What's going on in the world

Next stop, the BMV! I'm due for a visit in a few months, and I'd rather not go. Just let that bad boy expire! Who needs it. I'm clearly of legal age to operate a motor vehicle in Ohio, so I should be good to go. Plus when my son if of legal age to drive in a few years, we can avoid all of the minutia around 'Driver's Ed' and the parallel parking cone drill and driver's test nonsense. Let 'er rip! Lol.
I had to do the Al Bundy once in my 20's, because I let it expire beyond the point that they would renew me.......lol

Some deparment store sales girl had offered me a respectable discount to sign up for a store credit card, and I had time, so I aquiesced. As she handed back my license, she says, "Sir, do you know your license has expired ? Really expired...!". lol
I had to do the Al Bundy once in my 20's, because I let it expire beyond the point that they would renew me.......lol

Some deparment store sales girl had offered me a respectable discount to sign up for a store credit card, and I had time, so I aquiesced. As she handed back my license, she says, "Sir, do you know your license has expired ? Really expired...!". lol
Yeah, I may have been in a similar situation at some point in college for sure. Lol. Of course no one was using a real ID at that point in my existence anyway. Lots of McLovin' ID's being used to procure 40's of King Cobra.
Yeah, I may have been in a similar situation at some point in college for sure. Lol. Of course no one was using a real ID at that point in my existence anyway. Lots of McLovin' ID's being used to procure 40's of King Cobra.
I got my fake ID from Gov. Dick Celeste (y) Unassailable

Back in the days before the big fat digital database, you could find someone with roughly the same height and weight, the right hair and eye color as yourself - and the target age, of course - and then stroll right in with the borrowed SS card and BC and get one made. "I lost my license. I need a new one." I also swapped the real address for an apartment complex nearby.

Then the real 22 year old had to go back and say that he lost his license again. lol They only changed the actual license # itself - which cops had on SCMODS in their cars - and analog pics of course. He ran around with an address he had never seen on his driver's license, and I was drinking high "legit" before I had passed Drivers' Ed in high school. lol

And yes, I am that old.
I got my fake ID from Gov. Celeste (y) Unassailable

Back in the days before the big fat digital database, you could find someone with roughly the same height and weight, the right hair and eye color as yourself - and the target age, of course - and then stroll right in with the borrowed SS card and BC and get one made. "I lost my license. I need a new one." I also swapped the real address for an apartment complex nearby.

Then the real 22 year old had to go back and say that he lost his license again. lol They only changed the actual license # itself - which cops had on SCMODS in their cars - and analog pics of course. He ran around with an address he had never seen on his driver's license, and I was drinking high "legit" before I had passed Drivers' Ed in high school. lol

And yes, I am that old.
Solid scheme for sure. Of course it was much easier if you could just find a third party to buy it for you. If all else failed, we often employed any nearby vagrants to make the purchase, with a small finder's fee, of course. Lol.
Solid scheme for sure. Of course it was much easier if you could just find a third party to buy it for you. If all else failed, we often employed any nearby vagrants to make the purchase, with a small finder's fee, of course. Lol.
No vagrants in my old hood.

I know that this sounds bad, but the old black dudes with the yellow whites to their eyes never said "No". Never any change, either, even when a fifth of CC was 7.50, but very little exposure spamming everyone. Worth it.

My ID was more for the bars. I was the baby-face at the bar, looking for the pissed-off-at-her-boyfriend older broad that wanted to be in charge of something, and play "virgin-killer", for revenge. ?
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Interesting tidbits:
The top three investors in the largest bank in Russia are from Kentucky.
One is the state teachers retirement fund (OUCH)
The TODD Group seems to have doubled down.

" "
While unfortunate for the teachers of Kentucky, it should be noted that 1) that $13m made up roughly 0.05% of their pension; 2) it isn’t odd at all for pensions hold positions in foreign banks; 3) they weren’t the 2nd largest investor until recently. They were/are significantly slower than other investors on reducing their position in the bank.
Have you heard how many officers are working on this artist crime? Please tell me it is more than one, sure want this person caught so he or she can not commit another crime like this. What are the chances that bond of any type will not be allowed. we sure can not allow this person back on the streets they might do the crime again.
Hate crime alert! Or is it a fake hate crime?

Police released video footage of a man wanted for drawing a swastika on a building near Grand Central Station earlier this month, officials said.

Authorities said the suspect drew a swastika on a "No Smoking" sign that was affixed to the exterior of the building on Thursday, March 10, at approximately 3:40 p.m., at 450 Lexington Avenue.

Murder and violent assault are skyrocketing in NYC and somebody is worried about a little graffiti?

This is what happens when liberals are in charge.
The Crypto push is quite something, all the ads and such.

The fatherly "Lebron of today", back in time telling "16 yr old Lebron" about known future developments with a shared laugh, pivoting quickly to prescient counseling re "Is the hype too much? I ah-'ight?" from boy LBJ and daddy-aged LBJ saying, "I can't tell you everything, but if you want to make history, you have to call your own shots...." seems particularly insidious to me.

Is he going to restore all the dummies he breaks here ? He loves to portray the results of hard luck and and irresponsibility as victimhood.
A great reset is coming but not the one the elites think:

Both in Europe and the United States left-wing governments deliberately curbed drilling and non-Russian pipelines. They shut down nuclear power plants and subsidized costly, inefficient solar and wind projects. They ended up not with utopia, but with fuel shortages, high prices, and energy dependency on the world’s most repressive regimes.

