Lake v Hoover


New member
Gameday at Blue Streak Stadium. I dont see another thread for this game...hard to believe people arent more all over this one with the pretty much even rivalry this has been over the years. There have been some real classics over time... Ready for a great football game out of my Blue Streaks and praying for no injuries for either team. Rock Em
Side note: Coach Durbin is doing the color commentry on 1480 for this one.
Gameday at Blue Streak Stadium. I dont see another thread for this game...hard to believe people arent more all over this one with the pretty much even rivalry this has been over the years. There have been some real classics over time... Ready for a great football game out of my Blue Streaks and praying for no injuries for either team. Rock Em
Side note: Coach Durbin is doing the color commentry on 1480 for this one.
is noah kubasky going to play ,he left with an injury last week
Smoove really looking forwardto the updates on this one! Lake might have had the injurination bug hit them last week, but Smoove thinks they be fine and play really well with or without starters. Hoover still has the players to make things very interesting, kind of like when Smoove was knockin' 2 chickies from the same school.....gotta be careful not to be seen by the other one, but Smoove got it done for quite a while!! Aww yeah!
Smoove sees Lake starting to flex some of the size advantage they have on the line and pound the rock at Hoover like Smoove loves to do! Pounding is the name of Smooves game, like Smoove always comments on the Coventry threads, keep the clock moving and keep the other team from having the pill. Someone please send updates through the game cuz Smoove has to go watch kid #6 ( at least Smoove thinks it is kid #6 and kind #8:unsure:) play soccer in a match in Fremont. Yup, Smoove not a soccer fan, but you know Smoove will do whatever it take to take cares of Smoove's own! Smoove digresses, though, and thinks Lake will win this one by 13. Smoove out!
At Lake and with them coming off a loss Hoover might take it on the chin. Hope I am wrong.

35-21 Lake IMHO
Anyone care to give a recap? Out of town this weekend and couldn’t make it.
Lake 21 Hoover 7.

Hoover lost Dyrlund in the first half to injury, Braucher played the rest of the game at QB.

Lake had scoring drives of 13 and 26 yards after INTs.

Hoover blocked a FG.
Did Smoove call this one close as all get up, get back, get down and GET AROUND?!?! Well, Smoove mathematicalization skillz ain't quite as magnificently crafted as Smoove's grasp of verbalizin' in English, Smoove knows that Smoove predictated a 13 point victoriousness for Lake and the actualized score was by 14 points, Smoove feels really nice about how this turneded out. What Smoove will commisserate about mighty briefly, if Smoove may, is that if Lake gonna go very far, they better get theirselfs a daggone kicker! Smoove seems to have in Smoove's dome that the Kicker has uncorrectly launchified field goals like 4 or 5 times this year. Smoove thinks that that is not a positivity for the Blue Streaks and this is not typicallation of their Special Team effort. Come on, Lake, you gots to have a (GULP, Smoove gonna say it even though Smoove hate the sport) soccer player that can put their foot to the pigskin much betterer than the current participant. Smoove know it gotta become a realitization if Lake wanna bring home some hardware this season. MAybe the kciker need to have Smoove come and get his mind right, give him some Smoove aura and karma and positivations and gyrations? Can it hurt? Hecks to the NO! Smoove's words can only improve this young man's skillz and abilitation to do all things, school work, helpin' around the house with chores, cleanin' up the yard since the leaves be startin' to fall, cleanin' dishes before throwin' then in the dishwarsher thinga-majig, and even in the ways of the ladies and the chickies. Oh, Smoove forgot to mention kickin' the daggone ball THROUGH THE YELLOW BARS, Yo!!! Smoove don't single out players for bad things nor mistakes, that ain't right! But Smoove will call out somethin' when it need to be changed! And speakin' of things needin' to be changed, Smoove best get movin' alongst right 'bout now to change this ol' Hooters t-shirt......IT is smellin' like some old sweatin' and old lovin' that happened just last night! YEP! Smoove's Mooves were groovin' and shalloovin' all up, down, in and out last friggin' NIGHT, Yo!! Smoove out!
Did Smoove call this one close as all get up, get back, get down and GET AROUND?!?! Well, Smoove mathematicalization skillz ain't quite as magnificently crafted as Smoove's grasp of verbalizin' in English, Smoove knows that Smoove predictated a 13 point victoriousness for Lake and the actualized score was by 14 points, Smoove feels really nice about how this turneded out. What Smoove will commisserate about mighty briefly, if Smoove may, is that if Lake gonna go very far, they better get theirselfs a daggone kicker! Smoove seems to have in Smoove's dome that the Kicker has uncorrectly launchified field goals like 4 or 5 times this year. Smoove thinks that that is not a positivity for the Blue Streaks and this is not typicallation of their Special Team effort. Come on, Lake, you gots to have a (GULP, Smoove gonna say it even though Smoove hate the sport) soccer player that can put their foot to the pigskin much betterer than the current participant. Smoove know it gotta become a realitization if Lake wanna bring home some hardware this season. MAybe the kciker need to have Smoove come and get his mind right, give him some Smoove aura and karma and positivations and gyrations? Can it hurt? Hecks to the NO! Smoove's words can only improve this young man's skillz and abilitation to do all things, school work, helpin' around the house with chores, cleanin' up the yard since the leaves be startin' to fall, cleanin' dishes before throwin' then in the dishwarsher thinga-majig, and even in the ways of the ladies and the chickies. Oh, Smoove forgot to mention kickin' the daggone ball THROUGH THE YELLOW BARS, Yo!!! Smoove don't single out players for bad things nor mistakes, that ain't right! But Smoove will call out somethin' when it need to be changed! And speakin' of things needin' to be changed, Smoove best get movin' alongst right 'bout now to change this ol' Hooters t-shirt......IT is smellin' like some old sweatin' and old lovin' that happened just last night! YEP! Smoove's Mooves were groovin' and shalloovin' all up, down, in and out last friggin' NIGHT, Yo!! Smoove out!
Lake might win some games in the playoffs, but hardware seems unlikely. Sharing a region with Massillon, who might be the best team in the state, is gonna be very challenging to top. Anything can happen, but that’s a monster I’m not sure we can top this year and that’s no shot at our kids, Massillon is just that good.
Hoover had a time protecting last night. But that's kind of been the way it's been all season. I thought the defense played better then they have played. Lake is good but they're not as good as I thought they would be. Other then Massillon not sure how good the rest of the region is.
Lake 21 Hoover 7.

