The OFFICIAL Fenwick Falcons 2023 Preview thread - Presented by Gold Star Chili

I have not disappeared. I just loving living rent free in your head. I love seeing you post about me all the time and you’ve been begging for a response since what….. July? I couldn’t imagine letting another fellow yappi poster get in my head that much to always have to name drop someone like me, 10 Inch, Millennium and other Fenwick posters. You must not have had a great experience at Fenwick and I’m sorry for that! Why else would a “Clinton Massie” fan only comment about Fenwick and attend a homecoming game with a new turf field? Sorry your coach at Fenwick didn’t play you enough to be happy!
This is a PSA to everyone on this site, don’t let people live in your head days on end, due to this website! If you do you’ll turn out like Imhipp21. Who hates on KIDS and their football experience because of their own terrible experiences. It’s a shame we have people like this, this site was made for people to make predictions and talk football. This site was not made to hate on high school kids!!
Atta we are talking. Temptation was just too much wasn't it. Come on, let it spill forth now that the cat has been left out of the bag. I'm waiting for the next piece of witty repertoire.
That would be the only way Fenwick would make it. They have been folding like a cheap lawn chair.
Hopefully this time Mcsurely doesn't ram the ball into a loaded box, every down, every series, resulting in 7 points of offense. I thought he was a better coach than that! How is your pass game this season? Can the kicker hit a chip shot this year?

Fenwick lives rent free in Massies head after the dominating 17-7 Falcon Bowl victory. This will be an easy game.
Atta we are talking. Temptation was just too much wasn't it. Come on, let it spill forth now that the cat has been left out of the bag. I'm waiting for the next piece of witty repertoire.
You monitor a hs football forum 13 hrs a day from your moms basement just to be clowned on. You could have mustered up a better response than that.
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Hopefully this time Mcsurely doesn't ram the ball into a loaded box, every down, every series, resulting in 7 points of offense. I thought he was a better coach than that! How is your pass game this season? Can the kicker hit a chip shot this year?

Fenwick lives rent free in Massies head after the dominating 17-7 Falcon Bowl victory. This will be an easy game.
Hopefully Mueller can actually put points on the board if he makes it to Clarksville for 16 vs 1 matchup. Last time you guys came to Frank Ireland Field, you limped home with a 44-0 running clock arse whoopin!
You monitor a hs football forum 13 hrs a day from your moms basement just to be clowned on. You could have mustered up a better response than that.
Always curious what people would edit on a post like that shortly after submitting, keyboard tough guy regret I guess. Anyway, you "know" who I am, so you know my job. Long shifts with periods of prolonged idle time. And I think at one time you or one of your alter ego's called me a product of a Middletown trailer park. One heck of a trailer that has a basement. Living large.
Always curious what people would edit on a post like that shortly after submitting, keyboard tough guy regret I guess. Anyway, you "know" who I am, so you know my job. Long shifts with periods of prolonged idle time. And I think at one time you or one of your alter ego's called me a product of a Middletown trailer park. One heck of a trailer that has a basement. Living large.
Construction stuff.
Hopefully this time Mcsurely doesn't ram the ball into a loaded box, every down, every series, resulting in 7 points of offense. I thought he was a better coach than that! How is your pass game this season? Can the kicker hit a chip shot this year?

Fenwick lives rent free in Massies head after the dominating 17-7 Falcon Bowl victory. This will be an easy game.


Yeah, Kicking game is looking good.
Pass game has been effective but everyone knows Massie is going to run the ball.
What exactly happened at mt healthy. This would affect massie too. Not in a positive manner like it would Fenwick. Could this drop massie from the 1 seed.
I’m just thinking that if mt healthy forfeits all their games that would drop a lot of L2 points from massie and add L1 points to Fenwick.
I’m just thinking that if mt healthy forfeits all their games that would drop a lot of L2 points from massie and add L1 points to Fenwick.
CM has a pretty healthy margin over Wyoming for the #1 seed. Although it would probably be an easier matchup for Fenwick I hope it wouldn't catapult Wyoming into the 1 seed, CM deserves the opportunity to get beaten by Fenwick at home.
Still haven’t heard anything from anyone else about any problems with Mt Healthy. Can anyone but Fenwick students confirm that something is going on.
CM has a pretty healthy margin over Wyoming for the #1 seed. Although it would probably be an easier matchup for Fenwick I hope it wouldn't catapult Wyoming into the 1 seed, CM deserves the opportunity to get beaten by Fenwick at home.
LOL. Perhaps you have your records backward? Massie is 8-0 not 0-8 Like the usual Fenwick wins. Come within even a touchdown against Alter then you can heckle Massie fans........Unfortunately unless they beat Alter, Fenwick will fall shy.

Fenwick deserves to watch the Massie game from the Falcon Nest at Frank Ireland Field. Honorary members.. Likely against a CHCA team that still beats Fenwick out on Harbin Points.......

Checking with my contacts to see if there are any box seats left for 10Inch to enhance his weekend trip to Wilmington.....
Still haven’t heard anything from anyone else about any problems with Mt Healthy. Can anyone but Fenwick students confirm that something is going on.
They have 3 transfers that have been ruled ineligible and are now sitting out. What we're not sure of is if there is any retroactive punishment or if they were able to play at the beginning of the season as part of the 5 game rule.
This one ain't the hill to die on, a Badin fan that does not like me already confirmed what I said above about MH is true
I'm just saying, get the facts straight and/or don't make them up if you do not know all the information which you clearly don't. I don't care if it is Badin fan, St. X fan, or the head of the UAW.
I'm just saying, get the facts straight and/or don't make them up if you do not know all the information which you clearly don't. I don't care if it is Badin fan, St. X fan, or the head of the UAW.
Getting into semantics here.. I posted what I knew and stated I don't know the whole story. The whole point of me posting in the first place was to ask if anybody else had information on the situation. Can we not request info that could be extremely impactful to Fenwick/CHCA on an Ohio HS football message board? What is allowed to be discussed here if Ohio High School Football is off limits?
They have 3 transfers that have been ruled ineligible and are now sitting out. What we're not sure of is if there is any retroactive punishment or if they were able to play at the beginning of the season as part of the 5 game rule.
Apparently they transferred to mount healthy and didn’t move into the district, which isn’t open enrollment. Used bogus addresses. And they know other people know.
How did construction management go today?
Okay?????Should an individual take that as an attempt at an insult?

You say know who I am, so you know what I do. If it is construction, construction management, ditch digging, prison guard,etc....I see nobility in almost all jobs so don't need to increase my self worth by denigrating one's job choice. But hey, the school(s) I went to taught me "Men for others" and ADMG
Okay?????Should an individual take that as an attempt at an insult?

You say know who I am, so you know what I do. If it is construction, construction management, ditch digging, prison guard,etc....I see nobility in almost all jobs so don't need to increase my self worth by denigrating one's job choice. But hey, the school(s) I went to taught me "Men for others" and ADMG
Wasn't meant to be an insult at all little Imhipp. Construction management is a good job. Fenwick grads go on to to do successful things.