Tucker showing video of the Jan 6th , that has never been shown

The Republicans divided and calling more attention to this shameful part of history and the big lie is a good thing for Dems. Keep flailing and trying to rewrite history . It’s really smart . 😂
Trump was the target of course. Make him toxic and marginalize his support so he couldn't possibly win again.
Trump is toxic on his own. He can win because he has a solid base of around 35%. The other Republican candidates split the vote among themselves making Trumps 35% the highest vote of the candidates. Nothing anybody does will change that. If Trump were faced with a suitable candidate one on one it could be a whole different story.
And Tucker won't hold back anything prejudicial to his narrative? Who is his audience and who will he try to please? That is the problem. We have two prejudicial entities who have access to the videos. Where is the fairness in that? I don't need either side showing me the videos they want me to see and telling me what I am seeing. Turn off the narrative and you see a bunch of out of control rioters who are knowingly and willingly breaking the law. They are committing the crimes. Nobody forced them to. The same with the BLM riots. I don't need anyone to tell me the looters, arsonists and the thugs attacking police officers and innocent citizens are criminals who need to be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. I have always stated when the police are being attacked and are endanger of serious harm or death, lethal force should be a legitimate response. Make a statement early and the rest will turn tale and run. Fun and games are fun until they are not.
before you go at it for another day (YAWN) have you been able to watch the last three days of his shows?

by the way those BLM and antifa attacked the whitehouse and the President of the United States had to be moved to the bunker.... are Garland and Wray still going after all those peaceful protestors that were there? wouldn't it be interesting on how many of them got arrested and got jail time?
Why is a United States Senator trying to censor the news media?

Is he following the actions of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao?
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Your vote does not count.
If the fake news media ran Ray Epps on a loop like Buffalo guy and you were even slightly honest you would say Ray was doing worse.

You say you want equal treatment under then law ...the you prove yourself a partisan liar.
I wanted everybody who attacked the police and illegally entered the Capitol prosecuted. Why is that so hard for you to understand? If others are found and proven to have instigated the riot from the outside, get them too. Unlike you I am pro law enforcement. I don't support any of the law breaking riots on Jan 6 on any of the BLM riots. Go ahead and watch nothing but CNN and FOXnews. You will be an expert on fake slanted news. I can denounce all illegal activities and not give a damn about any of the clowns that get prosecuted for it. You claim to be a dyed in the wool Republican. You are a phony far right fruitcake. When has the Republican turned away from supporting law enforcement? It is sad that you can sit and watch police officers being attacked and beaten and take the side of the rioters.
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And Tucker won't hold back anything prejudicial to his narrative? Who is his audience and who will he try to please? That is the problem. We have two prejudicial entities who have access to the videos. Where is the fairness in that? I don't need either side showing me the videos they want me to see and telling me what I am seeing. Turn off the narrative and you see a bunch of out of control rioters who are knowingly and willingly breaking the law. They are committing the crimes. Nobody forced them to. The same with the BLM riots. I don't need anyone to tell me the looters, arsonists and the thugs attacking police officers and innocent citizens are criminals who need to be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. I have always stated when the police are being attacked and are endanger of serious harm or death, lethal force should be a legitimate response. Make a statement early and the rest will turn tale and run. Fun and games are fun until they are not.
Both sides have been shown...that's how you arrive at the truth. Not sure how this is a difficult concept for you. What the committee didn't show is now being shown by Tucker. Anything Tucker doesn’t show has been shown by the committee.

