Inflation hits highest level in recorded history

Why don't you give us the details on how the Republicans ran the economy into the ground?
I love the whole Republicans ran the economy into the ground silliness. The entire world stopped on a dime in March of 2020 and lost basically 16.5% of production and 90% of service as the world tried to figure out what the hell to do. What the rhetoric doesn’t ever talk about is that by December, manufacturing and construction unemployment recovered back to it’s historically low pre-pandemic level. The markets recovered to their pre-pandemic levels by the end of November. All this before an effective vaccine was available. Of course the service economy was going to lag until the vaccine was available, but most durable good manufacturing was going gangbusters. Even automotive managed to sell 14.5-million units (compared to the usual 17-million) despite losing two months of sales and having to restart the global supply chain from scratch. Whose fault is the fact that automotive sales were better in Q3 2020 during a generational global pandemic than in Q3 2021 when Democrats are in full control?

But hey, today’s inflation is not an issue. Just a figment of dumb right winger’s imagination. Wonder why recent polls show about 70% of Independents and a small but growing number of Democrats give Biden a disapproval rating on this issue alone?
Both sides are so energetic to blame the other side it mind numbing … the Republicans did not run the economy into the ground — the pandemic did … the Democrats are the the central cause of the current inflation — the pandemic was … I know I will get blasted by both sides for this take … but it is mostly true … yes, both sides could have done things to lessen both problems … but in general … the economy was going to go down in 2020 and inflation was going to go up in 2021 … no matter who was in charge.
So then you admit that comparing inflation to an artificially horrible year because Republicans ran the economy into the ground is sort of stupid. The inflation has to be historically bad or we would be in the same ditch. You remember 2020 and how bad it was. You want to things to be close to that? Where are we compared to 2019? you do not want to answer that do you?
Doubling down with the stupid assertion the state of the economy was Republicans fault ?

We had essentially no inflation in 2019...
So then you admit that comparing inflation to an artificially horrible year because Republicans ran the economy into the ground is sort of stupid. The inflation has to be historically bad or we would be in the same ditch. You remember 2020 and how bad it was. You want to things to be close to that? Where are we compared to 2019? you do not want to answer that do you?

Can't really even count 2021 because of all the lingering problems from 2020, Supply chain disaster that had to be fixed. Just don't worry. Like every other time, the Democrats will get the train back on the track.
Said no one ever.
Both sides are so energetic to blame the other side it mind numbing … the Republicans did not run the economy into the ground — the pandemic did … the Democrats are the the central cause of the current inflation — the pandemic was … I know I will get blasted by both sides for this take … but it is mostly true … yes, both sides could have done things to lessen both problems … but in general … the economy was going to go down in 2020 and inflation was going to go up in 2021 … no matter who was in charge.
Wrong. Dem policy(blue states) shut down the country. Dem policy(paying people unemployment+, mandates keeping them home) is driving inflation. The economy bounced back as well as it did due to the economic fundamentals pre-pandemic and would have faired even better maintaining those principles. Now we have bozos in charge gleefully reinstituting regulations, bragging about increasing taxes, blaming business for the economic problems rather than their own policies...the current administration is hostile to business which is not shocking when its their side which hates capitalism.
Wrong. Dem policy(blue states) shut down the country. Dem policy(paying people unemployment+, mandates keeping them home) is driving inflation. The economy bounced back as well as it did due to the economic fundamentals pre-pandemic and would have faired even better maintaining those principles. Now we have bozos in charge gleefully reinstituting regulations, bragging about increasing taxes, blaming business for the economic problems rather than their own policies...the current administration is hostile to business which is not shocking when its their side which hates capitalism.

The leftist's energy policies alone are causing much of the inflation; when energy costs go up 50 - 150%, EVERYTHING is affected because manufacturing costs rise, transportation costs skyrocket, and it filters through to nearly every product consumed. So just their asinine energy policy is to blame for a majority of the inflation, and then throw in printing several trillion new dollars and there you have it. And we're nowhere near done with this.
Both sides are so energetic to blame the other side it mind numbing … the Republicans did not run the economy into the ground — the pandemic did … the Democrats are the the central cause of the current inflation — the pandemic was … I know I will get blasted by both sides for this take … but it is mostly true … yes, both sides could have done things to lessen both problems … but in general … the economy was going to go down in 2020 and inflation was going to go up in 2021 … no matter who was in charge.
That is a reasonable stance. Both Republicans and Democrats agreed to dump money into the economy at an obscene rate during the pandemic with little oversight or justification. As a small businessman, I had a banner year and my wife’s salary increased substantially at her job despite the pandemic, and the government checks still came. A core of our social group are also business owners (much bigger than my little consulting company) and their stories of the size of the PPP loans and ease of forgiveness would make your head spin. Free money galore whether you needed it or not.

But now, the current administration wants to double down on infusing trillions more into our economy. Put that into perspective. When the whole world was burning down in 2008 during the Great Recession, people lost their minds that the government was infusing $780-billion into the economy to keep the auto industry alive. Now we are talking several factors over that amount for infrastructure and BBB. All with no justification of ROI clearly stated. That is madness. And we are told the inflation is merely transitory. How can that be? When wages are artificially inflated due to monetary policy, the conversion cost of every good and service increases at every step of the supply chain and that cost is rising as fast or faster than the wage increases. How does it ever go back down? Cut wages eventually. That never happens.
That is a reasonable stance. Both Republicans and Democrats agreed to dump money into the economy at an obscene rate during the pandemic with little oversight or justification. As a small businessman, I had a banner year and my wife’s salary increased substantially at her job despite the pandemic, and the government checks still came. A core of our social group are also business owners (much bigger than my little consulting company) and their stories of the size of the PPP loans and ease of forgiveness would make your head spin. Free money galore whether you needed it or not.

