Wife Has Divorced me


Sadly guys, my wife is in the early stages of pulling the plug on our marriage. It truly felt like we were in the butterfly stage for the whole time I was with her. I never felt this in love with anybody In my life and I will miss her dearly. My wife has told me that yappi postings need to stop a while ago, but I just think I am a positive person for this site to have as I give a perspective different from 75% of people on here as I have now been apart of 2 communities in the surrounding area. This happened about a week ago, but I need everyone on here to please support me! There are obviously much more deep things going on, but I still love my wife. I wish she didn’t decide to be interested in another man recently, but that’s okay as we all have free will. Thank you yappi Community for everything. I appreciate it. I will keep everyone updated.
Sadly guys, my wife is in the early stages of pulling the plug on our marriage. It truly felt like we were in the butterfly stage for the whole time I was with her. I never felt this in love with anybody In my life and I will miss her dearly. My wife has told me that yappi postings need to stop a while ago, but I just think I am a positive person for this site to have as I give a perspective different from 75% of people on here as I have now been apart of 2 communities in the surrounding area. This happened about a week ago, but I need everyone on here to please support me! There are obviously much more deep things going on, but I still love my wife. I wish she didn’t decide to be interested in another man recently, but that’s okay as we all have free will. Thank you yappi Community for everything. I appreciate it. I will keep everyone updated.
First, I have no idea why this on a HS football posting website. Second, marriage is the number one cause of divorce. Third, get a lawyer, never go into court without one. Finally, never use words like "butterfly stage" and don't look for attention from people you dont know. Get out of that millennial clown car you are riding in. Be a man, for God sakes!

Let me put into football terms.

Pregame = Dating
Pregame pep talk = Everyone is on the same page and are all pumped to winning no matter the cost. The future is bright
Kick Off = Marriage
1st and 10 = your lives are ahead of you together as long as everyone is wanting the same thing
2nd and Long = There is a rough patch and maybe there is doubt to the strength of your team
3rd and Short = All hands on deck and it takes a team effort to get that first down and continue the drive to achieve the goal
4th and in your territory = Punt and get with the coaches, counselling, to figure out where you went wrong.
Down 35-0 at half = put the JV in, get a lawyer, and get what you can. Just end the game, you're just embarrassing yourself and live to fight another day..
Weeks 2-10 = suck it up, practice, get better and for God sakes, be a man!

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‘OMG’ was first used in a letter to Winston Churchill in 1917.​

A retired British admiral of the Royal Navy one day became excited due to headlines regarding the mobilizing forces of Britain. Excited to share this news with a college, the admiral quickly wrote a small acronym for ‘Oh My God!’ in his letter. Little did he know that he had just invented one of the most popular acronyms of today’s society.
Sadly guys, my wife is in the early stages of pulling the plug on our marriage. It truly felt like we were in the butterfly stage for the whole time I was with her. I never felt this in love with anybody In my life and I will miss her dearly. My wife has told me that yappi postings need to stop a while ago, but I just think I am a positive person for this site to have as I give a perspective different from 75% of people on here as I have now been apart of 2 communities in the surrounding area. This happened about a week ago, but I need everyone on here to please support me! There are obviously much more deep things going on, but I still love my wife. I wish she didn’t decide to be interested in another man recently, but that’s okay as we all have free will. Thank you yappi Community for everything. I appreciate it. I will keep everyone updated.

Is this the Driving Miss Crazy guy from another site years ago? If not are you related to him? You must be! :)
There are plenty of fish in the sea and with the current, scientific based administration, they are adding more to the school 🤔 .
Was her name Tiffany, I for one, knows what you are going through, Best thing is to let her go. Her & her new man, is built on cheating, that most likely, the relationship will be short lived. There is no fixing the marriage, it will never be the same,
Was her name Tiffany, I for one, knows what you are going through, Best thing is to let her go. Her & her new man, is built on cheating, that most likely, the relationship will be short lived. There is no fixing the marriage, it will never be the same,
I hope this was in jest.
Thank you for supporting me! It truly means the world to me! There are some truly sick, self centered people in this world and the replies to this post show that. Sad times for the world and yappi community
We're the problem? Are you nucking futs?

If you value posting on yappi and interacting with our community more than your own marriage............

Sorry dude, cannot help you. Time to pull your head out of your caboose and rejoin the real world.
Thank you for supporting me! It truly means the world to me! There are some truly sick, self centered people in this world and the replies to this post show that. Sad times for the world and yappi community
Dude, is there room in your skinny jeans to have a pair of balls?
Get over it and beg for my sympathy when you hit number 3.
Thank you for supporting me! It truly means the world to me! There are some truly sick, self centered people in this world and the replies to this post show that. Sad times for the world and yappi community
My wife has told me that yappi postings need to stop a while ago, but I just think I am a positive person for this site to have as I give a perspective different from 75% of people on here as I have now been apart of 2 communities in the surrounding area.
Bro, this isn't Dear Abby, what did you expect when you bring an inane post like that to Yappi? Also, you're probably different than 75% of the people on here in that you managed to actually find a wife. Consider it a win.

And thank you for reminding me why I still stick around this site.
I feel for you man!! Keep your chin up. I too have been going through a bit of a rough patch. I started dating a married woman, we never meant for it to happen it just did. Her soon to be ex couldn’t decide if he was a Cardinal or Redskin and it was too much for her to handle. She told me not to worry too much that her ex had a great support group on an online football forum.