The idea that either side is holding back video which makes its case is illogical.
I wanted everybody who attacked the police and illegally entered the Capitol prosecuted. Why is that so hard for you to understand? If others are found and proven to have instigated the riot from the outside, get them too. Unless like you I am pro law enforcement. I don't support any of the law breaking riots on Jan 6 on any of the BLM riots. Go ahead and watch nothing but CNN and FOXnews. You will be an expert on fake slanted news. I can denounce all illegal activities and not give a damn about any of the clowns that get prosecuted for it. You claim to be a dyed in the wool Republican. You are a phony far right fruitcake. When has the Republican turned away from supporting law enforcement? It is sad that you can sit and watch police officers being attacked and beaten and take the side of the rioters.
Basically the public response Democrats have put forth. Meanwhile MTG is meeting Jan 6th "political prisoners" in jail and trump has promised to pardon everyone.
i don't think he had the bullhorn inside the building, so he was insitagating it from the outside... but you have EPPS doing that the day of the event and also the DAY BEFORE .....
Prosecute him too. Where have I defended this clown? Inciting a riot is a crime. Enforce the law.
were you able to watch any of the shows that Tucker has put on the last 3 days?
About the same as the Jan 6 committee put on. I see what some of the other networks show of them. What makes the difference what the committee and Tucker shows? The left watches and believes the committee version and the right watches and believes the Tucker version.
What do you expect to change? Does anything exonerates the guilty parties on Jan 6? If Tucker's finds any more criminals who haven't been prosecuted, give the information to the House and let them run with it. I will be overjoyed if more bad characters get what they asked for.
I wanted everybody who attacked the police and illegally entered the Capitol prosecuted. Why is that so hard for you to understand? If others are found and proven to have instigated the riot from the outside, get them too. Unless like you I am pro law enforcement. I don't support any of the law breaking riots on Jan 6 on any of the BLM riots. Go ahead and watch nothing but CNN and FOXnews. You will be an expert on fake slanted news. I can denounce all illegal activities and not give a damn about any of the clowns that get prosecuted for it. You claim to be a dyed in the wool Republican. You are a phony far right fruitcake. When has the Republican turned away from supporting law enforcement? It is sad that you can sit and watch police officers being attacked and beaten and take the side of the rioters.
Actually I can agree with most of your post but you went off rail in your last sentence. January 6th did have some morons that need to be prosecuted but it's on both sides of the track. The committee blatantly picked and choose what they used from all the evidence and films to specifically go after so called MAGA supporters. The Democrats cry about criminal rights every where else in the nation except here. There have been some people incacerated for January 6th that have not been granted their rights of due process.

The Capitol should not have been breached but there is enough evidence out there that something behind the scenes was in play that pushed this whole mess as far as it went because it helped fit the Deomcrat scenario that all MAGA people are evil. Unfortunately there were too many MAGA morons that played right into this mess. But the Capitol Police totally mismanaged this and in some cases appear to encourage the activities that occurred that day. There are videos of MAGA peo9ple yelling at the police to call in re-enforcements because it was getting out of control but the police stood there and did nothing.

All most people want is The Truth in regards to this incident and that includes what orders were given to the Capitol police on that day. It sure looks like they were ordered to stand down and let it happen, again wehich played right into the Democrats hand.

What astonishes me is that you say you denounce all illegal activities and yet we don't see you and folks who lean left being honest about the BLM Riots and ANTIFA violence during 2020 and beyond. Even now in Atlanta this week a police facility that was under construction was attacked by rioters and 23 people were arrested. Of the 23 only 2 were from the state of Georgia. Aren't you the least bit interested in who's paying these outside instigators that travel to hot spots to riot? Or are you afraid of where the trail may lead?
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wouldn't it be interesting on how much of those BLM and antifa members ever got a 4 year prison term?
Just shows the inequity between the federal and the state/local level. People get the leadership they vote for. If they are happy with the state of affairs they live in there is no helping them.
What astonishes me is that you say you denounce all illegal activities and yet we don't see you and folks who lean left being honest about the BLM Riots and ANTIFA violence during 2020 and beyond.
Quite obviously you haven't read my posts. I am the one who have advocated for lethal force at all violent riots. I totally denounce the looting, burning and physical violence at all riots.
The last sentence that you disagreed with on my post was a direct shot at grock. He had a temper tantrum and made false statements about me. I answered back. I won the argument. If you have to go to name calling, you lose.
What do you make of the news reports about Tucker intentionally lying on air being made by Murdoch? How do you determine what is the truth when you can't trust the one who speaking?
I make of it that:
1) There were some very fishy changes to election procedures in 2020 that opened the process up to fraud. Tucker exposed that fraud. I believe there were several things his staff got wrong and they had to correct later but he got a lot right.

