Are you a true West Sider??

What in the ever lovin f**k is this regarded crap? Nobody should have to worry about this garbage. Maybe Marty Arlinghaus can store these “rehabilitated” violent offenders at his house in Carthage. That dumb c sucker. Schnur blessing the chapel just shows what dumb mother f’er he is. And if your parish is donating $ to this project, you rip the Pastor a new a hole. These idiots don’t live in the real world, they all have a Jesus complex wanting to save low lives. They just don’t get it.

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What in the ever lovin f**k is this regarded crap? Nobody should have to worry about this garbage. Maybe Marty Arlinghaus can store these “rehabilitated” violent offenders at his house in Carthage. That dumb c sucker. Schnur blessing the chapel just shows what dumb mother f’er he is. And if your parish is donating $ to this project, you rip the Pastor a new a hole. These idiots don’t live in the real world, they all have a Jesus complex wanting to save low lives. They just don’t get it.

I get your sentiment even if it is heavy handed, but didn’t Jesus hang out with low lifes and sinners to attempt to help them and straighten out their lives? Feels like something like this is exactly what Jesus would do and what the church should be built on
I get your sentiment even if it is heavy handed, but didn’t Jesus hang out with low lifes and sinners to attempt to help them and straighten out their lives? Feels like something like this is exactly what Jesus would do and what the church should be built on
How many violent felons are you hanging out with? This is some former drug addict or petty
thief, it’s the “worst of the worst. Someone innocent will get hurt because of this idiocy. Plus, Sedamsville sucks. This non profit should work on helping the people already living in the community, who aren’t murderers or rapists.
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How many violent felons are you hanging out with? The Church doesn’t live in the real world. Someone innocent will get hurt because of their idiocy. Plus, Sedamsville sucks. Work on helping the ppl already living in the community, who aren’t murderers or rapists.
Hey, I never claimed to be Christ-like at all, but if these priests or whoever wanna take the risk to try and help someone like that, they’re doing more than most. The location part could certainly be debated
Hey, I never claimed to be Christ-like at all, but if these priests or whoever wanna take the risk to try and help someone like that, they’re doing more than most. The location part could certainly be debated
They’re not the only ones taking the risk. Their moronic behavior is putting everyone in the community at further risk. It’s already bad in Sedamsville, now you’re going to throw more sharks in the tank? No. And again, if your church has given $ to this non profit, get up in the pastor’s a**. It’s gross to think any $ from westside churches went to this project.
They’re not the only ones taking the risk. Their moronic behavior is putting everyone in the community at further risk. It’s already bad in Sedamsville, now you’re going to throw more sharks in the tank? No. And again, if your church has given $ to this non profit, get up in the pastor’s a**. It’s gross to think any $ from westside churches went to this project.
Who knows if any local parishes donated to this because there is little financial transparency in the Church/ I would hope no pastor is dumb enough to support this project.
If you want to get behind a business who offers second chances to people, look no further than Nehemiah Manufacturing located in Lower Price Hill. Founded in 2009 by Elder alum Dan Meyer. Dan graduated from Elder in the 70's where he was a good student and a star on the football field. Dan went on to play college ball at Un of Pennsylvania. He had a successful career working in brand management at Proctor and Gamble before starting Nehemiah.

70% of Nehemiah's employees have a criminal record. Their success rate of retaining employees is impressive. They look at each person as a person capable of redeeming their lives and becoming better each and every day thru work and fellowship. It is a noble mission and shows how one Elder grad is doing the work of living a life of doing good work inspired by his upbringing.

Below are 2 videos. The first is Dan doing a TedX talk about the history and mission of Nehemiah Manufacturing. The second is just from one week ago. Former Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and his wife have partnered with Dan's company in a multiyear contract. Watch the video of Dan and his daughter visiting with the Tebow's to learn about their partnership.

Congratulations to Dan for all his accomplishments. A great success story but more importantly a very good man.

TedX talk from 2012:

Channel 12 report on Tim Tebow and the partnership with Nehemiah Manufacturing from last week.

I get your sentiment even if it is heavy handed, but didn’t Jesus hang out with low lifes and sinners to attempt to help them and straighten out their lives? Feels like something like this is exactly what Jesus would do and what the church should be built on
Yeah, this seems like an effort that needs to be done although I totally understand the NIMBY sentiment for these particular people.
If you want to get behind a business who offers second chances to people, look no further than Nehemiah Manufacturing located in Lower Price Hill. Founded in 2009 by Elder alum Dan Meyer. Dan graduated from Elder in the 70's where he was a good student and a star on the football field. Dan went on to play college ball at Un of Pennsylvania. He had a successful career working in brand management at Proctor and Gamble before starting Nehemiah.

70% of Nehemiah's employees have a criminal record. Their success rate of retaining employees is impressive. They look at each person as a person capable of redeeming their lives and becoming better each and every day thru work and fellowship. It is a noble mission and shows how one Elder grad is doing the work of living a life of doing good work inspired by his upbringing.

Below are 2 videos. The first is Dan doing a TedX talk about the history and mission of Nehemiah Manufacturing. The second is just from one week ago. Former Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and his wife have partnered with Dan's company in a multiyear contract. Watch the video of Dan and his daughter visiting with the Tebow's to learn about their partnership.

Congratulations to Dan for all his accomplishments. A great success story but more importantly a very good man.

TedX talk from 2012:

Channel 12 report on Tim Tebow and the partnership with Nehemiah Manufacturing from last week.

