2023 Post-season interview with Cole Carpenter QB from Fredrick Douglass (KY)


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Name: Cole Carpenter

School: Fredrick Douglass

Class: 2024

Positions played: QB

Can you tell everyone what it's like to play for Head Coach Nathan McPeek?
Coach McPeek does a great job. He’s a player-first coach who is always trying to help us as players. He will get on us if we aren’t doing what we are capable of, and that pushes us to be the best we can be. At the end of the day, he’s a great person and is always there for us.

What were the biggest goals you had set for yourself entering the 2022 season? Did you achieve those goals?
My biggest goal was to fulfill my role in getting my team to win the state championship. Being the best player and leader I can be and always working on that helped me reach that. Yes, we did, and it was a great achievement.

After spring practices were over, what was the number one goal you had set for the team? Did they achieve the goal?
To win a state championship. Plain and simple, I have one goal in mind.

Who was the best player Frederick Douglas faced in 2022, and which team did he play for?
It’s hard to say who the best player was because we were challenged all year by some great guys. Boyle County’s Tommy Ziesmer was a very good D-lineman. He was always a threat, no matter where he was on the field. Covington Catharsis Aiden Jones was also a great D-lineman, who I remember getting hit by and who was always a force.

Who was the best team you guys faced in 2002? What made them so good?
We played a lot of good teams as well, so it’s very hard to say. Bowling Green, Covington Catholic, Boyle, and Owensboro were all great teams. We had to compete all night against them.

What were the high and low points of the season?
Highlights for the season were definitely the state championship game and that night as a whole. unbelievable memory. When we beat Boyle the way we did, I really knew we were special because they are such a great team and always a powerhouse. Some lows were in the 3rd round of the playoffs, when we only scored 3 touchdowns against Woodford County. We felt like we should have scored a lot more and played a lot cleaner against them. Myself and my teammates were all a little disappointed in ourselves because we knew that we could have done so much better, but we were glad to come out with a win.

How special was it to win the state title?
It was very special, super awesome!

Minus the state final game, which away stadium did you enjoy playing at the most? Explain.
Boyle County’s stadium and atmosphere were really cool. It felt good to be the bad guys in there and win with so many people watching.

What's the hardest part of playing quarterback?
There’s a lot to playing QB. There are so many moving parts. You have to be the smartest player on the field with your game plan and know the defense better than they know themselves. I have a great QB coach and O coordinator that help give us a great game plan, and they are the ones I watch film with and study the game with to get me right. After your right with your mind you gotta be able to go out there and make the throws and plays and reads. As well as a leader. It’s a lot, but I love it.

Can you share with the readers any colleges that have been recruiting you?
I have an offer from EKU. I’ve been recruited or talked with coaches at more FCS and FBS schools as well. I’ve talked a lot with Marshall,Akron,ETSU, Austin P., Ohio U., Semo, Baylor, and a couple more. I’m just working to earn the best opportunity for myself, and I thank God for the position he puts me in.
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