Investing thread for DR, $, ep, Bluth, main event, OBCF and others

That the debt ceiling is going to be a huge mess and the risk for default is extremely high compared to past debt ceiling battles? Absolutely. It is obvious. It has been for months.
Markets historically do best from November-May. Either way, I have a strategy that works long-term. I'm not worried regardless of what happens, and no, today would not have particularly been "another nice opportunity to get out of the markets." Last Thursday maybe.

Anyway, you said today would have been a good chance to sell, why did you say that? Just out of curiosity. Especially when you compare today to, say Thursday?
I said today was a nice opportunity to get out. The markets are better today than they will be in a week. Today was one of the final life rafts for gophers. My life rafts departed well before last Thursday. I am miles away from the Titantic as the iceberg looms.
Not rattled at all, I simply stated facts. Given when you announced you bought nok and when you said you sold it; a double is a mathematical impossibility. And I'm certainly not rattled you missed the biggest leg up once nok unloaded the device division, you valued so much, that was an anchor on the stock price. That part is really funny. :laugh:

ep thinks I state a detailed list of all transactions on yappi. I held a core amount of NOK up from 2.88. I sold a chunk some times it was over 4 and bought back around 3.25. That happened more than once. I missed on that a couple times.

ep thinks I state a detailed list of all transactions on yappi. I held a core amount of NOK up from 2.88. I sold a chunk some times it was over 4 and bought back around 3.25. That happened more than once. I missed on that a couple times.

:laugh: I know enough that you didn't come any where near a double and you'd be much further ahead if you held nok today. Pretty much indisputable.
:laugh: :laugh:

Looks like another great day to sell. #minimumeffortstacks

I find it hysterical that obfd thinks the smart thing for investors to do is panic sell. A potential one day 10% drop due to a temporary shut down isn't reason enough to disrupt a financial savings plan. OU must be one of the sh!ttyist business schools in the world.