SVSM Irish 2024

Obviously you’re new to the Irish. There have been plenty of alums kids who played football for the Irish and sat the bench for 4 years. Coach Grant was not an alum kid…neither was Dante Booker or Paris Campbell or Newman Williams.

Under Coach Grant the best kids are going to play…just like they did when he was there.
As the way it should be.

If a kid is not seeing the field on Friday night - I will channel my inner Ozzie Guillen - "Play better in practice. Make yourself more noticeable to the coaches".

The more I hear about the Doran Grant hire after the fact, the more I like it.
Obviously you’re new to the Irish. There have been plenty of alums kids who played football for the Irish and sat the bench for 4 years. Coach Grant was not an alum kid…neither was Dante Booker or Paris Campbell or Newman Williams.

Under Coach Grant the best kids are going to play…just like they did when he was there.
Then why is there such an insatiable need to discuss or include them?

And you have no idea who is going to play, you are just speculating based on no facts but your positive confidence that he will start the trend of doing the right thing. I do hope you are right.

And only about 50 people went to meet the coach night, which means quite a few parents weren’t even there. As far as excitement and him connecting with players, which players has he connected with? And from the word on the street, kids still leaving, so while it’s great to feel optimistic, it’s also good to be realistic and not be such a hype man until results are in. Just sayin. I love your enthusiasm though!
With every new hire there's excitement and hope for the future. At this point though, given the recent history of the program, they're going to have to show me before I buy in or sing Grant's praises. I wish him well and realize he shows promise but until you see the finished product it's a little premature to just jump on the bandwagon.
Then why is there such an insatiable need to discuss or include them?

And you have no idea who is going to play, you are just speculating based on no facts but your positive confidence that he will start the trend of doing the right thing. I do hope you are right.

And only about 50 people went to meet the coach night, which means quite a few parents weren’t even there. As far as excitement and him connecting with players, which players has he connected with? And from the word on the street, kids still leaving, so while it’s great to feel optimistic, it’s also good to be realistic and not be such a hype man until results are in. Just sayin. I love your enthusiasm though!
regardless if their was 50 or 100 people there Coach Grant knows what’s a stake he is the 2nd Black head coach in Saint V history. He knows the pressure especially witnessing Wattley assuming he probably asked for some advice from him before taking it. But Grant knows what he has to do and how to do it as long as he has SUPPORT he will be good. When clam’s make pearls it takes time for it to form and the longer it stays close, the larger the pearl that it produces. I say all that to say we need to give him time to recruit, give him time to get a good Strength and conditioning program up and going, and give him time to put the right scheme for offense, defense, and special.
regardless if their was 50 or 100 people there Coach Grant knows what’s a stake he is the 2nd Black head coach in Saint V history. He knows the pressure especially witnessing Wattley assuming he probably asked for some advice from him before taking it. But Grant knows what he has to do and how to do it as long as he has SUPPORT he will be good. When clam’s make pearls it takes time for it to form and the longer it stays close, the larger the pearl that it produces. I say all that to say we need to give him time to recruit, give him time to get a good Strength and conditioning program up and going, and give him time to put the right scheme for offense, defense, and special.
You are assuming a lot based on a little information. Pointing out how many people were at the meeting shows the apathy (or distain) towards the program currently. I wouldn’t use the clam analogy because most pearls are found in oysters and mussels.

Let’s see if he is a good hire, but I’m from Missouri!
You are assuming a lot based on a little information. Pointing out how many people were at the meeting shows the apathy (or distain) towards the program currently. I wouldn’t use the clam analogy because most pearls are found in oysters and mussels.

Let’s see if he is a good hire, but I’m from Missouri!
That meet and greet was a failure on the admin's part. They didn't give much of an announcement, the school closed at noon or 1 that day and the event was at 5 or 6, right before Christmas, so no there was not going to be a lot of interest. They should have done it in conjunction with a home basketball game in my opinion
With every new hire there's excitement and hope for the future. At this point though, given the recent history of the program, they're going to have to show me before I buy in or sing Grant's praises. I wish him well and realize he shows promise but until you see the finished product it's a little premature to just jump on the bandwagon.

His OC/DC picks will be huge. Putting the right staff together. Took Moore 2-3 years to do that, after a mildly rocky start.