Hoover lost Dyrlund in the first half to injury, Braucher played the rest of the game at QB.

Lake had scoring drives of 13 and 26 yards after INTs.

Hoover blocked a FG.

Lake out gained Hoover 272-128. Lakes tailback had 180 yards rushing. Not a flashy win but a dominant one by the blue streaks.
  • Haha
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Hoover backup QB was the only real fear the Streaks saw last night, since we were not really planning on a running QB. He came out from halftime and ran it all the way down the field, pretty much by himself.
Another great competitive game between two great Fed schools ~ Rock 'Em!
Hoover backup QB was the only real fear the Streaks saw last night, since we were not really planning on a running QB. He came out from halftime and ran it all the way down the field, pretty much by himself.
Another great competitive game between two great Fed schools ~ Rock 'Em!
I would hope Lake was planning for a running QB. Dyrlund runs pretty well and dropped on a fairly long run into Lake territory. The Lake defense is definitely good but this would have been a close one if the QB doesn’t get hurt.
I would hope Lake was planning for a running QB. Dyrlund runs pretty well and dropped on a fairly long run into Lake territory. The Lake defense is definitely good but this would have been a close one if the QB doesn’t get hurt.
Of course, Lake D is prepared for an occasional run by the QB, but respectfully, I was more referring to the stat below to make sure we were prepared for more of a "passing" QB...

I'm not so sure the game would have been closer if Dyrlund didn't go out. Remember, Lake destroyed Jax and they have the leading passer.
Oh well.. It was a great game.
On to this week.

Rock 'Em!
Makes sense. Stats can be a little misleading. Completion percentage being one and passing attempts another. Ecrement has a bright future but he is the 3rd best QB in the fed and from what I could see on BTS Dyrlund didn’t have a problem throwing on McKinley despite protection being bad. Ecrement has struggled against all fed teams except Perry. Lake will be well set up going into the playoffs but I think Hoover will be a dangerous low seed and a rematch could be very possible. If their QB comes back and they continue to improve the line and their defense it would be a battle. Good luck the rest of the way.
Smoove believes that Lake is finally readin' this website and listenin' to Smoove. THey finally doin' what Smoove loves to do: POUND IT! Lake is doin' what they do best, run the rock and throw it when they wanna throw the pill. Somple and easy-peazy!!

