Hazing Incidents

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You know this crap goes on almost everywhere. Coaches seem to think they can just trust kids not to be stupid, but they are kids and will be stupid. They see something in a movie or online and they copy it. In today's day and age, I would not allow them to be alone ever. If it means they just get undressed and don't shower at the facilities, so be it. Massillon is poised to have a special year, and now it could be ruined because of a few stupid idiots. I'm sure Moore won't get fired because he has really made them a better team, and I don't think he should be fired unless it comes out that this stuff has been going on the whole time he has been coach. If it has been happening with no consequences and it can be verified, Massillon should fire him.
You know this crap goes on almost everywhere. Coaches seem to think they can just trust kids not to be stupid, but they are kids and will be stupid. They see something in a movie or online and they copy it. In today's day and age, I would not allow them to be alone ever. If it means they just get undressed and don't shower at the facilities, so be it. Massillon is poised to have a special year, and now it could be ruined because of a few stupid idiots. I'm sure Moore won't get fired because he has really made them a better team, and I don't think he should be fired unless it comes out that this stuff has been going on the whole time he has been coach. If it has been happening with no consequences and it can be verified, Massillon should fire him.
If this sort of thing goes on almost everywhere as you say should we fire every coach at every school. Or hold these kids accountable for their actions. Most teams sign a code of conduct. Hold these kids accountable for a change and the frequency of this sort of thing will drop drastically.
I am absolutely baffled how many posts say “this sort of thing goes on everywhere “ or the whole “boys will be boys”. I have been around sports for a long time and this does not go on and if you have children you would not say this is ok or will be as little as a two week suspension! The adults are SUPPOSED to be responsible for their athletes! Now will they be held accountable is another subject!! Will the adults responsible for the decisions over the adults collecting a paycheck courtesy of their tax paying citizens make the appropriate disciplinary decisions is what’s at stake here. Well I guess when you are taking about this particular school it is winning at any cost and has been for years. Only issue is what are you winning and what is it you are paying for and was it all worth it?
10-12 kids ripping off an underclassman s clothes is not horse play and is extremely humiating to the individual. You are correct, it ins't the coaches job to babysit the team but it does show the lack of respect they have for Nate Moore and his staff. If the powers to be cared more about the kid than chasing the dream they are never going to catch, Moore would be out on his .
One outcome is for the first two weeks or three maybe, those fans are going to see what it is like when Massillon has to play with their own and not recruits mostly.
Lucky for you your week 2
It’s a lack of institutional control and professionalism! The coaches and Administrators should be held accountable.
They should be held accountable if there is negligence of some sort or if this is a pattern.

Now, unfortunately this is more prone to happening whenever coaches bring kids in due to open enrollment. You bring kids in, especially upper classmen that haven't been brought up in your system and culture, and they will cause disruptions.
HS & college football hazing DOES NOT go on MOST PLACES.

I’m retired but coached a looong time at private and public schools.
Played in HS & college.

NEVER saw this hazing crap anywhere I worked and most places it was understood day 1 doesn’t matter who you are… you are gone if you participate in this garbage.

