Healthcare costs

When my primary care physician has been too busy he has sent me to urgent care.

I was glad for the option.

Disclaimer: STRS is sending me a one-time $600 rebate on my health insurance costs for 2022. Woo hoo!
It's the current situations no one is talking about. Even worse if you go to the hospitals.
In last Yesterdays Mail

Got a 11.36% Increase on my monthly Health Insurance Premium - 2 Person Policy

- and a change in my Out of POCKET - 7% increase on
Inflation is killing the country right now. A person has to make something around $10k more than they did at the start of Biden's term just to make pace. That's crazy
still waiting for my surprise. Son already got his. I'm guessing 20% increase. Anybody got their new rates yet?
I posted this on another site, I think at one time you and I may have been on the same Anthem plan or at least very similar. The plan I have been on for over 20 years now is going up 30% this year. I called and cancelled it early November. Going with a different carrier altogether. I have never had anything but Anthem, so we shall see how the new company does with increases? In the door they were about the same as Anthem was last year.
Inflation is killing the country right now. A person has to make something around $10k more than they did at the start of Biden's term just to make pace. That's crazy
That is a real tough number to get an accurate read on. For those who have not moved in the last five years your 10k is possibly close, primarily covering increases in food and healthcare. But for those of us who finally came of age and moved, taking in a new mortgage at inflated rates, its probably more like 40% up from 2019. So a family earning 100k would need to earn 140k today just to keep even.

Hopefully they will reset the standard deduction to keep us from paying more tax on earnings that actually purchase less.
Very thankful for a retiree's family plan rate on a total med/script/eyes/teeth program. Just a small bump this year, and over $12k/yr OoP for the first time. I've been taking my lumps with rising deductibles and co-pays ever since ACA was dumped on us. Before ACA, a participant family having a healthy baby paid ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to have a baby and head right home when the baby was released. By the time the last kid hits 26, we'll be one spouse (me) Medicare eligible, and the rate falls and it's half a gap plan until the wife is also Medicare eligible, and the rate falls again.

Old thread. Whatever happened to dado/Dad o' ?
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Annual median wage in 2020 was $41,950. 2021 was 45,760. 2023 is $59,428. Compared to 2020 it's up $17,478 and for 2021 it's $13,668.
So, 2020 is your basis of comparison, when we were in shut-down-a-palooza mode ? Are hand-outs also wages in your metric ? The 1099's of the gig economy are not considered ?
So, 2020 is your basis of comparison, when we were in shut-down-a-palooza mode ? Are hand-outs also wages in your metric ? The 1099's of the gig economy are not considered ?
The statement was since Biden took over. The difference for 2020 and 2021 is $3810. I just presented information.

Tell you what. You compile the information you think is pertinent and present it. I did not post for every individual in the US. Everyone has their own unique situation.

I made nearly the exact same in 2021, 2022 and 2023. I'm not really in any different shape than I was then. It's almost as if I have a natural balancing point and no matter how much or little money I have, I stay at that point without a lot of overthinking. It has probably cost me about $600 more in gas money this year than in 2021, but I obviously cut something else out, because that really didn't even cause a blip in my finances. There is no way I need $10,000 more to live now than I did a few years ago. I'm not denying that there are people that do, but somewhere someone has my share of the $13,668 so, I hope they are doing well. I didn't get it and I'm still just fine.
There’s more to account for than just pure income when making such a calculation lol

But if carrying his point required it, he'd be still be gathering the info that he needed. It's like the old David Steinburg gag, "Can you believe it?! I found it in the last place I looked!". "Of course. Who keeps on looking after they find something?"
I posted this on another site, I think at one time you and I may have been on the same Anthem plan or at least very similar. The plan I have been on for over 20 years now is going up 30% this year. I called and cancelled it early November. Going with a different carrier altogether. I have never had anything but Anthem, so we shall see how the new company does with increases? In the door they were about the same as Anthem was last year.
I was dumbfounded with the Athem small increase. Did you have Covid? Or some medical issues?
I was dumbfounded with the Athem small increase. Did you have Covid? Or some medical issues?
Yes, had several health issues, but Anthem always told me it was a group increase and everyone in the group would see the same increase. My guess is there are simply some high risk clients in a group that has been around for 20-25 years. Apparently you are not part of my group LOL.
Yes, had several health issues, but Anthem always told me it was a group increase and everyone in the group would see the same increase. My guess is there are simply some high risk clients in a group that has been around for 20-25 years. Apparently you are not part of my group LOL.
I don't think the groups exist as we think. Bad health year and it impacts your rate. My opinion is it's individual. Move on to the next provider when they hammer you.
He’s doing one of three things: paying more, paying the same or paying less. You’re asking why it’s can’t be true that he’s paying the same while also paying less?

No. The cost of the plan he is enrolled in would have remained the same if his personal situation hadn't changed. Both statements are true.
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No. The cost of the plan he is enrolled in would have remained the same if his personal situation hadn't changed. Both statements are true.
1) Yes. Spin it all you want, he is paying less. 2) There’s no way of knowing that unless you are an actuarial or underwriter at his healthcare provider. 3) No need to defend moronic statements just because he agrees with you politically.
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1) Yes. Spin it all you want, he is paying less. 2) There’s no way of knowing that unless you are an actuarial or underwriter at his healthcare provider. 3) No need to defend moronic statements just because he agrees with you politically.

I don't give two about either his or your political leanings. My "spin" is exactly what he said.
I don't give two about either his or your political leanings. My "spin" is exactly what he said.
Of course you do. You frequently come to happy’s defense when he says something incredibly dumb.

You’re making the same argument as “if I didn’t get cancer last year my rates would have stayed the same!” Both are personal situations changing. Of course it affects what you’re paying. You arguing anything else is either purposefully playing dumb or being a partisan hack.