Down the Road - Yes a new league may seem like a good/fun idea from a football perspective but for all sports - I don't think it would work for all involved. The league you proposed:
Grandview Heights (6:23)
Grove City Christian (7:27) - Replace with KIPP (6:23)
Worthington Christian (6:23)
Bexley (4:15)
Columbus Academy (5:19)
Bishop Ready (5:19)
Mechanicsburg (6:24)
Fairbanks (6:24)
West Jefferson (6:23)
From a football perspective only:
* Would have to remove GCC and replace with KIPP (6:23). GCC would simply have no shot at competing in football or any other sport.
* 9 teams is ok, it means 8 league games with out of conference games in wk 1 and 2. It would be a competitive league, definitely better than the OHC currently is.
* 4 Private schools in KIPP, WC, CA and Ready - You better be ok with a kid showing up as a sophomore or junior at any of these private schools and being the difference in a win/loss vs Mechanicsburg. It's not a question of if it will happen but when and how often.
* In the OHC, Mechanicsburg has 1 game they expect to be tough (WJ) and possibly one or two other games that you realistically could lose (West Liberty-Salem game). In this league, you would have more teams on a weekly basis that can compete and possibly beat the Indians. Academy and Ready would always be tougher than any 3rd or 4th OHC team. Bexley and Grandview will have their years and KIPP appears to be growing rapidly. The depth of quality teams would increase greatly and Mechanicsburg had only 29 kids on the sidelines this year with 10 seniors - depth would definitely be a issue for the Burg unless they have some classes with bigger numbers coming up.
From a all sports perspective:
* Mechanicsburg will do fine in football and be the overwhelming favorite in wrestling.
* Mechanicsburg boys & girls basketball, baseball, softball teams - maybe 3rd, probably 4th or 5th with a good team. Other years, bottom 1/3.
* Country club sports (tennis, golf, soccer) - Grandview just won state in soccer, CA & Bexley are always good. Tennis and golf maybe a kid who could compete every 10 years or so. Team wise, bottom two with WJ every year.
* Mechanicsburg will go to away basketball games with the other school's student section dressed as farmers and mocking you about driving trackers to school - it will happen.
* Mechanicsburg parents will know few, if any of the other schools parents (co-workers, went to school together, etc) at the other schools.
* Driving 45 minutes to Cherry Bottom Road to CA is completely different than driving 45 minutes to say a Madison Plains.
* The Columbus schools have no interest in driving to Gods Country to play schools from towns they never go to in Mechanicsburg or West Jeff. At least WJ is just off Interstate 70 and has Ann & Tony's Restaurant. As for Fairbanks, they would only know about it if they golfed at Darby Creek.
If Mechanicsburg needs a change (I'm sure they are happy with the OHC), just beef up the non-conference games in week 1 & 2. The OHC has mostly good people in it, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.