Sidney Powell pleads guilty. Reported

Sidney Powell's involvement along with Lin Wood's involvement with Trump and The Steal® always confused me. Apparently neither lawyer were contractually retained by Trump. Were they in it for their 15 minuets of fame and the opportunity to solicit donations for the cause (grift)?
You remember when everybody was criticizing Fani Willis for thinking she could go to trial against all 19? She knew that would never happen. The evidence is so overwhelming that she knew she would get plenty of pleads. My guess is that before this is over only a few defendants will stand trial with the rest of the defendants guaranteeing conviction. Trump is cooked in Georgia.
When a high profile attorney says they have the goods I tend to believe them because their reputation and credibility is on the line - which is a big part of how they are marketing themselves and making money. Evidently, Powell didn't get that memo. Lol.

I remember watching an interview she did with T Carlson in early 2021 and he pressed her on the fact that she said she has the goods, but he hasn't seen it - and she looked like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

But I don't blame anyone who gave credence to what she was claiming early on because of the point I made above and she had appeared to do a good job defending Flynn. I gave her some, but the longer it went without her delivering in what she said she had, her credibility went to shite.
When a high profile attorney says they have the goods I tend to believe them because their reputation and credibility is on the line - which is a big part of how they are marketing themselves and making money. Evidently, Powell didn't get that memo. Lol.

I remember watching an interview she did with T Carlson in early 2021 and he pressed her on the fact that she said she has the goods, but he hasn't seen it - and she looked like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

But I don't blame anyone who gave credence to what she was claiming early on because of the point I made above and she had appeared to do a good job defending Flynn. I gave her some, but the longer it went without her delivering in what she said she had, her credibility went to shite.
You would have had to be a total idiot to give credence to what she was saying. It was complete and total lunacy. 95% of her statements and claims were implausible. In fact, she even said herself that no reasonable person would believe what she was saying. Saying that she should have been believed is just mind numbing.

You remember when everybody was criticizing Fani Willis for thinking she could go to trial against all 19? She knew that would never happen. The evidence is so overwhelming that she knew she would get plenty of pleads. My guess is that before this is over only a few defendants will stand trial with the rest of the defendants guaranteeing conviction. Trump is cooked in Georgia.
The Georgia case was always going to be problematic for Trump as it is a state prosecution rather than federal. That and the a conspiracy crime can be something as simple as a telephone between two people.

I have no love or sympathy for Trump. Yet I would hope the trial is about actual justice rather than payback over politics.
The Georgia case was always going to be problematic for Trump as it is a state prosecution rather than federal. That and the a conspiracy crime can be something as simple as a telephone between two people.

I have no love or sympathy for Trump. Yet I would hope the trial is about actual justice rather than payback over politics.
They tried to break into voting machines and perpetrated a fraudulent scheme to subvert the electoral process in the state. That is not politics. Those are crimes by any definition and Trump attorneys have plead guilty to them. Justice is prevailing.
They tried to break into voting machines and perpetrated a fraudulent scheme to subvert the electoral process in the state. That is not politics. Those are crimes by any definition and Trump attorneys have plead guilty to them. Justice is prevailing.
Where is your proof my friend,
They tried to break into voting machines and perpetrated a fraudulent scheme to subvert the electoral process in the state. That is not politics. Those are crimes by any definition and Trump attorneys have plead guilty to them. Justice is prevailing.
You and your ilk never rest on the TDS talking points. Even when I agree with you you continue to attack.
In a way I respect your tenacity, but I cannot imagine living with your angst.
Where is your proof my friend,
I suppose Chesboro pleading guilty to a felony indicates some overwhelming proof.
You and your ilk never rest on the TDS talking points. Even when I agree with you you continue to attack.
In a way I respect your tenacity, but I cannot imagine living with your angst.
What exactly are my talking points? You said you hoped this was not politics and I simply pointed out the crimes that are being charged and plead guilty to. I realize this is an uncomfortable truth for some.

Serious question. Do you think this was just political gamesmanship? Is that really your position?
I suppose Chesboro pleading guilty to a felony indicates some overwhelming proof.

What exactly are my talking points? You said you hoped this was not politics and I simply pointed out the crimes that are being charged and plead guilty to. I realize this is an uncomfortable truth for some.

Serious question. Do you think this was just political gamesmanship? Is that really your position?
Blah blah blah blah
Attorneys giving false information to Trump? Is that the point? Attorney client privileges? So many narratives and probation for Attorneys that plead guilty? Attorneys?
There is an avalanche coming from other defendants as they move quickly to avoid holding the bag . They will turn states evidence to burn Trump and others too stupid to know the game is over - guilty as charged.
So you saw these plea deals as a good day for trump?? Hahaha
Gotta love the binary idiocy of the hive-minded left.