But now, the current administration wants to double down on infusing trillions more into our economy. Put that into perspective. When the whole world was burning down in 2008 during the Great Recession, people lost their minds that the government was infusing $780-billion into the economy to keep the auto industry alive. Now we are talking several factors over that amount for infrastructure and BBB. All with no justification of ROI clearly stated. That is madness. And we are told the inflation is merely transitory. How can that be? When wages are artificially inflated due to monetary policy, the conversion cost of every good and service increases at every step of the supply chain and that cost is rising as fast or faster than the wage increases. How does it ever go back down? Cut wages eventually. That never happens.
They couldnt get 15/hr through legislation so they backdoored it in this way and we are all worse off for it.

Never let a crisis go to waste.
Sort of just so happened that "energy independence" happened under Trump. He inherited something and just needed to not mess it up. The trend started in 2006 and continued and Trump inherited the 2015 energy bill Obama signed. In 2020, the Trump administration did not know how to handle a "cold" or "the flu" as so many of you on the right said and our energy production went down over 5%. Consumption decreased by 3% and that kept things all well and good until consumption rose again and production was still down. But again, don't worry. The Democrats will pull us out of this mess that Republicans drove us into. It goes in these cycles. Just thank goodness Trump only had 4 years. Whew.

Sing to the tune of Born in the USA.
Both sides are so energetic to blame the other side it mind numbing … the Republicans did not run the economy into the ground — the pandemic did … the Democrats are the the central cause of the current inflation — the pandemic was … I know I will get blasted by both sides for this take … but it is mostly true … yes, both sides could have done things to lessen both problems … but in general … the economy was going to go down in 2020 and inflation was going to go up in 2021 … no matter who was in charge.
BS. Total BS.

The initial pandemic reaction that occurred in ‘19 and early ‘20 is IN NO REAL WAY comparable to the second stage pandemic farce perpetrated by the dems and their media partners, hiding truth and obscuring real science. Economic damage caused by needless shutdowns and slow downs in blue areas, riot protests every evening in blue city shizzholes…
BS. Total BS.

The initial pandemic reaction that occurred in ‘19 and early ‘20 is IN NO REAL WAY comparable to the second stage pandemic farce perpetrated by the dems and their media partners, hiding truth and obscuring real science. Economic damage caused by needless shutdowns and slow downs in blue areas, riot protests every evening in blue city shizzholes…
Thank you … I was getting worried that I was slipping … I actually agreed with twice this month … So blue states are the only states that closed down? … I thought Ohio was a red state (currently) … and I seem to remember it being closed down for a period of time … which of these red states didn’t close down??? … and are you saying this pandemic is a hoax? But I didn’t think either side would be truthful … just want to continue putting blame on the other side … it Is more important (to both sides) to put blame on the other side than look at things with any level clarity.

Joe Biden Smile GIF
I do find this laughable. If Trump was in office and inflation was running wild who would the fake news media and the Democrats on Yappi blame? Since this is happening under Biden the best the Democrats and fake news media can do is it is both parties' fault. I know they and all liberal Democrats here on Yappi are disappointed that they can come up with it is all Trump's fault.
I do find this laughable. If Trump was in office and inflation was running wild who would the fake news media and the Democrats on Yappi blame? Since this is happening under Biden the best the Democrats and fake news media can do is it is both parties' fault. I know they and all liberal Democrats here on Yappi are disappointed that they can come up with it is all Trump's fault.
Becuase you are cult member you can't see that this is actually Trump's fault.
Becuase you are cult member you can't see that this is actually Trump's fault.

All I ever hear is if you support Trump you are a cult member How does that only happen to Trump supporters. There are there no cults within the Democrats? All I ever hear is Trump lies almost always without examples. Has not Biden lied? If you like I will list some for you. For 8 years I heard it was all Bush's fault, now it is all Trump's fault. How come when things were going well for Trump it was never his fault for the success but it was because of what Obama had done. If Obama would have gotten out that magic wand that he claimed did not exist, but somehow Trump found it, we could have seen a much faster recovery with a lot more manufacturing jobs.
Dems can't survive this in November.
Normal folks would think that is the case......The Leftists don't worry about inflation, or supply chains, or illegals flooding across our southern border, or worker participation, or the constitution, or having a man with the mental capacity of a tree stump occupying the oval office. The Leftists guiding principle is "Those who cast the votes decide nothing, those that count the votes decide everything"
I do find this laughable. If Trump was in office and inflation was running wild who would the fake news media and the Democrats on Yappi blame? Since this is happening under Biden the best the Democrats and fake news media can do is it is both parties' fault. I know they and all liberal Democrats here on Yappi are disappointed that they can come up with it is all Trump's fault.
To be fair, it is definitely both parties' fault. Everybody in Spring 2020 was in total agreement to inflate our way out of the pandemic. The important part now is that Republicans have wisened up. We're so far beyond the Andrew Yang dream of free cash that it isn't funny. Fixed-income renters, particularly the elderly or non-custodial parents, are in for the rudest surprise of their lives.
Um article says highest recorded since 2010. Not ever. Nice try though.

Highest recorded rate of inflation was 14.76% in March of 1980.
Article clearly says "fastest pace on record" smh Joe Biden needs to send out a stimulus to compensate the hard-working american people for the rise in inflation