No Mow May

That includes highways.

Lets face it...some of this doesn't need mowed. Plenty of area for pollinator and bird habitat that gets mowed and doesn't have to.
Ok. I think I misunderstood what you were saying. I agree that there is certainly a number of acres that are mowed and don't need to be. I read your original post as "its a waste of money for the state to mow at all".
Smoove mows whenever the opportunitification comes up. Smoove will trim trees, trim the bush, and mow the lawn of anyone who ain't carrying a package........well, ALMOST any, there has to be some limitationations put on that, y'all be knowin', but Smoove just tryin' to pleaseate the chickies with straight lines, evenly cut bushes, and a smile on they face!!! Somethin' about the smell of a freshly mowed lawn that put a smile on Smoove face and make Smoove want to drink some hootch!
I think a lot more info is needed before we say that. There are some acres that n
Also, is he saying they mow 24,000 acres a week or does that include the highway medians that get mowed 2 to maybe 3 times a year?
That includes highways.

Lets face it...some of this doesn't need mowed. Plenty of area for pollinator and bird habitat that gets mowed and doesn't have to.
it pleases the Chickies if it is mowed with attention to detail, with gentleness so as to not leave clippings all around, and it is a positive for the health of both involvicated.
Good points , don't need to hit those medians 2x a week.

Still, as Smoove says, it's important to keep the shrubbery pruned back for visibility purposes and to reduce accidents. We don't want an operator to have their vision blocked, and then have an eye put out at the last second.
Mowing the lawn is one of the few outdoor chores I don't mind. There's something satisfying with finishing up and seeing a nice, neat lawn. :)

The only time I find mowing satisfying is in the fall when I'm chopping up leaves and stirring them up for the wind to blow away.
On the lowest setting, too, huh?

Basically making grass glitter at that point.
You got it! Having to rake the grass up just adds insult to injury for the young guy (who could use regular exercise).

Everyone else on the block does either a good or great job. Just not his thing, I guess.
I have my mower set at the 2nd highest setting currently and it still bogs down. Just that time of year, although I’ve stayed on top of it way better than the last 2 seasons. Once we get to true dry season I’ll drop it one more setting for the rest of the year. I do pay a lawn care guy to edge and trim my yard every other week. I had nothing but issues with my gas powered weed eater so I decided it wasn’t worth the issue, although the neighborhood dads and especially my mom were very confused/upset with that decision.
Two weeks between cuttings this time of year is asking for a bad experience. You should be cutting every 4-5 days during the rainy parts of spring.

I would agree, but it’s kinda hard when it rains almost every day in those 2 weeks
That must be what my neighbor's doing! I thought he was just being lazy ;)
This thread is concerning me a bit. Not sure if I did a good neighborly deed this week or screwed up someone's plans?

My neighbor who is several years retired, has been mowing the front of his yard but leaving the sides and rear. I kept looking at the grass each week as I mowed mine and thought much taller and that was going to be a nightmare to mow.

Thought about knocking on the door and asking him if he wanted me to mow it for him, then I figured he would either be embarrassed or want to pay me, so I made the decision to just mow his yard without asking.

I hope he is not paranoid or delusional. And I also hope he is not easily offended by me mowing without asking. I just legitimately wanted to help out, now I find out he may have wanted to let it grow? To late now, that knee high grass is no longer standing.
This thread is concerning me a bit. Not sure if I did a good neighborly deed this week or screwed up someone's plans?

My neighbor who is several years retired, has been mowing the front of his yard but leaving the sides and rear. I kept looking at the grass each week as I mowed mine and thought much taller and that was going to be a nightmare to mow.

Thought about knocking on the door and asking him if he wanted me to mow it for him, then I figured he would either be embarrassed or want to pay me, so I made the decision to just mow his yard without asking.

I hope he is not paranoid or delusional. And I also hope he is not easily offended by me mowing without asking. I just legitimately wanted to help out, now I find out he may have wanted to let it grow? To late now, that knee high grass is no longer standing.

Tough call. The local health municipality might've screwed up his plans by citing him for an unkempt lawn hazard. You saved him from that.

How stealthy were you, and how high was the fence you and your mower had to climb to get to that yard? If he didn't see who it was, you could say you saw some kid do it and that you assumed it was his grandson.
Tough call. The local health municipality might've screwed up his plans by citing him for an unkempt lawn hazard. You saved him from that.

How stealthy were you, and how high was the fence you and your mower had to climb to get to that yard? If he didn't see who it was, you could say you saw some kid do it and that you assumed it was his grandson.
No fences involved, but I was very not very stealthy either. I know perhaps 8-10 years ago this topic came up in here as well and I mentioned a different neighbor I had done the exact same thing to his yard. But in retrospect, he had asked me to help mow it a time or two so I felt justified in just mowing his while I had my mower out and he was gone at the time. I do not think he appreciated it, as he has never asked for help mowing since that event, and he mows quite regularly now. We talk often, but that event has never came up in conversation.

Slightly different situation with the neighbor this week, in that I have not seen him around since last fall. He lives alone, and my bet is his son is the one that mowed the front yard. Still, I hate people coming into my property without permission, so while I think he would appreciate the kind gesture and just be happy the grass was knocked down, I can see how he may be offended by such spontaneous behavior on my part.
In the more uppity suburbs it is ironic they have strict ordinances about mowing regularly yet these are the same places that will claim to be environmentally friendly... leaving grass a couple inches higher would be the better choice for everyone including the planet

Same thing goes for a couple suburbs around Cleveland that'll regularly cut down old trees regularly to keep the city looking well-groomed...
Good points , don't need to hit those medians 2x a week.

Still, as Smoove says, it's important to keep the shrubbery pruned back for visibility purposes and to reduce accidents. We don't want an operator to have their vision blocked, and then have an eye put out at the last second.
Smoove must say that you are quite well on the right track, "Grasshopper". Accidents while mowing the lawn can definitely happenify, specificallization if very little attention was being payified to the shrubbery. THe more shrubbery and thickness there is, the more likelihood there could be of injury to the one prunifyin' the shrubbery. Y'all know what Smoove be talkin' bout, so make certain y'all takify all the precautionations, proper PPE is alwayz smart. It like you goin' to battle with the shrubbery when it get bad enuff, y'all. GOtta have the proper eyewear, prolly have to wear one of those bright LED lights on the mellon too, so Smoove can see where Smoove is headin'!!! Kinda like a Miner, gotta take the caution, y'all!
Smoove out!