The Ukraine

Had Trump been elected, or had been permitted to steal the election, the Ukraine would already belong to Putin, and he would be on to Belarus. The destruction of NATO would have been completed, leaving the Ukraine without the benefit of any allies or support. Pretty obvious what the effect would have been. Interesting that Biden’s position is beginning to get GOP support. What will Trump’s position be on the crisis? No doubt it will flip flop back and forth. Wonder if he can find the Ukraine on the latest weather map he’s drawn.
Dude, Trump gave them increased anti-aircraft capabilities. Punch yourself.

Simple, you guys aren’t Republicans. True Republicans have always understood that Russia was not to be trusted. And, true Republicans have always championed NATO. Because the orange jackass didn’t have the sack to standup to Putin you girls all immediately fall in line. Like the rest of the Cult.
And you are?

On many things I don't trust the Russians but on actions that are in their best interests I tend to have more trust.

And understanding Russian interests can help to avoid miscalculations in dealing with them. And messing around on the Russian border with a country that for centuries was a part of the Russian Empire/Soviet Union is a foolish & dangerous game to play. It is an unnecessary provocation. It's similar to if the Russians were messing around with Mexico & Canada. Did you forget we almost went to nuclear war when the Soviets put missiles in Cuba?

There are a lot places where it makes strategic sense to stand up to Putin - like demanding that Germany NOT buy Russian natural gas. But Ukraine is not one of them.
Hey, Obama did what was expected of a liberal. He focused on domestic issues and tried to avoid a conflict. After all, Bush left him with an enormous foreign policy mess to deal with already. Liberal Democrats haven’t changed, it’s the Republican Party that has changed. Embarrassing that so many followed an egotistical, dishonest, traitor. The GOP will pay for years.
Had Trump been elected, or had been permitted to steal the election, the Ukraine would already belong to Putin, and he would be on to Belarus. The destruction of NATO would have been completed, leaving the Ukraine without the benefit of any allies or support. Pretty obvious what the effect would have been. Interesting that Biden’s position is beginning to get GOP support. What will Trump’s position be on the crisis? No doubt it will flip flop back and forth. Wonder if he can find the Ukraine on the latest weather map he’s drawn.
Corrupt Joe Biden will do all he can to protect Ukraine, his family's cash cow.
What evidence do you have for stating this? The FACT remains that the last big chunk of Ukraine that Putin stole was when Obama was POTUS. Or did you forget about the Crimea.

If NATO is destroyed because of the Ukraine then it deserves to go the way of the dinosaurs. In fact I would love to hear a compelling argument in favor of NATO today?

As for some elements of the GOP supporting Biden here, why are you surprised? There still is a strong pro-war, remake the world in our image, neocon undercurrent in the republican party. Unfortunately Trump wasn't able to destroy it completely and like mold it comes back.

As for Trump's response? Well he argued long and hard for Germany not to become hopelessly dependent on Russian natural gas. But the Germans ignored him and the Biden administration facilitated the German dependence. Now whether the Germans freeze during the winter is up to Putin.
The best argument for the preservation of NATO is the fact that any other international organization is a bigger joke.

NATO needs to evolve, no doubt there.
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Screw Ukraine. Just more corruption that the Biden family can swim in. I hope Russia takes over and exposes all the corruption that Biden and his son was involved in.
Putin works with the Democrats. As long as he keeps getting his way with them he won’t damage them here.
Simple, you guys aren’t Republicans. True Republicans have always understood that Russia was not to be trusted. And, true Republicans have always championed NATO. Because the orange jackass didn’t have the sack to standup to Putin you girls all immediately fall in line. Like the rest of the Cult.
Things have changed. F__ the European Social Democrats’ “at home” agenda sounds great most of the time, but the fact is that when push comes to shove internationally, who else do we really have ?

NATO needs a reboot, as does the UN, but at least Europe is not 80% parasites.

And you are nuts
Hey, Obama did what was expected of a liberal. He focused on domestic issues and tried to avoid a conflict. After all, Bush left him with an enormous foreign policy mess to deal with already. Liberal Democrats haven’t changed, it’s the Republican Party that has changed. Embarrassing that so many followed an egotistical, dishonest, traitor. The GOP will pay for years.
And Hildabeast and Kerry screwed things up royally all over the world when the liberal was elected.

If you must vote liberal, it should be confined to Gov. at the most.
Hey, Obama did what was expected of a liberal. He focused on domestic issues and tried to avoid a conflict. After all, Bush left him with an enormous foreign policy mess to deal with already. Liberal Democrats haven’t changed, it’s the Republican Party that has changed. Embarrassing that so many followed an egotistical, dishonest, traitor. The GOP will pay for years.
Why are you so ashamed to be a liberal, as you clearly are
I think LGB and his handlers have been playing 3-D checkers and we have been slow to catch up.

There will not be a Russian invasion of Ukraine. There is no reason for it. It's to no one's advantage. It makes no sense.

But when it does not happen Brandon will claim all the credit.

It's like his taking credit for schools remaining open. He has nothing to do with it, but brags about what a great job he has done.

There are more complications in the Ukrainian mess.

President Joe Biden, in wacky statements, has confirmed Putin’s bet that the United States is currently divided, confused, weakened and poorly led.

Putin knows that the secretary of defense and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff appear more worried about “white privilege” and climate change than enhancing military readiness to deter enemies such as himself.

Putin sees polls that only 45% of Americans have confidence in their new politicized military.

The flight from Afghanistan, Putin further conjectures, has made the United States both less feared by enemies and less trusted by allies.

The prior failed American policy of Russian “reset,” the appeasement of Putin’s aggressions during the Obama years, together with the concocted hoax of “Russian collusion,” have all variously emboldened – and angered – Putin.
I've tried to help you with this before. When you post stuff that is incredibly stupid, people tend to think the reason for it is that you are stupid too.

It's up to you though. I'm just trying to help a guy out.
Trump bragged about loving Kim Jong-un. I just thought maybe he could try having a love affair with Putin. I’m not the stupid one, your orange god is.
I've tried to help you with this before. When you post stuff that is incredibly stupid, people tend to think the reason for it is that you are stupid too.

It's up to you though. I'm just trying to help a guy out.
You new Republicans are too cool for me.
Putin is demanding NATO leave Eastern Europe entirely. If that were to happen we would have the old Soviet Union all over again. THAT would be a huge threat to our security. Before you say it, isolationism has never worked.
Putin is demanding NATO leave Eastern Europe entirely. If that were to happen we would have the old Soviet Union all over again. THAT would be a huge threat to our security. Before you say it, isolationism has never worked.
When did he demand that?

That may be his goal, but when did he demand that?
Funny how all this is occurring not long after we installed an impotent old dementia patient as our “President”.