Does McCarthy survive Matt Gaetz challenge?

Now put old goat RINO swamp lifer McConnell out to pasture and start doing things that benefit the majority of citizens, and nation as a whole, rather than big banks and corporations, the Chamber of Commerce, China, Mexico and their own bank accounts.
Why because they actually have real debate within the party? Unlike the democrats the GOP is not a cult living its political life as a hive mind.
Dude you are becoming more and more ironic and unintentionally hilarious by the week . Sorry but it’s true . If you can’t be at least one per cent objective and admit your party has become an embarrassing joke at this point ? When ? What has to happen ? Your latest hit ? The FBI planned Jan 6th ? You are officially the crazy old uncle
Dude you are becoming more and more ironic and unintentionally hilarious by the week . Sorry but it’s true . If you can’t be at least one per cent objective and admit your party has become an embarrassing joke at this point ? When ? What has to happen ? Your latest hit ? The FBI planned Jan 6th ? You are officially the crazy old uncle
My friend, I’ll let Lotr speak for himself, but when I think crazy and embarrassing I think erecting statues to scumbags like George Floyd, cashless bail, not prosecuting felonies, defunding the police, weakening the borders and allowing in millions of illegals, legalizing and decriminalizing hard drugs, abortion as birth control, allowing people to “choose” their gender, normalizing drag shows and trans, supporting teacher’s unions who don’t want to teach, never having a reason to cut government spending, not having to show ID to vote, having schools usurp parent’s rights, etc.
Don’t confuse the GOP establishment with politically conservative citizens. Conservative populism is what propelled Trump to POTUS and McCarthy ain’t that. He gone.
Populism yes but not conservative. I am just as conservative if not more so than any of you trump suck ups difference is instead of blaming everybody else (as you suck ups do) for your many shortcomings, I believe America is the land of opportunity for anyone who has ambition. But it is easier just to blame everyone else (corporate America, Mexico, China, so on, so on) for your sorry lot in life, you're not any different than the far lefties you are always whining about.
My friend, I’ll let Lotr speak for himself, but when I think crazy and embarrassing I think erecting statues to scumbags like George Floyd, cashless bail, not prosecuting felonies, defunding the police, weakening the borders and allowing in millions of illegals, legalizing and decriminalizing hard drugs, abortion as birth control, allowing people to “choose” their gender, normalizing drag shows and trans, supporting teacher’s unions who don’t want to teach, never having a reason to cut government spending, not having to show ID to vote, having schools usurp parent’s rights, etc.
You hit every right wing talking point no doubt . That’s like painting every Republican as a MAGA . Now the cult and Trump still have power over regular normal conservatives but you’re wrong if you think the far left has the power in the Democrat party .
My friend, I’ll let Lotr speak for himself, but when I think crazy and embarrassing I think erecting statues to scumbags like George Floyd, cashless bail, not prosecuting felonies, defunding the police, weakening the borders and allowing in millions of illegals, legalizing and decriminalizing hard drugs, abortion as birth control, allowing people to “choose” their gender, normalizing drag shows and trans, supporting teacher’s unions who don’t want to teach, never having a reason to cut government spending, not having to show ID to vote, having schools usurp parent’s rights, etc.
Your party is a massive embarrassment . Trump MAGA crazy and alone secures that. Normalizing drag shows? Trans and drag shows never have even entered my orbit . Do any of the things you mentioned affect you or people you know who n any meaningful way ? If so please explain . Day to day
Populism yes but not conservative. I am just as conservative if not more so than any of you trump suck ups difference is instead of blaming everybody else (as you suck ups do) for your many shortcomings, I believe America is the land of opportunity for anyone who has ambition. But it is easier just to blame everyone else (corporate America, Mexico, China, so on, so on) for your sorry lot in life, you're not any different than the far lefties you are always whining about.
I’ve done very well, personally, but that doesn’t make me blind to the disservice the political class has done to our nation in the name of their own wealth enrichment.
Dude you are becoming more and more ironic and unintentionally hilarious by the week . Sorry but it’s true . If you can’t be at least one per cent objective and admit your party has become an embarrassing joke at this point ? When ? What has to happen ? Your latest hit ? The FBI planned Jan 6th ? You are officially the crazy old uncle
You are an idiot
What message is that?
No more status quo. No more just biding time until the next election. Come up with some bold plans that advance the nation instead of just talking and talking and talking in an endless reelection campaign.
I love hearing all these GOP establishment swamp rats and their sycophants wringing their hands about this, and how damaging it will be to the public. Nobody will even notice a difference. These people completely overrate the very little they do that positively impacts the daily lives of the public.
No more status quo. No more just biding time until the next election. Come up with some bold plans that advance the nation instead of just talking and talking and talking in an endless reelection campaign.

I predict a Democrat becomes Speaker; more likely to get 5 centrist Republicans to switch than to get a majority by any Republican with the bomb throwing Gaetz.
Republicans lose big in 2024.
I predict a Democrat becomes Speaker; more likely to get 5 centrist Republicans to switch than to get a majority by any Republican with the bomb throwing Gaetz.
Republicans lose big in 2024.
Not a chance. Someone like Steve Scalise will be drafted for the position and it won’t take 25+ votes to get it done.
Yeah, man, this spectacle might not hurt the GOP’s chance of retaining the house or anything!
What hurts them is not ever pushing for things the voters want to see done, hence their “surprise” underperformance in the 2022 elections. The base is tired of the lip service and don’t believe these RINOs are doing anything other than enriching themselves.
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I kind of view this as not so much a rebuke to McCarthy but a rebuke to the establishment he represents. They’ll understand the message loud and clear now.
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I kind of view this as not so much a rebuke to McCarthy but a rebuke to the establishment he represents. They’ll understand the message loud and clear now.
You are absolutely correct about the message, but I have my doubts the establishment swamp rats will hear it over the inside the beltway noise.
What hurts them is not ever pushing for things the voters want to see done, hence their “surprise” underperformance in the 2022 elections. The base is tired of the lip service and don’t believe these RINOs are doing anything other than enriching themselves.

Your living in an echo chamber; the closer to the center of the country wins control of the House. Those RINO's that win in districts are the reason the Republicans win the House; nut jobs like Gaetz are not popular with centrist voters.
You’re living in an echo chamber; the closer to the center of the country wins control of the House. Those RINO's that win in districts are the reason the Republicans win the House; nut jobs like Gaetz are not popular with centrist voters.

They lose those seats to the dems because they typically pick lousy candidates.