Did you suddenly flip, to see Ms Powell as a credible individual ? lol

It is odd to me that some try to make a distinction from what entity it was that actually paid Ms Powell, and thus presumably try to negate attorney/client privileges and responsibilities. That should work just fine for a smear campaign in a one-sided court venue. Initial convictions in the any of the chosen one-sided venues seem to be a foregone conclusion for most of us.

None of this crap is likely to hold up in even "purple" places on appeal, but we will see. No one is very worried based upon discovery, besides Trump's financial advisors. The weaponization of government against Trump to bleed him out with "lawfare" is the only certain outcome for any of the frivolous actions in play against Trump. Serious charges, sure, but little basis in legal reality to support convictions that withstand the test of appeals.

So don't get your hopes up, Scooter. ;) Just enjoy the show,
Gotta love the binary idiocy of the hive-minded left.

Did you suddenly flip, to see Ms Powell as a credible individual ? lol

It is odd to me that some try to make a distinction from what entity it was that actually paid Ms Powell, and thus presumably try to negate attorney/client privileges and responsibilities. That should work just fine for a smear campaign in a one-sided court venue. Initial convictions in the any of the chosen one-sided venues seem to be a foregone conclusion for most of us.

None of this crap is likely to hold up in even "purple" places on appeal, but we will see. No one is very worried based upon discovery, besides Trump's financial advisors. The weaponization of government against Trump to bleed him out with "lawfare" is the only certain outcome for any of the frivolous actions in play against Trump. Serious charges, sure, but little basis in legal reality to support convictions that withstand the test of appeals.

So don't get your hopes up, Scooter. ;) Just enjoy the show,
If attorneys give their client bad information doesn't that exonerate the client?
If attorneys give their client bad information doesn't that exonerate the client?
The attorney assumes responsibility when the attorney gives advice, and unless the client demonstrably knows that the advice is bad, and the client would be breaking the law, the client should have no responsibility on matters like these.

she may have been privy to some information from outside sources that would be useful to prosecution. I suspect it’s all a pile of crap though. The crap juries will convict him on the first round. Then it gets interesting.

much will be made of removing Trump from ballots in states in which he would never be expected to win the electoral votes anyways. It will be a huge talking point if it happens, trying to sway the weak minded voters in other states, but in the long run, it will help make trumps case in the higher venues for unfair prosecution and systemic weaponization of government prosecutorial authority for political partisan reasons

if we end up with warring blue county election authorities trying to remove Trump from the ballot for a bogus felony conviction in red states, that could be a problem.
The attorney assumes responsibility when the attorney gives advice, and unless the client demonstrably knows that the advice is bad, and the client would be breaking the law, the client should have no responsibility on matters like these.

she may have been privy to some information from outside sources that would be useful to prosecution. I suspect it’s all a pile of crap though. The crap juries will convict him on the first round. Then it gets interesting.

much will be made of removing Trump from ballots in states in which he would never be expected to win the electoral votes anyways. It will be a huge talking point if it happens, trying to sway the weak minded voters in other states, but in the long run, it will help make trumps case in the higher venues for unfair prosecution and systemic weaponization of government prosecutorial authority for political partisan reasons

if we end up with warring blue county election authorities trying to remove Trump from the ballot for a bogus felony conviction in red states, that could be a problem.
It's very interesting and being conducted in a very secretive manner. Bring sunlight to everything Trump has done. I listen to that phone call. These prosecutors a making things up as they go. Using the full weight of a government to get a desired outcome.
It's very interesting and being conducted in a very secretive manner. Bring sunlight to everything Trump has done. I listen to that phone call. These prosecutors a making things up as they go. Using the full weight of a government to get a desired outcome.
I guess the reason that they spent 7, 8 years trying to convince the weak minded that Trump is the devil is because they don’t expect complaints when they screw over “the devil “. He’s the devil. He obviously deserves it. Who cares what the law actually says if we can hurt the devil!?!
I wonder if anyone taking a deal thus far really wants to burn Trump, or if they just hope to run the witness stand gauntlet and come out unscathed ?
I wonder if anyone taking a deal thus far really wants to burn Trump, or if they just hope to run the witness stand gauntlet and come out unscathed ?
When the defense of legal proceedings against you is likely to fail and threaten to ruin you financially, you take the best deal available.

I would think that outweighs any loyalty or animosity against Trump.
When the defense of legal proceedings against you is likely to fail and threaten to ruin you financially, you take the best deal available.

I would think that outweighs any loyalty or animosity against Trump.
I understand lawfare, but if Trump has a path to pay legal expenses ? He knows......
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I understand lawfare, but if Trump has a path to pay legal expenses ? He knows......
If I understand you correctly, I have read that Trump paying legal expenses for co-defendents could be interpreted as an admission that there was in fact a conspiracy to overturn the Georgia election.

Two other thoughts:

With Trump's other legal battles, there are rumors he is tapped out on cash and cannot pay his own legal bills.

That and Trump appears to have a history of using then abandoning allies once they outlive their usefulness .