Senator/Teamsters Boss Nearly Come To Blows

So edgy. The teamster sounds like a condescending douche and Sanders is an ancient, bloviating idiot. Glad we got Acyn's take though, can't wait to hear what Aaron Rupar thinks.
What do you know about rural Ohio? There's no Asian spas outside the city limits.
I have driven through it on my way to places more appealing and had to stop for gas. I saw lots of dudes that looked like the one in your video.

I'm just glad all these lower and middle class auto workers and delivery drivers are getting all these massive wage increases.
If republicans can’t find witnesses to assault, they just punch one another. What a bunch of idiots.

I have to believe Mullin would physically destroy O'Brien because he does have wrestling and MMA background. This was not the place to lose ones cool as he is a State Senator, even though O'Brien did insult him online. For union workers, mainly the Teamsters, he's as popular as Hoffa almost now.

The look on O'brien's face when he thought to himself "Oh crap this could actually be happening" is priceless.
Would love to see this...

Damn straight, let those 2 get it on. Need more of this. Want to run your mouth, need to settle up. Get it on! I know a few on this site that could benefit from a situation like this, Bam!
This idiot, like all union whores, is just another idiotic coward.
I don’t have much use for union officials these days in the modern era, but I don’t have much use for blanket statements like that^ up there, either. I don’t think it would take me very long to find a couple dozen union guys that could work you into the dirt, but you’ll have to wait until about 4 o’clock tomorrow when they’re in the bars after work.

No, they don’t need a job.
I was a teamsters for a few yrs back in the day. Hated paying the union dues and watching them bend over backwards defending terrible employees.

Then come election time the flier they send telling, we'll recommending, whom to vote for.
I have to believe Mullin would physically destroy O'Brien because he does have wrestling and MMA background. This was not the place to lose ones cool as he is a State Senator, even though O'Brien did insult him online. For union workers, mainly the Teamsters, he's as popular as Hoffa almost now.

The look on O'brien's face when he thought to himself "Oh crap this could actually be happening" is priceless.

Imagine Mullin trying that on Jimmy Hoffa. Hoffa would have come across the table straight for Mullins jaw.
I was a teamsters for a few yrs back in the day. Hated paying the union dues and watching them bend over backwards defending terrible employees.

Then come election time the flier they send telling, we'll recommending, whom to vote for.
You can't tell me that the array of grunts, skaters, privileged characters, and butt-kissers was all that different than the military.

I don’t have much use for union officials these days in the modern era, but I don’t have much use for blanket statements like that^ up there, either. I don’t think it would take me very long to find a couple dozen union guys that could work you into the dirt, but you’ll have to wait until about 4 o’clock tomorrow when they’re in the bars after work.

No, they don’t need a job.
Sure. I'm up for that