The HC sets the tone in every program.
I am absolutely baffled how many posts say “this sort of thing goes on everywhere “ or the whole “boys will be boys”. I have been around sports for a long time and this does not go on and if you have children you would not say this is ok or will be as little as a two week suspension! The adults are SUPPOSED to be responsible for their athletes! Now will they be held accountable is another subject!! Will the adults responsible for the decisions over the adults collecting a paycheck courtesy of their tax paying citizens make the appropriate disciplinary decisions is what’s at stake here. Well I guess when you are taking about this particular school it is winning at any cost and has been for years. Only issue is what are you winning and what is it you are paying for and was it all worth it?
Let's be honest it starts at home...
If this sort of thing goes on almost everywhere as you say should we fire every coach at every school. Or hold these kids accountable for their actions. Most teams sign a code of conduct. Hold these kids accountable for a change and the frequency of this sort of thing will drop drastically.
The only way I think the coach should be fired is if he had something to do with it. If he didn't, then he and the AD should discuss how to prevent such a thing happening in the future.
It is Massillon nothing happens wrong in Tiger town! They recruit football players pay their parents to come to Massillon then they complain that catholic schools do the same thing and they do FAR worse! This is serious just look at the northwestern problem!
If this happens to any other high school Massillon will be the first to say fire the whole coaching staff and kick the players off the team especially the Catholic schools that they can’t beat.
But again this is Massillon nothing happens wrong in Massillon! “The city of PAPER champions” is corrupt. I was a coach I saw Massillon try to cover so many issues so this isn’t a surprise they are trying to get away with another serious violation!
It is Massillon nothing happens wrong in Tiger town! They recruit football players pay their parents to come to Massillon then they complain that catholic schools do the same thing and they do FAR worse! This is serious just look at the northwestern problem!
If this happens to any other high school Massillon will be the first to say fire the whole coaching staff and kick the players off the team especially the Catholic schools that they can’t beat.
But again this is Massillon nothing happens wrong in Massillon! “The city of PAPER champions” is corrupt. I was a coach I saw Massillon try to cover so many issues so this isn’t a surprise they are trying to get away with another serious violation!
Haters going to hate I guess
It is Massillon nothing happens wrong in Tiger town! They recruit football players pay their parents to come to Massillon then they complain that catholic schools do the same thing and they do FAR worse! This is serious just look at the northwestern problem!
If this happens to any other high school Massillon will be the first to say fire the whole coaching staff and kick the players off the team especially the Catholic schools that they can’t beat.
But again this is Massillon nothing happens wrong in Massillon! “The city of PAPER champions” is corrupt. I was a coach I saw Massillon try to cover so many issues so this isn’t a surprise they are trying to get away with another serious violation!
You forgot to mention the free houses Massillon gives out to players and their parents
Coaches aren't babysitters and kids doing things they know they shouldn't find ways to avoid eyes. This is the problem with society right now, don't blame the idiots who did wrong and their parents who didn't teach them properly. Blame teachers, coaches, bosses. Just wait till the facts come out.
Legally educators (including Coaches and Lay Coaches once they step on campus) take on the role of parents and responsibility for kids - legally it's called In Loco Parentis. That is why we're supposed to have coaches, or at least a coach monitoring the locker room, weight room, or position group meeting room if student - athletes are in those areas. Whether it's fair or not, its part of the job and has been for at least a half century.
Something happens at a school once every 17 years and it's a pattern?

This happens every year. Last dust up was a couple years ago with that Mack kid from the 2018 team. He was a captain till then. I think he missed 3 week during the season.

As for the 17 year old pattern, coach PS was not at Massillon in 2005/06, but he returned as Massillon's top administrator in the district.

Only pattern would be the name sake. I understand they are now on vacation and can't be reached.
Something happens at a school once every 17 years and it's a pattern?
Just a quick web search and wow... OHSAA recruiting issues, hazing issues, student / fan issues seems like they make the news about every 5 years for reasons outside of the playing of football...

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Legally educators (including Coaches and Lay Coaches once they step on campus) take on the role of parents and responsibility for kids - legally it's called In Loco Parentis. That is why we're supposed to have coaches, or at least a coach monitoring the locker room, weight room, or position group meeting room if student - athletes are in those areas. Whether it's fair or not, its part of the job and has been for at least a half century.
Very true. There is a reason you have lunch monitors and study hall monitors. It is a necessity to have high schoolers monitored while on school grounds. Every high school should be adhering to this.
Very true. There is a reason you have lunch monitors and study hall monitors. It is a necessity to have high schoolers monitored while on school grounds. Every high school should be adhering to this.
This is a huge reminder to all of us educators and people who work in the schools not to leave students unattended to for even 1 minute.
Very true. There is a reason you have lunch monitors and study hall monitors. It is a necessity to have high schoolers monitored while on school grounds. Every high school should be adhering to this.
Yes this is true, however even with all of this in place, kids in every single school still find ways to sneak away from supervision. The easiest is to ask to use the bathroom and then just wander. Or never report to where you are supposed to be and again hide out in a bathroom where you can gamble, deal drugs, etc. No matter what, bad kids will find a way to do vad things.
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