Nehemiah is great overall. But with everything, there it's not all cupcakes and roses. Nehemiah pays pretty poorly compared to similar work, this is from the mouths of people in the industry I've run across and 1 ex worker. Now, it could be a pissed off ex-worker, but the worker didn't complain at all about working conditions, treatment, or anything other than pay. But, as an ex-con, beggars can't be choosers when looking for work, which is great for Nehemiah in winning contracts over other companies. I really believe there needs to be more companies like Nehemiah which give cons not just a chance, but an opportunity to contribute to society through honest work where the employer doesn't treat them like garbage.
I really believe there needs to be more companies like Nehemiah which give cons not just a chance, but an opportunity to contribute to society through honest work where the employer doesn't treat them like garbage.
This really is the best and only way to at least try to keep them from doing whatever they did again or worse. Not gonna work every time, but it's very much worth the effort. This Sedamsville thing is too. We have to do something with these people.
This really is the best and only way to at least try to keep them from doing whatever they did again or worse. Not gonna work every time, but it's very much worth the effort. This Sedamsville thing is too. We have to do something with these people.
I agree with your first statement, I don't see how the Sedamsville project helps in any way.
I agree with your first statement, I don't see how the Sedamsville project helps in any way.
I don't know why. It seems like a better option to me than leaving them to their own devices. Again, I get the NIMBY feeling here, but I'd much rather this facility be near me than a bunch of offenders living alone in the neighborhood randomly with only a sex-offender list to alert me.
Nehemiah is great overall. But with everything, there it's not all cupcakes and roses. Nehemiah pays pretty poorly compared to similar work, this is from the mouths of people in the industry I've run across and 1 ex worker. Now, it could be a pissed off ex-worker, but the worker didn't complain at all about working conditions, treatment, or anything other than pay. But, as an ex-con, beggars can't be choosers when looking for work, which is great for Nehemiah in winning contracts over other companies. I really believe there needs to be more companies like Nehemiah which give cons not just a chance, but an opportunity to contribute to society through honest work where the employer doesn't treat them like garbage.
I feel like people are glossing over the “worst of the worst” part. These are people that can be reformed.
I don't know why. It seems like a better option to me than leaving them to their own devices. Again, I get the NIMBY feeling here, but I'd much rather this facility be near me than a bunch of offenders living alone in the neighborhood randomly with only a sex-offender list to alert me.
My a**. You think a priest can keep these guys in line if they go off the handle? No way.
here is a news report from channel 9 news --

here is a screen shot from the story above that show the different tornados in the area --


The numbers on each of the red lines designates the severity of the tornado as it traveled on the ground along its path.
Ya'all who were around in 1974: Did the tornado actually go up South Rd.? I heard that growing up, but the NWS track of the storm has it a tad away from South. I do understand that an F5 that close to the road would have torn it up pretty good, though.

(The line bisecting Werk Rd. is the tracked path.)

View attachment 56855

I'm not sure that track is correct. Isn't it accepted fact that the tornado went directly through Sayler Park? I know my dad has mentioned homes that needed to be rebuilt there and South Rd as well.
They’re not the only ones taking the risk. Their moronic behavior is putting everyone in the community at further risk. It’s already bad in Sedamsville, now you’re going to throw more sharks in the tank? No. And again, if your church has given $ to this non profit, get up in the pastor’s a**. It’s gross to think any $ from westside churches went to this project.
This was first thought when I saw the article. Sedamsville might be the only neighborhood in the city where they could get away with this. It is a tiny neighborhood at the absolute lowest end of the economic scale. There is no one there with any voice that anyone in power will listen too. This was absolutely planned for that reason.
I'm not sure that track is correct. Isn't it accepted fact that the tornado went directly through Sayler Park? I know my dad has mentioned homes that needed to be rebuilt there and South Rd as well.
I was in fourth grade (about 10 years old) when my family and I watched the tornado (from our front yard) as it rip through Sayler Park, Bridgetown and White Oak.
I guess we were about ten miles away but you could see the destruction as the funnel was throwing debris up into the air. Huge sparks lit up at the base of the funnel when it hit transformers. You could hear the warning sirens off in the distance but that low growling noise from the tornado it's self made your hairs on your neck stand up on end. It had to be on the ground for several minutes until it slowly disappeared and unraveled itself like the previous video showed by EH 2001.
This is something I do not wish anyone to see.
I have no idea. Maybe, maybe not. What other solution would you suggest?
Chemical castration for the rapists, that should be the requirement to be in this program. And I don’t mean guys who ended up on the wrong end of he said/ she said moment. I’m talking about the kind of guys who assaulted Jodie Foster in the Accused. Anyone capable of that, isn’t human.
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It looks like the senior living apartments planned for Foley and Pedretti are being started as there are temporary fences set up there. Actually, I thought they would need Cubby's property as well, but, apparently not.

Does anyone know what is going in on the vacant lot where Arbys was located on the Pike? The old building was torn down and I thought it was going to be left fallow, until I saw further work being done after the demo.
It looks like the senior living apartments planned for Foley and Pedretti are being started as there are temporary fences set up there. Actually, I thought they would need Cubby's property as well, but, apparently not.

Does anyone know what is going in on the vacant lot where Arbys was located on the Pike? The old building was torn down and I thought it was going to be left fallow, until I saw further work being done after the demo.
Take 5 oil change. They have been waiting for Duke to move some equipment.