Who is now out of a job because DeWine over reacts and closes bars and restaurants?

Probably wrong thread here. What about all the overworked people who get no sleep because of these closures? I serve the grocery industry and 2 hours per night is about it the last week. Can't keep this pace up or I might be very vulnerable to picking up a virus or something going round.
Wife works at a bank. Lobby is closed, drive thru only. They are 1/2 staffed. Half the employees work this week, the other half next week and no co-mingling. They are getting paid.
Probably wrong thread here. What about all the overworked people who get no sleep because of these closures? I serve the grocery industry and 2 hours per night is about it the last week. Can't keep this pace up or I might be very vulnerable to picking up a virus or something going round.

A lot of folks in the grocery industry are trying to find temps to help keep up with demand in certain Departments. At the supply chain level I work with some Distributors in seasonal and they have been approached to work and convert over to health products. I have one now that is processing and distributing orders to the store level for safety products. I do also know that some grocery stores are having trouble finding folks that are willing to do hard work during 3rd shift. Stocking some shelves and sanitizing the store correctly can only happen while closed, the best time is 12-6 AM. I don't get the severe objections to 3rd shift by some folks. I have worked 3rd shift before, not the best situation for family life but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
I can work from home but I choose to come into work so the staff and shop individual understand that I 'm with them and I would not ask anyone to do something I would not do myself. I have limited my travel and outside contact with clients.
We have had some office staff who requested to work from home ( those with younger children daycare closed or elementary school close) and we have made the arrangement for them to do.
A buddy of mine owns / operates a custodial business. Most of his contracts are with retail stores. Just had lunch with him yesterday and he said all of his contract clients have canceled on him BUT he has had some emergency calls lately from places that don't normally outsource their custodial operations.
By the way, I still have family in the restaurant business and they believe this is the best thing to do long term. In particular St. Pat's is a huge day in the business and the crowds can get rather large and uncontrollable, the wait staff in particular dreads the day and many were going to call off regardless. They just hope everyone comes back, staff & customers, after this thing is over.
I'm sure they were happy to lose one of their biggest days of the year.
I just did a radio spot today for a Texas Roadhouse in Indiana, touting "mouthwatering fresh baked bread and fall-off-the-bone ribs", still available for on-line ordering and pickup. I know they're worried about maintaining some sort of bottom line through all this.
You couldn't see this coming?

Of course, I did. I own a small business. I was just sharing info. Mainly because a lot of people don't see it. The other night I was talking to my neighbor about the bar/restaurant closures (not my industry) and she said: Well, everyone will still be paid, right? I might expect that from someone young but she's in her 70s.
Might be a good time for me to get a few house projects done. I already talked to a couple kids about work around the house. They both are saying they lost contracts, people worried about spending money. I've a couple project beyond my abilities, maybe I can find someone capable.

Of course, I did. I own a small business. I was just sharing info. Mainly because a lot of people don't see it. The other night I was talking to my neighbor about the bar/restaurant closures (not my industry) and she said: Well, everyone will still be paid, right? I might expect that from someone young but she's in her 70s.

Remember, a female in their 70s is less likely to have that worldly view. From a different time so, a little slack might be in order. ;)
Might be a good time for me to get a few house projects done. I already talked to a couple kids about work around the house. They both are saying they lost contracts, people worried about spending money. I've a couple project beyond my abilities, maybe I can find someone capable.

Remember, a female in their 70s is less likely to have that worldly view. From a different time so, a little slack might be in order. ;)

Wasn't mad at her just surprised.
Theres a judge in Cleveland issuing warrants for no shows
The jails won’t take them so doesn’t matter what the judge does. Basically only real crimes. We turn away a lot of stupid warrants when the jail is full
Have a favorite local restaurant that is trying to make a go of carry-out/delivery? While continuing to patronize the business, consider buying a gift card/certificate for yourself. It will give the business the cash infusion they need NOW.
Two weeks with nothing but Hospitals and Pharmacies open is the rumor.

Still watching for this one a week later.

I'd like to think that DeWine's early aggressiveness moderated spread rate enough to strike a balance and avoid going "all-in" statewide. Kids not bringing it home from school for parents to take to work at hospitals, etc, is a good thing.