Top recruit daring OHSAA to suspend him

Good for him!!! It honestly doesn't make sense when you compare it to baseball and basketball.
It is a fair point look at all the kids who do AAU circuits in the summer, travel baseball, club soccer. They can all do it with no issues yet Football 7 on 7 is where OHSAA draws a line.
Look at what's happened to those sports because of AAU; it's made the situation nearly untenable for the vast majority that know they have no shot to play at the next level. As much as I (and the rest of us) like to criticize the OHSAA on here, their acrimonious approach to the AAU types, especially in regards in football, has helped to preserve Ohio's high school sports in some fashion, and may be one of the very few things they've gotten right in recent years. The OHSAA's disallowing of offseason 7v7 and spring football has had far more positive effects than negative. If this kid wants to transfer to IMG in Florida, so be it; if he's as highly ranked as he is, then his future should be set.
Look at what's happened to those sports because of AAU; it's made the situation nearly untenable for the vast majority that know they have no shot to play at the next level. As much as I (and the rest of us) like to criticize the OHSAA on here, their acrimonious approach to the AAU types, especially in regards in football, has helped to preserve Ohio's high school sports in some fashion, and may be one of the very few things they've gotten right in recent years. The OHSAA's disallowing of offseason 7v7 and spring football has had far more positive effects than negative. If this kid wants to transfer to IMG in Florida, so be it; if he's as highly ranked as he is, then his future should be set.
What's that mean?
7 on 7 in spring sounds like no big deal especially if the coaches cannot run the team like AAU. BUT, other states who allow it end up with the best players poached and stolen by the AAU type coaches who are extentions of head coaches at cheaters schools. Don't allow it.
Yes- doesn’t exist because you can’t sue for prospective harm, only actualized harm. “I might make money as a pro” isn’t grounds for a lawsuit.

Didn’t Maurice Clarett sue the NCAA because they were preventing him from future earnings? He was suing to get rule change by an officiating body, just like this family would be. NCAA/OHSAA.
I don't follow track and field that closely but I see outdoor teams in the Spring and indoor teams in the Winter. The Winter season appears to be run by the school with the same coaches. There have been a number of athletes that played Winter Sports that chose indoor track and field over another sport.

I'm not sure how much longer the OHSAA can have such an uneven playing field for its various sports. Not 100% a fan of how this player is going about it but I don't disagree with his opinion.
And that would be bad for what reason. Most kids are not going to be next Lebron and AAU forces them to pay thousands for nothing. Get rid of all of it.
I'm seriously 100% with you. Almost every kid in HS basketball wastes their whole summer playing AAU and it doesn't get them recruited, and arguably doesn't even make them better at the game. All it does is develop bad habits and make them more prone to injury
I have very mixed feelings on this.

I agree that AAU/Travel teams have completely ruined sports and have said that on numerous threads. They don't benefit 97% of kids. There's nothing wrong with playing a sport just because you enjoy it.

On the other hand, I don't like some organization (OHSAA) limiting opportunities for kids just because. These kids go to camps all over the country, I don't really see a difference between a camp or 7v7 competition other than semantics. Every other sport is allowed to do whatever they want in the offseason, I don't know why football is the only one that so tied down with arbitrary rules and regulations.
That means that a once in a lifetime player at Yeehaw High School can't get a scholarship because of the AAU circuit. Not because of the kids mediocrity.
I see the hipocrisy of allowing other sports to do anything in offseason but limit football. But the AAU type club and travel teams just waste parents money and really does nothing for 98% of athletes. If a thlete is really a d-1 player, he or she will be found.