2) The legacy media was not going to present any perspective other than the Dem one. Fox News, especially their pundits, exists to talk about the things that the legacy media omits - something like manipulation of voting machines. He had people like Sydney Powell telling him they had the goods to prove it. I think Tucker had his doubts about what he was being told, but he entertained it as a possibility. As it turns out, Sydney Powell was lying to him. Who hasn't been on his show since? Powell and those liars.

So, I make of it that this has been twisted from sources lied to Tucker and that kept him pursuing a false allegation into Tucker lied. For him to be the liar, he would have had to have known that Powell, et.al. were lying and he was participating and aiding them. That is pure leftist narrative distortion. I suppose it's possible that happened, but him having doubts about it does not equate to him knowing it was false - and, yet, that unsubstantiated assumption is asserted as fact. And you have, evidently, fallen for it.

How do you determine the truth when you don't trust the purveyor? I already told you! Through reason. Through gathering of information, creating a set of corroborated facts, drawing conclusions, and examining the soundness of criticism of the case you have and altering your conclusions if necessary and accordingly.

I recently saw a clip of Don Lemon from 10 years ago saying things about the cause of problems in the black community that were solid gold, pure truth. He would be canceled today for saying it. Don, as all leftists do, has a very fragile relationship with the truth, but he didn't that day and I believe he is capable of speaking truth today about virtually any topic - but he probably won't. Nevertheless, the point I would like for you to absorb is that because Don says it does not tell us anything about the truth of what he is saying. That is determined by reason. FWIW
so wbecause in yOUR eyes he was the face of the riot, he gets 4 years for that... have to make a example of him... because that is important.... need to make expamples.... screw him, they don't need to give his lawyers a video tape ... dam him!!!! make a example....
Honest question bigkat. You see a picture of buffalo head, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Who put themselves front and center in the Chambers? Who took a seat at the Speaker Desk and made a fool of himself? The desk of the third person in line for the Presidency. You have no problem with that? If his lawyer and the video take you are talking about, would that exonerate him? Does that change any of his actions that day? Was he forced to do any of those actions? Or does the tapes show police officers not doing their jobs to the best of their ability? Does it show police officers aid and abetting illegal activities. Maybe the police should be held accountable?

"Six US Capitol Police officers have been suspended with pay, and 29 others have been placed under investigation, for their actions in the January 6 riot, a department spokesman said Thursday."
Honest question bigkat. You see a picture of buffalo head, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Who put themselves front and center in the Chambers? Who took a seat at the Speaker Desk and made a fool of himself? The desk of the third person in line for the Presidency. You have no problem with that? If his lawyer and the video take you are talking about, would that exonerate him? Does that change any of his actions that day? Was he forced to do any of those actions? Or does the tapes show police officers not doing their jobs to the best of their ability? Does it show police officers aid and abetting illegal activities. Maybe the police should be held accountable?

"Six US Capitol Police officers have been suspended with pay, and 29 others have been placed under investigation, for their actions in the January 6 riot, a department spokesman said Thursday."
When I see a buffalo head I think of two things. Ted Nugent and a role playing game me and the Misses played the first year we were married.
Honest question bigkat. You see a picture of buffalo head, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Who put themselves front and center in the Chambers? Who took a seat at the Speaker Desk and made a fool of himself? The desk of the third person in line for the Presidency. You have no problem with that? If his lawyer and the video take you are talking about, would that exonerate him? Does that change any of his actions that day? Was he forced to do any of those actions? Or does the tapes show police officers not doing their jobs to the best of their ability? Does it show police officers aid and abetting illegal activities. Maybe the police should be held accountable?