Selfishly hoping Massillon helped take some of the bloom off Hoban's rose after 3 straight non-championships, and some of the area talent gets distributed a bit more. And would love St. V back on the schedule eventually. Good luck.
His OC/DC picks will be huge. Putting the right staff together. Took Moore 2-3 years to do that, after a mildly rocky start.

Selfishly hoping Massillon helped take some of the bloom off Hoban's rose after 3 straight non-championships, and some of the area talent gets distributed a bit more. And would love St. V back on the schedule eventually. Good luck.
Grant has already hired an OC
That meet and greet was a failure on the admin's part. They didn't give much of an announcement, the school closed at noon or 1 that day and the event was at 5 or 6, right before Christmas, so no there was not going to be a lot of interest. They should have done it in conjunction with a home basketball game in my opinion
So we are already passing on the accountability and failure of a simple meet and greet onto the administration. First, I think 7 days is enough time for those (particularly parents) they would be there. I’m hoping that Coach Grant will have another meeting for parents sooner rather than later to lay out not only expectations of the team, but also the parents too (which is definitely needed). Your statements are excuses to blame administration, but this one is on Grant. I bet if he had said this was a mandatory meeting, the place would’ve been packed. He sets the tone. Alums should set up their own meet and greet if they want so much to be a part of the program and bring their check books.

SVSM football is Coach Grant’s program and the kids’ team. At the end of the day, he is responsible for EVERYTHING that happens with the program, both good and bad. Blaming the administration, alum, parents, Hoban, Walsh, Massillon is a cop out. I would like to see him put the program on his back and make something of it, let’s see if that will happen. ACCOUNTABILITY
His OC/DC picks will be huge. Putting the right staff together. Took Moore 2-3 years to do that, after a mildly rocky start.

Selfishly hoping Massillon helped take some of the bloom off Hoban's rose after 3 straight non-championships, and some of the area talent gets distributed a bit more. And would love St. V back on the schedule eventually. Good luck.
I hear you re: Hoban and that wouldn’t be the worse thing, just don’t see it happening. 3 straight trips to the title game and sending a lot of kids to the next level.
So we are already passing on the accountability and failure of a simple meet and greet onto the administration. First, I think 7 days is enough time for those (particularly parents) they would be there. I’m hoping that Coach Grant will have another meeting for parents sooner rather than later to lay out not only expectations of the team, but also the parents too (which is definitely needed). Your statements are excuses to blame administration, but this one is on Grant. I bet if he had said this was a mandatory meeting, the place would’ve been packed. He sets the tone. Alums should set up their own meet and greet if they want so much to be a part of the program and bring their check books.

SVSM football is Coach Grant’s program and the kids’ team. At the end of the day, he is responsible for EVERYTHING that happens with the program, both good and bad. Blaming the administration, alum, parents, Hoban, Walsh, Massillon is a cop out. I would like to see him put the program on his back and make something of it, let’s see if that will happen. ACCOUNTABILITY
But a program’s success or failure isn’t on just one man from Wentz to Cistone to Boarman they had Support. One man can’t run and entire program he can lead it but not run it. Any Massillon fans Hoban fans and Walsh fans can tell you they have support from the administration, booster, and donors. Grant can’t do this by himself. I know I keep bringing up his name, but Coach Marcus Watley was putting a program in the right direction people that thought he didn’t know what he was doing. He proved them wrong and two seasons. I know I keep bringing up his name, but Coach Marcus Watley was putting the program in the right direction people that thought he didn’t know what he was doing. He proved them wrong in two seasons. he took an inexperienced team and did the impossible in 2017 he beat Massillon with the support from his staff and others. He also took us all the way to a state semi finals might I say 90% of the roster was juniors and sophomores. I know Grant can do this we just have to have faith.
So we are already passing on the accountability and failure of a simple meet and greet onto the administration. First, I think 7 days is enough time for those (particularly parents) they would be there. I’m hoping that Coach Grant will have another meeting for parents sooner rather than later to lay out not only expectations of the team, but also the parents too (which is definitely needed). Your statements are excuses to blame administration, but this one is on Grant. I bet if he had said this was a mandatory meeting, the place would’ve been packed. He sets the tone. Alums should set up their own meet and greet if they want so much to be a part of the program and bring their check books.

