Spire Academy

Maybe not enough...
Clearly! It's a very interesting concept, boarding school w/ post-grad option, great facilities, and top high-level coaching. When you look at the success of schools/academies like Valiant Prep in Az and LOG in SD, seems like there could be a market in this part of the country. I will say the camps were crazy expensive- $5- 600 for 2-day sessions.
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Valiant is basically a club team running under the guise of a "school".

I honestly don't know how viable the SPIRE wrestling concept is at SPIRE, given the operator needs to do things to make money
I was hoping things would go well there. I saw it as a viable post high school, pre-college year for kids who maybe didn't get held back... like my son.

I thought the camps were incredibly expensive and couldn't justify spending that much money. I think it was like 450 dollars for a day camp over the summer. (It was with Ray Lewis)
I was hoping things would go well there. I saw it as a viable post high school, pre-college year for kids who maybe didn't get held back... like my son.

I thought the camps were incredibly expensive and couldn't justify spending that much money. I think it was like 450 dollars for a day camp over the summer. (It was with Ray Lewis)
I can say that the GCWCOA held the first two Al Carroll/Don Ferris scholarship fund raisers at Spire but left because it was costing $1500 to use part of one of the buildings for one day. We were losing money being there. We still had to do all the work (moving mats, tables, stands, etc) so the money was spent just for the use of about 1/3 of one of the two main buildings.
We have been at Lutheran West since then and this allows the funds raised to be used for the scholarships as intended.
For those who have not been to Spire, it is an amazing facility but, as Bucksman points out, the primary purpose is to make money.