"Six US Capitol Police officers have been suspended with pay, and 29 others have been placed under investigation, for their actions in the January 6 riot, a department spokesman said Thursday."
Are the suspensions and investigations a result of Tuckers video? I mean this is Thursday..did this happen early this morning?
1) There were some very fishy changes to election procedures in 2020 that opened the process up to fraud. Tucker exposed that fraud. I believe there were several things his staff got wrong and they had to correct later but he got a lot right.
Yet they have actual proof of Tucker stating what he was reporting was false in the Dominion lawsuit. You believe everything Tucker says?

Tucker Carlson said he hates Trump 'passionately', lawsuit reveals ...
The latest filings in the case suggest Mr Carlson expressed his dislike of the outgoing US president two days before Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol to derail lawmakers from certifying Joe Biden's election win.
"We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights," he wrote in a text sent on 4 January 2021. "I truly can't wait."

"I hate him passionately," he added.
Mr Carlson, the top-rated host on the conservative network, also appeared to denigrate the Trump presidency in these private messages, despite lauding his achievements on air.
"That's the last four years. We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn't really an upside to Trump."
How do you determine the truth when you don't trust the purveyor? I already told you! Through reason. Through gathering of information, creating a set of corroborated facts, drawing conclusions, and examining the soundness of criticism of the case you have and altering your conclusions if necessary and accordingly.
Apparently you trust Carlson. Report one way on the air, but thinks the exact opposite in real life. CNN and FOX are businesses with paid actors.
Good luck finding the facts.
Are the suspensions and investigations a result of Tuckers video? I mean this is Thursday..did this happen early this morning?
No. It was on Jan 6. On the day police officers were called upon to do their sworn duty, but some were found lacking in their actions. What some of the police did on that day aided and abetted the riot and illegal activities. Does that make it right for the individuals to commit crimes? Were anybody forced to commit crimes? How come nobody will answer me?
Honest question bigkat. You see a picture of buffalo head, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Who put themselves front and center in the Chambers? Who took a seat at the Speaker Desk and made a fool of himself? The desk of the third person in line for the Presidency. You have no problem with that? If his lawyer and the video take you are talking about, would that exonerate him? Does that change any of his actions that day? Was he forced to do any of those actions? Or does the tapes show police officers not doing their jobs to the best of their ability? Does it show police officers aid and abetting illegal activities. Maybe the police should be held accountable?

"Six US Capitol Police officers have been suspended with pay, and 29 others have been placed under investigation, for their actions in the January 6 riot, a department spokesman said Thursday."
There is a big difference between thinking that a four year plea bargain sentence is grossly disproportionate and not having a problem with Buffalo Head trespassing. I would think that as a self proclaimed "moderate" you would appreciate that.

And yes, that video would likely have resulted in Buffalo Head & his lawyer rejecting the DOJ's offer and going to trial. It was clear from the tape that the DOJ was overcharging Buffalo Head. It's quite common in criminal cases for the defendant to be found not guilty when the prosecutor inflates the charges.

But hey watch this video and hear the defense lawyer comment on this:

Yet they have actual proof of Tucker stating what he was reporting was false in the Dominion lawsuit. You believe everything Tucker says?

Tucker Carlson said he hates Trump 'passionately', lawsuit reveals ...
The latest filings in the case suggest Mr Carlson expressed his dislike of the outgoing US president two days before Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol to derail lawmakers from certifying Joe Biden's election win.
"We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights," he wrote in a text sent on 4 January 2021. "I truly can't wait."

"I hate him passionately," he added.
Mr Carlson, the top-rated host on the conservative network, also appeared to denigrate the Trump presidency in these private messages, despite lauding his achievements on air.
"That's the last four years. We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn't really an upside to Trump."

Apparently you trust Carlson. Report one way on the air, but thinks the exact opposite in real life. CNN and FOX are businesses with paid actors.
Good luck finding the facts.
Yes, they sell to their audience what they want to hear even if they don't believe in it themselves. Fox (though FOX's website looks like a tabloid) and CNN websites among others are more factual than the talking heads on prime time TV.
When I see a buffalo head I think of two things. Ted Nugent and a role playing game me and the Misses played the first year we were married.
Most of us haven't lived the charmed life you have:( I see a grown man who thinks it is halloween at the Capitol and is intent of putting a target on his back.