SCOTUS Liberal Liar

(Breitbart) – Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) asked if Dr. Anthony Fauci is “advising” Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor after she touted falsehoods during oral arguments on Friday at the Supreme Court as justices weighed President Joe Biden’s coercive vaccine mandates.

“We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, many on ventilators” from the coronavirus, Sotomayor asserted on Friday, raising eyebrows.

After the remarks surfaced, Sen. Paul, a prominent critic of Anthony Fauci, tweeted: “Sotomayor: ‘over 100,000 children…in serious condition, many on ventilators’ Is Fauci advising Justice Sotomayor? Will YouTube censor her?”
I am not upset at all. I just refuse to waste time on you, bandying about over details that have been made obvious for over a year now. If you don’t already know the difference between a legit absentee ballot request and unsolicited ballots sent out to the entire electorate, you are not worth a pinch of sht.
And yet here you are, wasting time on me. ????????
Actually that's a pretty informative article but if you can't see where there's an area or two where fraud could and I say could happen then you didn't read close enough. By the way even by Republicans.
Which if funny since most actual cases of confirmed voter fraud were done by Republicans voting for Trump.
I only use that when I have to use a form of their, there, they’re....thare is the you understood form and it covers all the uses.

You can kill a rat blind, in a sack, with nothing but your face, and a linguistic wizard also. A true Renaissance Man, Col. I'd bet you are a CunningLinguist as well.
Tell that to the hillbillies in Kentucky that have voted Mitch McConnell into office for 30 years straight. Kentucky is a show. Failing in every measurable category. Gluttons for punishment I guess.
Also pass that information along to the stupid bastards in San Francisco. They love Queen nancy.
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Holy crap. I thought the number was 13K and it's really 3K??? Soto is either a bald faced liar, or a lazy useful idiot.

"This is just absolutely astonishing. "100,000 children in serious condition," per Sotomayor. Where do these people obtain their misinformation? The current national pediatric COVID census per HHS is 3,342. Many/most incidental."

— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) January 7, 2022

She ONLY missed it by 97K patients! Surreal.
A Supreme Court Justice ! How can she be so ignorant? Very discouraging

Impeach Soto now!
At any level, from any perspective, it is shameful that such inaccurate BS could come out of the face of any person upon whom such an august position has been conferred.

But at the end of it, I voted for the man that nominated her. I blame myself.
There is time for an apology and a correction. My God!
Gridlock. I voted for gridlock.

I will further confess that I underestimated second term hubris from Obummer. A compound error.

Had I voted for Romney with a sufficient number of my peers, I think it is safe to say we would’ve never been graced with the Magnificent Orange Bastard. I voted against “..and Palin”, and grew to further disdain McCain after his failed presidential campaign. (accidental Dr. Seuss, lol ). I voted against carnivore capitalist Mitt Romney. So there’s all that.

Trust the process. Preserve the Process.
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Gridlock. I voted for gridlock.

I will further confess that I underestimated second term hubris from Obummer. A compound error.

Had I voted for Romney with a sufficient number of my peers, I think it is safe to say we would’ve never been graced with the Magnificent Orange Bastard. I voted against “..and Palin”, and grew to further disdain McCain after his failed presidential campaign. (accidental Dr. Seuss, lol ). I voted against carnivore capitalist Mitt Romney. So there’s all that.

Trust the process. Preserve the Process.
Who’d you for last election?? Orange Bastard? No way you voted for Brandon.
I’ve been all in on the orange bastard in both elections.

i’ve been waiting 25 years for somebody to say that stuff and actually try to get it done. That was a real executive, like it or not. The other recent a-holes have been nothing but politicians
Agree 100%. He’s a total dck. But he gets the job done.

I think we did have this convo before. I wasn’t for Trump at first and you sorta helped me in the right direction. I was pulling for Romney. Thank god that spineless cuck lost in the primaries.
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