We will continue see good coaches retire by choice or coaches be forced out of coaching by school circumstances on a regular basis.
The amount of time invested for the money received coaching and the constant drama of high school sports simply is not worth participating in. I’ve spoke to all of my grown kids coaches in the past year, each of them retired from coaching after 10+ years.
They love coaching, but they simply grew tired of putting up with school administration, parents and players. Coaches are now responsible for mental health, program culture, social media, out of season training just to name a few.
Most of their time is not spent preparing their team to be the best they can, but doing all the other extra things that don’t necessarily help a team improve.
The craziness of pro, college and club sports has slowly made its way into high school and many old school coaches simply do not want to put up with the drama.
My kids are now in their late 20s and none of them or their friends have any interest in coaching.
Schools and programs should expect to see coaches give it a try and not stick around very long.
Just look at the craziness of expectations in each of the different sports categories on yappi, it’s easy to see why sane people don’t Coach. Our obsessed sports culture is insane.
Another concern will also be having enough competent referees in the different sports, The choices are dwindling in this area. Due to crazy coaches and unruly player and parent behavior. It’s simply it’s not worth being a ref during this time either.
Ultimately, the positions will be filled, but many new coaches are going to come to the conclusion that it simply is not worth the time invested to be the head coach.