Biden administration “Ukrainian border must be defended@

Want to bloodlessly protect Ukraine? Issue crippling sanctions against the oligarchs. Putin doesn’t rule by the consent of the people he rules by consent of the oligarchs. Start freezing them out of international banking and markets and you’ll see a change of posture from Putin quickly.

Personally I would detail the sanctions in advance. Name by name to make sure they understand that their fortune and power could be gone.
Just got back from Ukraine, and talk about a geographic split! Half of the country is yelling "Tastes Great", and the other half is yelling "Less Filling".

It's a tie right now.
Word is that it is a bipartisan feeling in US Congress that Ukraine is too corrupt to be admitted into NATO. If they clean things up, then, maybe they have a chance.

Funny, isn't it, that the Biden Crime Family chose Ukraine as one of their primary locations to set up shop?
Amazing coincidence isnt it?
Word is that it is a bipartisan feeling in US Congress that Ukraine is too corrupt to be admitted into NATO. If they clean things up, then, maybe they have a chance.

Funny, isn't it, that the Biden Crime Family chose Ukraine as one of their primary locations to set up shop?
Just what we need, another country in NATO mooching off the US.
Exactly. Look at the major wars of the 20th century and who was president at the time. The only reason for the relatively current propensity for the right to be in favor of war, was the infiltration of the party and specifically the Bush administration by the neocons. Heck W campaigned against nation building and over extending our military.
The neocons are not of the old right, which used to be skeptical of war. Many of the neocon intellectuals at the time of the Bush administration were former leftist admirers of Soviet mass-murderer Leon Trotsky, like Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoertz.

This 2003 article, by principled anti-war conservative Pat Buchanan, lays out all the details about who the neoconservatives really are. Its these same folks, who do not care about the interests of Americans, who championed the disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and who agitate for war against Iran and Syria, who are pushing for a war with Russia now.

BUt our borders, nope, don’t need defended.
It's maddening isn't it? Biden keeps our Southern border undefended while he sabre rattles at the Russians when they start to bully the Ukraine and probe their border.

Hey I feel for the Ukrainians but this is one fight that is not remotely in our interests to pursue. And if you don't believe me take a look at maps going back the last 1000 years. That will tell you how the Ukraine and Russia fit together.

1.7 million apprehensions is leaving the border undefended?

You people are frickin insane and a large part of why I'm done voting for anyone local, state, or federal with an (R) behind their name.
1.7 million apprehensions is leaving the border undefended?

You people are frickin insane and a large part of why I'm done voting for anyone local, state, or federal with an (R) behind their name.
LOL!!!! Yup..border is secure!!!!!!!!!! How many got in? "Oh..we only let a few terrorists, biggie". We didn't want you on our team anyhow.
1.7 million apprehensions is leaving the border undefended?

You people are frickin insane and a large part of why I'm done voting for anyone local, state, or federal with an (R) behind their name.
But they are not sent back. They are apprehended just long enough to give them an airline ticket to Anywhere, USA.

Keep voting for that.
But they are not sent back. They are apprehended just long enough to give them an airline ticket to Anywhere, USA.

Keep voting for that.
In the middle of the night or as Peppermint patty says "..not in the middle of the night, like 4:00 AM
Apparently, per sleepy joe, if it is just an "incursion", then Russia can go ahead and move in to Ukraine.

The guy is brain dead.