SVSM football is Coach Grant’s program and the kids’ team. At the end of the day, he is responsible for EVERYTHING that happens with the program, both good and bad. Blaming the administration, alum, parents, Hoban, Walsh, Massillon is a cop out. I would like to see him put the program on his back and make something of it, let’s see if that will happen. ACCOUNTABILITY
Coach Grant has not blamed anyone for anything. He fully understands what he needs to do and will own it. He’s done that since he was a freshman in HS.
So we are already passing on the accountability and failure of a simple meet and greet onto the administration. First, I think 7 days is enough time for those (particularly parents) they would be there. I’m hoping that Coach Grant will have another meeting for parents sooner rather than later to lay out not only expectations of the team, but also the parents too (which is definitely needed). Your statements are excuses to blame administration, but this one is on Grant. I bet if he had said this was a mandatory meeting, the place would’ve been packed. He sets the tone. Alums should set up their own meet and greet if they want so much to be a part of the program and bring their check books.

SVSM football is Coach Grant’s program and the kids’ team. At the end of the day, he is responsible for EVERYTHING that happens with the program, both good and bad. Blaming the administration, alum, parents, Hoban, Walsh, Massillon is a cop out. I would like to see him put the program on his back and make something of it, let’s see if that will happen. ACCOUNTABILITY
and nobody’s passing anything, From the time the season is over all the other athletes are doing other sports or other activities in Saint V fully encourages that. So some people can’t come but he’s probably shown his face to players in the building. So he’s going to have to build with what he has and go from there. I don’t understand where you are coming from, Do you think he can just snap his fingers and all our problems will go away and we would get 100 players in two weeks? NO, It doesn’t work like that he has to recruit and have a thorough plan going forward to put this program back in the headlines again in the state of Ohio.
and nobody’s passing anything, From the time the season is over all the other athletes are doing other sports or other activities in Saint V fully encourages that. So some people can’t come but he’s probably shown his face to players in the building. So he’s going to have to build with what he has and go from there. I don’t understand where you are coming from, Do you think he can just snap his fingers and all our problems will go away and we would get 100 players in two weeks? NO, It doesn’t work like that he has to recruit and have a thorough plan going forward to put this program back in the headlines again in the state of Ohio.
He’s been in the building and spoken with Coach Boarman and Coach Wattley. He’s doing all of the right things.

Not sure why William Blake is trying to stir the pot. He’s the type of parent the program doesn’t need around.
He’s been in the building and spoken with Coach Boarman and Coach Wattley. He’s doing all of the right things.

Not sure why William Blake is trying to stir the pot. He’s the type of parent the program doesn’t need around.
Not stirring any pot, just waiting to see action and not annoiting anyone until the proof is shown in the pudding. And if I do become a parent, I will hold people accountable. Can’t hold any Yappi posters accountable unless they are tied to the program, so fans are just fans with opinions.
I keep hearing the reference to Wattley and how he had the program going in the right direction. I'm not being critical of him but the program was in the right direction when he took it over from a legend, Boarman. Grant is taking it over after 4 years of substandard football from coaches who were clearly not successful. Having been in the program should help Grant, but then again Cistone was around the program his entire life. Keith Wakefield is a high school coaching legend and Jay Brophy had college and NFL experience and they couldn't pull it off.

Let's not get confused. Every regular poster on this thread wants Grant to succeed. Don't confuse being a critical thinker with being anti-Grant or anti-SVSM. It's a part of being objective and not a shill.
I keep hearing the reference to Wattley and how he had the program going in the right direction. I'm not being critical of him but the program was in the right direction when he took it over from a legend, Boarman. Grant is taking it over after 4 years of substandard football from coaches who were clearly not successful. Having been in the program should help Grant, but then again Cistone was around the program his entire life. Keith Wakefield is a high school coaching legend and Jay Brophy had college and NFL experience and they couldn't pull it off.

Let's not get confused. Every regular poster on this thread wants Grant to succeed. Don't confuse being a critical thinker with being anti-Grant or anti-SVSM. It's a part of being objective and not a shill.
^^ That right there
I keep hearing the reference to Wattley and how he had the program going in the right direction. I'm not being critical of him but the program was in the right direction when he took it over from a legend, Boarman. Grant is taking it over after 4 years of substandard football from coaches who were clearly not successful. Having been in the program should help Grant, but then again Cistone was around the program his entire life. Keith Wakefield is a high school coaching legend and Jay Brophy had college and NFL experience and they couldn't pull it off.

