Trump indicted for a fourth time

Democrats are the original sheep BTW. So you can't change that. They are the ones that follow all the MSM garbage You deflected from the witch hunts. You are an Ofer on all these witch hunts against Trump.
Witch hunts where Trump soldiers have gone to prison been indicted and plead guilty ? You act as if he’s squeaky clean. His lawyer went away for doing Trumps bidding and for what he’s being charged with now because he’s not protected from the Presidency. There will be another indictment or two . Hope this helps
Witch hunts where Trump soldiers have gone to prison been indicted and plead guilty ? You act as if he’s squeaky clean. His lawyer went away for doing Trumps bidding . Hope this helps
I like all those criminal charges that your boy Bragg presented in court the other day. What a loser. 34 counts? Damn I don't think that dumb arse can count up to 34
Just out of curiosity were any of the multiple "investigations" into both Clintons, and Obama, political? Were the multiple investigations and hearings for HRC and the "Lock Her Up" rallies by a Presidential candidate politically motivated, or threatening, with the goal to ruin her politically?

Asking for a ❄️.
Which of those involved the Justice system?

Just out of curiosity were the impeachments political?
Really? Your boy Bragg, is the one that looked dumb, and humiliated himself the other day. That damn guy was dumber than I thought
Not sure how you define dumb, but guys that call Bragg "dumber than I thought" should compare their credentials to Bragg's: He graduated from the Trinity School[4] before attending Harvard College. He graduated from Harvard with a Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, in government in 1995.[2][5] In 1999, he earned a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School, where he was an editor of the Harvard Civil Rights–Civil Liberties Law Review.[4][5][6]

I assume you got through high school somewhere, eh?
Not sure how you define dumb, but guys that call Bragg "dumber than I thought" should compare their credentials to Bragg's: He graduated from the Trinity School[4] before attending Harvard College. He graduated from Harvard with a Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, in government in 1995.[2][5] In 1999, he earned a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School, where he was an editor of the Harvard Civil Rights–Civil Liberties Law Review.[4][5][6]

I assume you got through high school somewhere, eh?
I'm ripping him because he has nothing in this case
Aside from all your racist birther nonsense... Solyndra, IRS, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, ACA rollout, unmasking, spying. Financial not so much because he voluntarily released his taxes like everyone else and didn't continue to run his family business and investments and hire family members. He just didn't cry and throw tantrums like the child did. Sorry also Obama was such a more ethical and honorable President, man, father, husband than your Cheeto Jesus, but he was. 8 years 0 indictments. I know deep state blah blah blah.
Obama is the messiah we know.
You're a rank amateur when it comes to putting words in people's mouths. Up your game, will you?

I said that I am familiar with the legal process producing indictments that come across to me as "half-baked". I also said I didn't have an opinion on this case.

Stop being such a whore.
You represent them too?
And then, when he gets indicted for the documents case, which many on the right see as a real threat to him, you will move onto some other "poor Donald" theory.

He reminds me so very much of many of my clients. My client is a troublemaker, a person who's constantly interacting with the police, who causes trouble for the social order, his neighbors. In any given case, the charge may be overly agressive or the facts don't fit the charge on all fours, but the guy is a menace and ends up in prison. Based on any single case, it's an outrage. Based on his body of work, he's exactly where he belongs.

Sound familiar?
Can't indict him on that without indicating everyone else or it'll only prove the point being about political persecution.

Is a defense lawyer arguing in favor of miscarriage of justice?
Some of them were but over the last 30 years republicans have lacked the institutional control to see those investigations to their concision. The difference since Trump came on the scene in 2016 is an exponential escalation in the Deep State's taking sides in the ideological battle for America's soul.

When you arm political witch hunts with the power of government law enforcement you enter the banana republic zone. Obama and the Clinton's never faced this prior to the arrival of Trump.
Republicans were smart enough to not destroy the Republic in the name of political retribution.

Ford pardoned Nixon because of the damage that would've came to the country. These bozos go full speed ahead with made up non crimes and our banana republic loving leftists go so what?

The same people crying about election interference in 2016 now have no problem interfering with an election. Who needs Putin when you've got a NY DA?
Not sure how you define dumb, but guys that call Bragg "dumber than I thought" should compare their credentials to Bragg's: He graduated from the Trinity School[4] before attending Harvard College. He graduated from Harvard with a Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, in government in 1995.[2][5] In 1999, he earned a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School, where he was an editor of the Harvard Civil Rights–Civil Liberties Law Review.[4][5][6]

I assume you got through high school somewhere, eh?
Thanks for the reminder what those cess pools represent. I'll keep the Deplorables tag. Woke go broke
That's a 2022 view of the documents one time, I would have agreed with you...thought it would all go away when some docs turned up at Uncle Joe's house...and Pence's house. Apparently, there is a large development of obstruction evidence (Trump's told to give the docs back and he hides them) that has caused many to see this as the one that he should be most concerned over.
They had access to the material and he followed their recommendation on storing the material. As president he's the only one who had authority to declassify the documents, Pence, Biden and Clinton have no such defense.
There is testimony by insurrectionist claiming they clearly believed they were doing Trump’s bidding. And, you have Trump’s behavior supporting the insurrection. He let it happen and continue, and he sicked them on Pence and others. Trump still defends what occurred. And, of course, there is the unknown.

How about lying to the FBI about having them and obstructing Justice. And, again there is he unknown which will come out in court.

Don’t be a fool. The tape proves that he was trying to lie and cheat (old habits) to win the election. Slam dunk case.

You, and the rest of the Trump’s blind followers, are the one’s hiding from the truth. Trump is easily the most corrupt President in history.
Who cares what someone claims? He's not responsible for what some kook does. If I kill someone and say Biden made me do it is he getting indicted? He supported the riot by telling people to protest peacefully?

So we can expect Hillarys indictment any day now for obstruction? When's Bill getting indicted for his hush money payoffs?

The only slam dunk will be Trump dunking on yet another progressive DA.

Tell us again about how Obama had zero corruption 🤣
I think his defense should be that was not his real voice and somebody was impersonating him. Maga supporters would believe it.

The idea that he was simply asking the sos for an audit, instead of simply asking for an audit, after the sos already conducted a thorough audit, is laughable. We all know what he was doing. Including threatening him.
Calling it a thorough audit is laughable.
Exactly she is a patriot that served conceded and election and went away. I wish trump had her level of class, civic duty and patriotism. He doesn't
Real patriots don't leave men behind. Benghazi ! I know "What difference does it make? Biden just slays them at the airport. Scum
Dude you got it bad … well over 100 post and counting on just this topic … if I didn’t know better … I would think you are Donny boy himself … your love shows no bounds!
No the left has it so bad they are willing to destroy every institution to get Trump.