2022 Southwestern Buckeye League

Milton was added in 2000. They were a founding member of the SWBL.
SWBL has been around a lot longer than that. Shawnee joined in 1984. But your correct on Milton in 2000-2001.

I stand corrected from the website. 1944 Milton was in, Sorry Bless, I haven't been around that long lol
As a Shawnee fan I’d love to see Koogle back at Carlisle also. I’m sure Carlisle will have a big list to choose from. Hopefully for those kids sake they get the right one. Koogle has been with Shawnee for 5 years so I hate to sound ungrateful but a new play caller next year sounds great. But just because I’m not a big fan I still wouldn’t want to see him fail because he has put a lot of time in for Shawnee kids over his 5 years.
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You guys hating on Bales? I guess everyone has their own opinion. I personally know the guy and he would do anything for the Franklin community and has done it for a long time. He got a 100,000 reasons to go to Boro. We all look to better ourselves and our families and he had an opportunity to do that. It wasn’t like a lateral move or a step down. He will always be a wildcat at heart. To say he isn’t is non sense. A lot of people didn’t care for the way it went down but if the shoe was on the other foot I bet a lot of you would have done the same thing.
I know Bales personally too and I am not hating on him at all. My point was the cupboard was empty in Franklin and he got out for a better opportunity. I also know that he preaches loyalty and preaches/preached about being a wildcat for life. That, within itself, is contradictory. It's always easy to speak out of both sides of your mouth and claim a better opportunity. He saw the writing on the wall in Franklin, his beloved home, and bailed on them when the going got tough.
I know Bales personally too and I am not hating on him at all. My point was the cupboard was empty in Franklin and he got out for a better opportunity. I also know that he preaches loyalty and preaches/preached about being a wildcat for life. That, within itself, is contradictory. It's always easy to speak out of both sides of your mouth and claim a better opportunity. He saw the writing on the wall in Franklin, his beloved home, and bailed on them when the going got tough.
The time was right. He wanted to better himself. He wanted to step up his coaching resume as he ultimately wants to coach at the next level. It’s about progression and moving up the ranks. He has an ultimate goal to achieve and he feels like this is the next step. Who are we to judge that? He has done a lot for the Franklin community and those kids and previous kids that played for him. As a coach he has made an impact on a lot of kids in that community.
Why would anyone leave the Shawnee or VV programs to go to Madison or Carlisle? That can't be considered a lateral move?
As a Shawnee fan I’d love to see Koogle back at Carlisle also. I’m sure Carlisle will have a big list to choose from. Hopefully for those kids sake they get the right one. Koogle has been with Shawnee for 5 years so I hate to sound ungrateful but a new play caller next year sounds great. But just because I’m not a big fan I wouldn’t want to see him fail because he has put a lot of time in for Shawnee kids over his 5 years.
Sounds like it would be a good fit for both programs. Koogle has had some success those years he has been with Shawnee, to bring that over would be nice at Carlisle. Plus Shawnees offense is a whole lot different than what Carlisle runs.
Why would anyone leave the Shawnee or VV programs to go to Madison or Carlisle? That can't be considered a lateral move?
Koogle from Carlisle and a head coach is an upgrade from assistant. Stump has a kid in Carlisle schools and is a preacher in the community. They would be great options for Carlisle. I’m sure the process and list will be long if any changes do occur. Just hope if it happens that the right people are put in place.
All this talk of Bales leaving Franklin, with parents these days, who can blame him. If he wants to coach at the college level he put himself in a good situation. Springboro has one of the best sophomores in the state whose dad is an assistant at UD. That could get him some college exposure. Plus, as an outsider looking in, I always thought one his son was done he would look to move on.
Koogle from Carlisle and a head coach is an upgrade from assistant. Stump has a kid in Carlisle schools and is a preacher in the community. They would be great options for Carlisle. I’m sure the process and list will be long if any changes do occur. Just hope if it happens that the right people are put in place.
Sounds like Koogle would definitely be in the mix. I’ve never heard of Stump Clarkson asked a Carlisle buddy who he was he said a high school buddy of bill Jewell’s who brought him on staff he didn’t think he had ever played and said about as useful as a doorstop football wise, he didn’t think he was coaching. He also said he thought they had a DC on staff for Clod that a lot of people believe may be given the reins. I’m sure Franklin gonna be on the hunt too so if you’re not a local yokel from Carlisle you may get outbid by the wildcats because their faithful I’m sure is livid, missing the playoffs with 16 bids playing SWBL Ouch
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Sounds like Koogle would definitely be in the mix. I’ve never heard of Clarkson asked a Carlisle buddy who he was he said a high school buddy of bill Jewell’s who brought him on staff he didn’t think he had ever played and said about as useful as a doorstop football wise, he didn’t think he was coaching. He also said he thought they had a DC on staff for Clod that a lot of people believe may be given the reins. I’m sure Franklin gonna be on the hunt too so if you’re not a local yokel from Carlisle you may get outbid by the wildcats because their faithful I’m sure is livid, missing the playoffs with 16 bids playing SWBL Ouch
spartan fan, stump is your Db coach there right now. His name is Eric Clarkson. He is a great coach I would dis agree with your buddy. DC for Carlisle will not get the job I can 100 percent guarantee that.
spartan fan, stump is your Db coach there right now. His name is Eric Clarkson. He is a great coach I would dis agree with your buddy. DC for Carlisle will not get the job I can 100 percent guarantee that.
What’s the DC name? Why would you be that certain?
Yes, a lot went on through season. Won’t go into detail but first hand witnessed it myself this season. He was not the only issue there were multiple. Carlisle just needs a fresh start. I’m a Franklin grad and with everything going on over there I would 100 percent rather be in Carlisle right now. They have a lot going on to try and help all the Athletics. From what I’m hearing new everything from donations.
I’m not very familiar with Koogle but I understand he’s a former Carlisle player and young so maybe that’s exactly what Carlisle needs to breathe life back into the program and get kids excited. With clod you’re doomed to ride the wave of mediocrity just below average just above as talent will dictate for him. Kids today don’t want to run his boring O and win 3 games, he runs it well but it’s time for them to look ahead best for them and SWBL. Now madison concerns me more they are hate to use the term but void of talent and depth so I’m not sure what’s going on, the coach hasn’t been there long enough to fairly gage. Franklin has no excuse the 2nd biggest school in the league playing down every game and still getting their tails handed to them, Franklin has made a career of absorbing talent from the surrounding schools and producing the rest in all their successful seasons recently kids from other SWBL schools transferring and being key contributors, they should never finish below 500 yet they do. Waynesville needs to develop some semblance of a running game or doomed to hope they can exploit teams with poor secondary's but no excuse for not finding running lanes or schemes when you throwin for 250 a game. Perhaps I tagged the wrong comment for this reply, my bad, anyway