Let's not get confused. Every regular poster on this thread wants Grant to succeed. Don't confuse being a critical thinker with being anti-Grant or anti-SVSM. It's a part of being objective and not a shill.
But there’s a difference between being a critical thinker and being pessimistic about certain circumstances…
When Tyrell took over Hoban in 2013, he knew there’s was a lot of work to be done. So did Nick Alexander at Walsh; and they both started their first two years bad. But, both turned the programs around the third year and was better. Walsh program turned around in 2020 and they’ve been good ever since. Hoban not only went to the playoffs in 2015 since who knows when but won their first ever state championship. I’m saying you never know what can happen if you just be patient.
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like Nick went 1-19 in two years
Tyrell went 11-10 in two years. You have to build a foundation before you can build anything. That foundation for us starts in the weight room, it’s building relationships, it’s building a team of guys that will play for each other rather than individually.
But there’s a difference between being a critical thinker and being pessimistic about certain circumstances…
Pessimistic - tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.

Critical thinking - the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.

Blind optimism - involves optimistic biases that affect self-deception or convincing oneself of desired beliefs without reality checks. Blind optimism can lead to underestimating risk, overestimating abilities, and inadequate preparation.

Which one are you? Again, let’s revisit this in 3-5 years. Let’s revisit in 6 months and see what the culture is. There can be a distinct positive culture shift without a positive W-L increase. However there is nothing in your data that suggests a positive outcome except your enthusiasm. Having success as a player doesn’t translate into success as a coach, so that data is moot. He didn’t have success as a coach so far. but I’d be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on that. Being affiliated with a program might give him some insight to historical and procedural operations, but again the data isn’t there to indicate a propensity for success. So in my eyes the jury is awaiting results. And you can see results in a very short time regardless of the won-lost record. Let’s start by reducing the number of locker room fights, on field personal fouls, reducing player transfers/quitting and changing player on field behavior.
excuse me? Who are you talking to?
I’m not going to speak for anyone, just noticing that that we all are committed to sharing our points of view and nothing is going to change our minds on this no matter what each one of us says. You are passionate about your point using nothing but feelings and optimism (worked for the Jets in ‘69) we are more cautious, patient,Data driven and experienced (Worked for most sporting, political, economic, social, environmental and life events).

Just because we are critical of a person or situation doesn’t mean we arent supportive. Would like to avoid the train wreck that has become SVSM football the past few years.
Imma just say you can be optimistic/ have strong feelings and be data driven while being realistic. I just think with the disappointment of the last 7 years the fan base just has a very disappointing but it’s understandable feeling towards this hire.
I’m not going to speak for anyone, just noticing that that we all are committed to sharing our points of view and nothing is going to change our minds on this no matter what each one of us says. You are passionate about your point using nothing but feelings and optimism (worked for the Jets in ‘69) we are more cautious, patient,Data driven and experienced (Worked for most sporting, political, economic, social, environmental and life events).

Just because we are critical of a person or situation doesn’t mean we arent supportive. Would like to avoid the train wreck that has become SVSM football the past few years.
Between yourself,@clarkgriswold and the SVSM posters who have been on this forum for YEARS you are adequately representing how most feel in regards to this hire. Thank you for not fan boying (sp) like some of the newer posters. It almost seems like some of them are on the new staff 🤷🤷🤷.
excuse me? Who are you talking to?

Pessimistic - tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.

Critical thinking - the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.

Blind optimism - involves optimistic biases that affect self-deception or convincing oneself of desired beliefs without reality checks. Blind optimism can lead to underestimating risk, overestimating abilities, and inadequate preparation.

Which one are you? Again, let’s revisit this in 3-5 years. Let’s revisit in 6 months and see what the culture is. There can be a distinct positive culture shift without a positive W-L increase. However there is nothing in your data that suggests a positive outcome except your enthusiasm. Having success as a player doesn’t translate into success as a coach, so that data is moot. He didn’t have success as a coach so far. but I’d be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on that. Being affiliated with a program might give him some insight to historical and procedural operations, but again the data isn’t there to indicate a propensity for success. So in my eyes the jury is awaiting results. And you can see results in a very short time regardless of the won-lost record. Let’s start by reducing the number of locker room fights, on field personal fouls, reducing player transfers/quitting and changing player on field behavior.
Great background!
The only problem is I don't see how critical thinking can be used yet, not enough valid factual information and facts historically, like trying to solve an algebraic expression with 15 variables an you only know 2 today??

Not winning an analogy was against Clark.