2024 SWBL Offseason/Season

Josh Koogle would be a good fit. Knows how to be successful with low numbers. Talented OC. Gave Brookville all they had to handle in the playoff game with Brookville prob doubling them in numbers.
The only coach that can lead them back to glory is Bill Jewel. Until the tribe on that side of the river acknowledge that, they are wasting their time. Indians = New Dixie of the Buckeye Division.
The only coach that can lead them back to glory is Bill Jewel. Until the tribe on that side of the river acknowledge that, they are wasting their time. Indians = New Dixie of the Buckeye Division.
Don't think Bill Jewel is allowed to coach in the state of Ohio anymore. So if you're correct then Carlisle will never win again.
Don't think Bill Jewel is allowed to coach in the state of Ohio anymore. So if you're correct then Carlisle will never win again.
Unfortunate. What makes him different than all the other Carlisle coaches that shouldn't be allowed to coach anything in the state of Ohio anymore.
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Monroe had a nice hire! The Wildcats are about to hit a home run! I hear things are heating up in Carlisle as well.
No home run was hit sadly. Back to the dugout for the wildcats. Changes need to be made soon in the higher ups.
I agree no HOMERUN per say, but seems like a good choice. I really thought Lewis would be the guy, I was really shocked. Hopefully the community backs him, the players buy in and he gets the program back on track
I hear Clod is wanted back in Carlisle. I would be shocked to see that happen my cousins boy is not a fan and I hear the same from the community.
I hear Clod is wanted back in Carlisle. I would be shocked to see that happen my cousins boy is not a fan and I hear the same from the community.
I have not heard any word of this and I have a pretty good ear. With Franklins new hire I still am hoping to see Jason Lewis in Carlisle. I expect franklins coach to be gone within 2-3 years, another bad hire by the cats.
I hear Clod is wanted back in Carlisle. I would be shocked to see that happen my cousins boy is not a fan and I hear the same from the community.
I haven’t heard this either. I’m thinking that isn’t going to happen. Think both parties ended it as well as it could have went with Clod retiring. Muncy Also applied at Carlisle but pulled out, I’m sure he might have interviewed for Franklin Job and had an idea
Oakwood may get a big list of candidates. Their teacher pay scale is one of the best in the area. Is Carlisle planning on hiring offering the job to someone today or early next week?
Oakwood may get a big list of candidates. Their teacher pay scale is one of the best in the area. Is Carlisle planning on hiring offering the job to someone today or early next week?
I would think this job has to go to Lewis or Koogle. Franklin passed on Lewis for whatever reason, so maybe he gets his chance at Carlisle
As I have always said in the past I will respect the Head Coaching position. Its no secret I am a Wildcat. I will support Coach Muncy and I got his back. I am ready to see this team win again!
Absolutely agree. I hope the entire community gets behind him and supports him. It will take that for him to build a winning program. It does not matter who our choice was for the position he is the coach and needs to be supported
Oakwood is delusional. I get wanting something new but no way they find a better football coach than Snider. They might find a better "yes" man or a better person for the community but not a better coach. Oakwood is one of the hardest jobs in the SWBL IMO.
Oakwood is delusional. I get wanting something new but no way they find a better football coach than Snider. They might find a better "yes" man or a better person for the community but not a better coach. Oakwood is one of the hardest jobs in the SWBL IMO.
I agree it's a difficult job. Being DIII with a roster of 35-40 is tough. Did Coach Snider leave on his own or was he forced out?