The woke revolution in the West was supposed to teach us that the “white male”-dominated Western world is toxic. Its origins, ascendence, and current leisure and affluence were supposedly due only to systemic exploitation, racism, and sexism.

Elites introduced cancel culture, doxxing, deplatforming, and social ostracism to shame these supposed exploiters and to destroy their lives and careers.

Few asked how a supposedly noxious West of some 2,500 years duration became the number one destination of millions of global non-Western migrants and offered the greatest degree of global prosperity and freedom for its citizens.

So a reset reckoning is coming — in reaction to the “new orders” championed by Biden and the Davos set.

In the November 2022 midterms, we are likely to see a historic “No!” to the orthodox left-wing agenda that has resulted in unsustainable inflation, unaffordable energy, war, and humiliation abroad, spiraling crime, racial hostility — as well as arrogant defiance from those who deliberately enacted these disastrous policies.
Gotta keep ronnie's epic thread on the first page, at least in memory of WAYD #61 or whatever it was.......

Did any of you hear much about the '21 hackers that spoofed email requests from local law enforcement agencies for "emergency information requests" (Patriot Act?) to Apple and Meta/FBook for user log-in info ? Both companies bit and supplied detailed user info to these compromised accounts.

Would anyone be surprised if there were some unruly Loudon Co VA school board parents in there, on that request list ?

Pregnant people at much higher risk of breakthrough covid, study shows

Pregnant people who are vaccinated against the coronavirus are nearly twice as likely to get covid-19 as those who are not pregnant, according to a new study that offers the broadest evidence to date of the odds of infections among vaccinated patients with different medical circumstances.

The analysis, based on medical records of nearly 14 million U.S. patients since coronavirus immunization became available, found that pregnant people who are vaccinated have the greatest risk of developing covid among a dozen medical states, including being an organ transplant recipient and having cancer.

Wonder if the CDC will start recommending pregnancy tests for everyone to determine if we are at a greater risk? If there is a shortage of pregnancy tests, the CDC will just assume anyone with a big belly is pregnant...
Things you can celebrate, observe, condemn, or ignore on April 5th this year. I'll probably just have a handful of raisins later today and knock the heads off a few dandelions. I may also use a road map to plan a trip to Decatur, Illinois.
  • Accelerate ACL Awareness Among Young Women Day
  • Bell Bottoms Day
  • First Contact Day
  • Go for Broke Day
  • Gold Star Spouses Day
  • Gold Star Wives Day
  • National Caramel Day
  • National Dandelion Day
  • National Deep Dish Pizza Day
  • National Flash Drive Day
  • National Library Day - April 5, 2022 (Tuesday of National Library Week)
  • National Library Workers Day - April 5, 2022 (Tuesday of National Library Week)
  • National Raisin and Spice Bar Day
  • National Sexual Assault Awareness Month's Day of Action - April 5, 2022 (First Tuesday of April)
  • Read a Road Map Day
Things you can celebrate, observe, condemn, or ignore on April 5th this year. I'll probably just have a handful of raisins later today and knock the heads off a few dandelions. I may also use a road map to plan a trip to Decatur, Illinois.
  • Accelerate ACL Awareness Among Young Women Day
  • Bell Bottoms Day
  • First Contact Day
  • Go for Broke Day
  • Gold Star Spouses Day
  • Gold Star Wives Day
  • National Caramel Day
  • National Dandelion Day
  • National Deep Dish Pizza Day
  • National Flash Drive Day
  • National Library Day - April 5, 2022 (Tuesday of National Library Week)
  • National Library Workers Day - April 5, 2022 (Tuesday of National Library Week)
  • National Raisin and Spice Bar Day
  • National Sexual Assault Awareness Month's Day of Action - April 5, 2022 (First Tuesday of April)
  • Read a Road Map Day
Two that stick out for me:

First Contact Day? Is this for when we meet aliens?

National Dandelion Day? What does poison ivy get a week?
Palm Springs to put $200,000 toward transgender income pilot but council reservations remain

Palm Springs Desert Sun

The Palm Springs City Council voted unanimously Thursday to provide $200,000 to two local organizations that are aiming to launch a pilot basic income program that would provide money to transgender and non-binary residents. However, they stopped short of agreeing to provide the much larger sum of as much as $900,000 that leaders of the organizations behind the project say would likely be required for the project to ultimately go forward, and expressed reservations about doing so in the future. Guaranteed income programs are social welfare programs that provide regular “no strings attached” payments. Proponents argue that such programs affectively address poverty and perhaps do so better than other efforts that come with more limits and requirements. The funds were requested by DAP Health and Queer Works, a Coachella Valley-based organization dedicated to eliminating disparities faced by transgender and non-binary people. Non-binary people are people who identify as neither male or female.
Obamacare is 12 years old and never more popular.
So when Obamacare was pass it was not very popular or is that less popular than now, lets say 10 people liked it, now there are eleven and than makes it more popular than ever got it. If Obamacare is so popular that means it must be fantastic . Why is it that the White house is giving signals that it has a plan to strengthen it by executive action? Does that mean it is not a good and great as reported? That is my way of thinking how about you. Do you really believe fake news CNN on anything they say or report? Look at the track record they have. You do know that you are reporting from a news source that is less popular today then they were in the past.
Kettering Police warned people about checks being stolen from drop boxes. Interesting to say the least...
This is only interesting to those collecting social security. Those who choose to still use checks should accept the inherent security risks that come forthwith. Get a venmo and get with the times...