Smoove, though, is finding somethin' very confusin' and mean. WHy all y'all callin' HOover QB bad names and callin' him, well, basically, poo-poo? Ecrement is not a nice thing to be callin' anyone, let alone a high school young'un! Grow up, Y'all! Now one can maybe say he plaeyed "like ecrement", or made a "ecrementally" type of play, but don't be callin' the dude ecrement. NOT COOL! Smoove don't like that stuff! Smoove out!
Smoove believes that Lake is finally readin' this website and listenin' to Smoove. THey finally doin' what Smoove loves to do: POUND IT! Lake is doin' what they do best, run the rock and throw it when they wanna throw the pill. Somple and easy-peazy!!

Smoove, though, is finding somethin' very confusin' and mean. WHy all y'all callin' HOover QB bad names and callin' him, well, basically, poo-poo? Ecrement is not a nice thing to be callin' anyone, let alone a high school young'un! Grow up, Y'all! Now one can maybe say he plaeyed "like ecrement", or made a "ecrementally" type of play, but don't be callin' the dude ecrement. NOT COOL! Smoove don't like that stuff! Smoove out!
Smoove you such a SMART GUY!!!! No room for the negativity in high school football!!!!! If someone called me an ecrement, I would be filled with rage and anger as that is NOT NICE!!!!!!! With that being said when da Vikes suit n boot for the Purple Bears, I got the good guy Mr. Dyrlund and the VIKINGS!!!!! Da Bears have been such a dissapointment.... the QB really needs to step up and play like Dyrlund!!!! #NUFFSAID
Dawg bull.g--
Smoove appreciates your appreciation, my bruthah! Ain't no reason to be callin' someon ecrement just cause the yhave a bad game or gotted hurt. There ain't no LOVE in that type of stuff. Be more like Smoove, y'all, and y'all might some more LOVE and begin to get y'allz Groove on like Smoove gets Smoove's Mooves!!
Dawg bull.g--
Smoove appreciates your appreciation, my bruthah! Ain't no reason to be callin' someon ecrement just cause the yhave a bad game or gotted hurt. There ain't no LOVE in that type of stuff. Be more like Smoove, y'all, and y'all might some more LOVE and begin to get y'allz Groove on like Smoove gets Smoove's Mooves!!
MY MAN SMOOVE!!! Need MORE people like SMOOVE on da app!!! Ain't NO LOVE in calling someone ecrement! Everyone LISTEN UP, be more like SMOOVE & have SMOOVE MOVES!!!!!
MY MAN SMOOVE!!! Need MORE people like SMOOVE on da app!!! Ain't NO LOVE in calling someone ecrement! Everyone LISTEN UP, be more like SMOOVE & have SMOOVE MOVES!!!!!
Smoove is showin' MAD PROPS and much love to y'all! Should Smoove just lay down and accept that some people on here have no class? NOT GONNA HAPPEN, Yo! Smoove has much depriciationification for all of Smoove's many appreciativified Yappsters on this here site. Much love to y'all! Let's just stop the name callin', stop the rudeified commentations, and find some chickie (or a manly-man if y'all swing that way.....Smoove ain't too much down with that, but if allows y'all to get your Mooves on, get your Groove down.....GO FOR IT, Yo!) and get down y'all!! Let's all bring some BIG SMILES to the faces of the ones that we wanna get with, y'all! Smoove be the MASTER of makin' the smiles come out, most times (and Smoove ain't bein' braggadocious.....OK, yes, Smoove is braggin' it up) it is TRIPLE PLAY in one night!!!:p YUP! Smoove had to go to the baseball phrase for this one! Smoove would love to try goin' for a FOUR-Bagger, or what they call a Quadrillatteral, but usually after Smoove gets his chickie a Triple, chickie still shakin' and quakin' for least a hour and they need to get the rest. Smoove gets it, though, and Smoove ain't gonna press issue cuz' Smoove is wantin' to get back with chickie again at some time in the fewture. Smoove a gentleman and a Playah, wrapped up in a riddle, depictified by a very giving core deep within Smoove's heart.

So, in closin' out this longer than Smoove plannified it to be, y'all remember: Please no more uses of negativitation on here. Smoove ain't down wit' it; the chickies fo' sho ain't gonna wanna be gettin' some Mooves on if y'all be thorwin' out the hateration or negativation, so let's all strive to be much more like Smoove and bring the positivication, the peace that need to be within all of us when the time comes that the clock strikes the magical witchification hour of when the Mooves gotta get Moovin' and Groovin', y'all! Smoove out!