watching that flag wave it's awesome


I like this version better.
It’s a piece of fabric
Well that explains a lot. This is where education has failed. In my grade school growing up we said the Pledge of Allegiance everyday and were taught to respect the flag and understand the freedoms it stood for and the price that was paid by our military to protect those freedoms.
Well that explains a lot. This is where education has failed. In my grade school growing up we said the Pledge of Allegiance everyday and were taught to respect the flag and understand the freedoms it stood for and the price that was paid by our military to protect those freedoms.
I said the pledge of allegiance every day K-12 sir. Give it up
Only Trumplicans don't have a problem with the Confederate flag.
I don’t like the Confederate Flag, but the American Flag is more than a piece of fabric. It’s a real c**ty thing to minimize it like that. Why would anyone who actually likes this country side with the party that keeps pushing us to hate it?
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Well that explains a lot. This is where education has failed. In my grade school growing up we said the Pledge of Allegiance everyday and were taught to respect the flag and understand the freedoms it stood for and the price that was paid by our military to protect those freedoms.
Parenting failed
Right. Remember when Obama took everyone's guns and locked up people in FEMA camps?
Outside of the first two years the Republican would have stopped any attempt for Obama to take away guns. Furthermore, Obama did put children in cages.
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