each having their own special batch of crazy.
Equating these two isn’t accurate in the least except for age . Sorry American voters aren’t going to buy this ridiculously false equivalency
Equating these two isn’t accurate in the least except for age . Sorry American voters aren’t going to buy this ridiculously false equivalency

True. One of them brought us back from the brink with economic growth, economic freedom, real wage growth, low crime, secure border, energy independence, military readiness, constitutionalist judges, regulatory reform, and overall optimism and confidence. Sadly, that was then quickly destroyed by the current occupier of the WH.
Equating these two isn’t accurate in the least except for age . Sorry American voters aren’t going to buy this ridiculously false equivalency
Whatever. I get you hate Trump, but Biden is an embarrassment at best and a real scumbag at worst. If it wasn't for your I Hate Trump blinders, you would realize this pretty easily. I'm not in any way a fan of Trump and hope he doesn't run again, but Biden sucks. Period.
A large majority of them only saw that he wasn't Trump and that was enough for them. Sad really that in a country of 300 million plus people the best we have to offer are two geriatric conmen, with each having their own special batch of crazy.
Yeah, except the one we have now has presided over the largest war in Europe since WW2, without doing anything before it erupted,
historically high inflation, and open borders letting criminals stream in by the millions.

None of that happened under the other guy.
Equating these two isn’t accurate in the least except for age . Sorry American voters aren’t going to buy this ridiculously false equivalency
Biden, much like yourself, couldn't find his own butt with both hands and a flashlight.
Trump, while a d!ck, is very capable. Unlike yourself.

There's no equivalency there. Biden is a corrupt, decaying, incompetent boob.
He was a good man - possibly the most righteous man who ever sat in the big chair. But he was incredibly weak and didn't have the charisma and leadership skills to lead us out of a malaise.

When there are crises afoot, it makes all the difference in whether you are under a good leader or a poor one. Hopelessness sets in when the people in charge are weak and clueless - or appear that way.
It's a great contrast with Trump.

Carter as you say is personally a good man...with terrible policy. Trump is a bastard...with policy that leads to prosperity.

Give me the substance over style any day.

Republicans need to figure out what Democrats have long known...policy trumps style or personality. Used to be KKK? Who cares as long as you can help push legislation along. Kill a woman? Who cares as long as you can be influential in getting legislation passed. Sleep around on your wife and face multiple accusations of sexual assault? Who cares as long as you can wield the power of the presidency.

We aren't electing a Pope or other moral authority, we are electing a functionary of the government. Find the person with the best policy regardless their personal failings.
He was a good man - possibly the most righteous man who ever sat in the big chair. But he was incredibly weak and didn't have the charisma and leadership skills to lead us out of a malaise.

When there are crises afoot, it makes all the difference in whether you are under a good leader or a poor one. Hopelessness sets in when the people in charge are weak and clueless - or appear that way.
He was also a tool of his Party.

Joe Biden collides with flagpole and leaves stage without Brazilian president in gaffe filled incident​

My Lord.

Global embarrassment.
On the bright side I haven't seen it reported he ingested psychedelic shrooms before the meeting...

Biden praises ‘Congressional Black Caucus’ during address to Congressional Hispanic Caucus in president’s latest gaffe​

Biden forgets who he is pandering to.
Says, "The Congressional Black Caucus embodies all those values" while speaking to the Congressional HISPANIC Caucus Institute.
— Brick Suit (@Brick_Suit) September 22, 2023

Another day, another slip-up.

President Biden on Thursday expressed his admiration for the “Congressional Black Caucus” during a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in his latest head-scratching moment.

Biden praises ‘Congressional Black Caucus’ during address to Congressional Hispanic Caucus in president’s latest gaffe​

Another day, another slip-up.

President Biden on Thursday expressed his admiration for the “Congressional Black Caucus” during a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in his latest head-scratching moment.
I hear that polling indicates that FJB be slidin' hard with Hispanics. Some say it is over all the pro-black racism. The "hard woke" call Hispanics YT now

This should really help. Thanks, Joey Babbles !
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Biden praises ‘Congressional Black Caucus’ during address to Congressional Hispanic Caucus in president’s latest gaffe​

Another day, another slip-up.

President Biden on Thursday expressed his admiration for the “Congressional Black Caucus” during a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in his latest head-scratching moment.
Black,'s all the same to a racist.