There is plenty of talent walking the halls at Madison they just don't like the coach so they don't play. 1-19 in the last two years. Coach never takes blame, it's always the kids fault. To be honest, the culture for most athletic teams is not good.
Outsider looking in. Why are there so many issues with coaching with certain teams in this league? Seems to be a Peyton Place kind of league. IMO, when your team is 2 and whatever over 2-3 years, that is not necessarily a coaching thing, it could be a culture (parent) thing, take a look in the mirror sort of analogy. I dont think there is another thread on this site that b***ches more about coaches than the SWBL. Why is that? Has it dawned on anybody, the SWBL may not be as good as they think they are?

There are several SWBL teams playing tonight...right???
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Outsider looking in. Why are there so many issues with coaching with certain teams in this league? Seems to be a Peyton Place kind of league. IMO, when your team is 2 and whatever over 2-3 years, that is not necessarily a coaching thing, it could be a culture thing, take a look in the mirror sort of analogy. I dont think there is another thread on this site that b***ches more about coaches than the SWBL.

Why is that?
I can’t speak for the other schools but as far as VVs issue last season was very rare and was more of a parent issue/cancel culture mess. The 5-5 record was the nail in the coffin for last years coaching staff, VV was blessed with good coaches for the past 30+ years and wasn’t about to accept anything less than what the kids deserved.
I can’t speak for the other schools but as far as VVs issue last season was very rare and was more of a parent issue/cancel culture mess. The 5-5 record was the nail in the coffin for last years coaching staff, VV was blessed with good coaches for the past 30+ years and wasn’t about to accept anything less than what the kids deserved.
Sorry, I edited most of my previous post prior to your post. I had to tried to tone it back a bit and clarify. I look at VV and BB as being the benchmarks in the SWBL, even BV. There are lessons to be learned from these successful programs but I am sure it doesn't involve constant b***ching.
Sorry, I edited most of my previous post prior to your post. I had to tried to tone it back a bit and clarify. I look at VV and BB as being the benchmarks in the SWBL, even BV. There are lessons to be learned from these successful programs but I am sure it doesn't involve constant b***ching.
to me, it has always seemed that the schools in the south metro area are the ones who complain about coaches. the parents simply don’t have the patience to let a coach build a program.
Yes, a lot went on through season. Won’t go into detail but first hand witnessed it myself this season. He was not the only issue there were multiple. Carlisle just needs a fresh start. I’m a Franklin grad and with everything going on over there I would 100 percent rather be in Carlisle right now. They have a lot going on to try and help all the Athletics. From what I’m hearing new everything from donations.
New Everything?!? How is this a thing? They just built a new k-12 a year ago.