Hunter in more trouble.

So Joe's AG is independent and following the law. Good to know. Unlike you guys we want to hold people accountable and support the justice department. You do not see Joe Doxxing the prosecutors or calling the evil/cheaters.
Duh, Wake up. They already tried that with the bogus plea deal that was rejected.
So Joe's AG is independent and following the law. Good to know. Unlike you guys we want to hold people accountable and support the justice department. You do not see Joe Doxxing the prosecutors or calling the evil/cheaters.
No but we did see that under Joe's leadership they let the years of 2014 and 2015 Hunter two biggest years of money making and not paying his proper taxes fade away by not bring charges in time. Oh that old 7 years limit thing how well it works.
Special Counsel Weiss is not connected to any dept of Govt. By law a Special Counsel has to be a person from outside the Govt. Rumors have that Weiss did increase the amount of insurance he has on his life and made sure the policy will pay if he happens to commit suicide. May I point out again this is just a rumor and I have not been able to confirm it.
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I just looked at late night rant insulting the investigators or calling the AG vermin. It is almost like there is a difference.
No we just see them stonewalling and slow walking investigation.
So Joe's AG is independent and following the law. Good to know. Unlike you guys we want to hold people accountable and support the justice department. You do not see Joe Doxxing the prosecutors or calling the evil/cheaters.
Is that the Joe who continues to lie about his association with Hunters business partners despite verifiable proof he did have an association with them?
Two tier justice...

A regular person paid up on back taxes and penalties would *never* be charged with this shyte. Meanwhile Roger Stone, Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon and Rudy running around uncharged.
That sir is just another of your "But Trumps" Maybe all those people you so nicely named above did not lie on their gun application about drug use and they filed their taxes honestly and on time. It is sad that Special Counsel Weiss did not find away to charge Hunter with a crime that had already past the statute of limitations like State of NY did with Trump. Hunters 2014 and 2015 taxes would have really been fun to see if they even exist. Did you look at what the charges are for on Hunter? Don't think they are charging him for just not paying on time.
But Biden is weaponizing the DOJ!
Of course he has. That you fall for the propaganda isn't surprising though. Need a scapegoat, throw Hunter under the bus for a news cycle. Need a distraction, throw Hunter under the bus for a news cycle. Need propaganda to combat charges of a weaponized DOJ or two tier justice, throw Hunter under the bus for an news cycle.

When he faces real accountability let us know.
I can only imagine the talk Joe and Hunter have just had. Something about son I made sure you had lots of money to live a life of drug use and fun with out having to have a real job for more than a few years. Now you are going to have take a hit for me and get the heat off my back. Go out there and do something for the family that must be done.
But Biden is weaponizing the DOJ!

Moronic. The biden DoJ was caught red-handed by the judge this past summer trying to pull a fast one and get the crook off scot free. She smelled the rat and said 'no way'! These crooks have compromised the WH. $24 million (so far) funneled through 20 shell companies in an elaborate money-laundering and tax evasion scheme.

The occupier of the White House needs to resign because he is going to be impeached - he is a crook and is compromised.

Wake the F up.
Moronic. The biden DoJ was caught red-handed by the judge this past summer trying to pull a fast one and get the crook off scot free. She smelled the rat and said 'no way'! These crooks have compromised the WH. $24 million (so far) funneled through 20 shell companies in an elaborate money-laundering and tax evasion scheme.

The occupier of the White House needs to resign because he is going to be impeached - he is a crook and is compromised.

Wake the F up.
You are going to be even angrier and more disappointed than you can imagine. I think you need to calm down and wake up to the reality that it’s your guy with 91 chargers and 4 criminal cases he has to deal with . Biden won’t be charged with anything whether in office or not . Trump wasn’t charged while in office for a couple things he is dealing with now because of some never had to be used before rule . ( other presidents weren’t criminal and as corrupt as this guy but those who were closer we’re all Republicans)I get your anger (. I actually don’t but damn you seem miserable ) but I wouldn’t count on Biden being charged with anything or even any real evidence of anything criminally relevant being brought forward .

4 years, $5M, $53k Roth'ed

Let it burn!! lol

  1. continuing in a course of action despite difficulty or delay in achieving success
And what office is he running for ? Getting a Cabinet position ? So it’s your hope that people will vote against Biden because of Hunter and vote for Trump who by contrast is ? Lawful? Ethical ? Clean as a whistle?
Do you have to be running for office to face criminal charges?
Moronic. The biden DoJ was caught red-handed by the judge this past summer trying to pull a fast one and get the crook off scot free. She smelled the rat and said 'no way'! These crooks have compromised the WH. $24 million (so far) funneled through 20 shell companies in an elaborate money-laundering and tax evasion scheme.

The occupier of the White House needs to resign because he is going to be impeached - he is a crook and is compromised.

Wake the F up.
The indictment is basically a tax case. These type cases of fraud, deceit and failure to pay are typically brought up, charged and through the courts in less than a year. Hunter’s took 4 to 5 years. Another example of the 2 tiers of justice.

Again, had the judge not tossed out that ridiculous plea deal, Hunter would never see jail time and yesterday’s indictment would have been a mirage. Again…2 tiers.
Moronic. The biden DoJ was caught red-handed by the judge this past summer trying to pull a fast one and get the crook off scot free. She smelled the rat and said 'no way'! These crooks have compromised the WH. $24 million (so far) funneled through 20 shell companies in an elaborate money-laundering and tax evasion scheme.

The occupier of the White House needs to resign because he is going to be impeached - he is a crook and is compromised.

Wake the F up.
That Delaware Judge that dug into the details, instead of assuming that the Dem Prosecutor had been faithful to operational precedent in their court, is going to be regarded as a hero by history in the post mortem

edit: or the devil, depending on who writes the history

God damn the Democrat party
So Joe's AG is independent and following the law. Good to know. Unlike you guys we want to hold people accountable and support the justice department. You do not see Joe Doxxing the prosecutors or calling the evil/cheaters.
This is being done so Hunter won’t have to testify in front of Comer’s committee, since he is in “an ongoing investigation”.

This is a good thing for Hunter, another shield put in front of him by the corrupt DOJ.