Week 4 - Elder vs St Edward

Omar the Dbag has an obsession with 3rd and 4th Grade Football Players on the Westside🤷🏼‍♂️. Shouldn’t he seek help for that? Omar the Dbag doesn’t like women. Should he seek help for that? You’re obsessed with Tre, so You should seek help? Barnum and Bailey didn’t go out of business,their cast of characters just moved to Yappi!
I said before that they both have a screw loose.

Poster children for what's wrong with youth/high school sports.
I remember in the early 2000s when if Ed’s beat Elder you knew they had a good team and could make a good playoff run.

Elder has always been a solid opponent and lucky to have had this series continue for so long.
Is there a site that shows Eds stats?
I don’t believe that info is on a site, but the boosters (under Pat Kennedy) send out a nearly 15-20 page summary to booster members every Thursday that has all the historical records, current stats, roster, and matchup analysis that is very well done. It even breaks down individual player stats such as tackles, tackles for loss, and other minutia.
He’s right on the fact that Thomas will only be at Ed’s for 3 months. He is in fact going to early-enroll at Notre Dame. That was, however, just an incredibly lucky situation as his parents relocated back to the Cleveland area from Texas. Kid is a stud although he needs to fill out.
JBaller is 100% correct on this. Thomas was going to ND early no matter where he landed. I’m told he picked Ed’s because of the Holy Cross connection to ND and, let’s face it, because Ed’s was the best D1 private program (currently) to where his family was moving. His younger brother (sophomore) is also at Ed’s. I’m told he and his brother love the school and the program. Usually Ed’s loses a number of premier players over the four years of a class duration. In this instance they got lucky.
I don’t believe that info is on a site, but the boosters (under Pat Kennedy) send out a nearly 15-20 page summary to booster members every Thursday that has all the historical records, current stats, roster, and matchup analysis that is very well done. It even breaks down individual player stats such as tackles, tackles for loss, and other minutia.
The weekly game notes are also on the athletic website as well.
This series is not ending any time soon no matter what some Elder posters think/want, at least as long as Doug Ramsey is the head coach.

For Elder players, this is the game you want on your schedule. St. Ed's is the 2 time defending state champions. Elder's goal is to win a state championship this year. You got to test yourself against the best, and there is no better way to do that than play nationally ranked, state #1 St. Edward at home.
This series is not ending any time soon no matter what some Elder posters think/want, at least as long as Doug Ramsey is the head coach.

For Elder players, this is the game you want on your schedule. St. Ed's is the 2 time defending state champions. Elder's goal is to win a state championship this year. You got to test yourself against the best, and there is no better way to do that than play nationally ranked, state #1 St. Edward at home.
This is exactly what I mean when I said "the competitors at Elder want to play this game". Doug Ramsey isn't afraid and knows he can use it to evaluate, win or lose. Good for DR.
This series is not ending any time soon no matter what some Elder posters think/want, at least as long as Doug Ramsey is the head coach.

For Elder players, this is the game you want on your schedule. St. Ed's is the 2 time defending state champions. Elder's goal is to win a state championship this year. You got to test yourself against the best, and there is no better way to do that than play nationally ranked, state #1 St. Edward at home.
100% agree with this. Thank God The Coaches and Players at Elder actually want to be challenged every week. Been saying for yrs, Omar the Dbag a total wuss glad the 16 yr olds at Elder are not!
What a great HS football game.

Elder's OLine was light's out as was Brass, he was awesome.

Ed's line, while not dominant, showed up when they were most needed. Two pivotal, smash-mouth drives when needed.

And to Omar, who says toughness and grit don't matter, it matters. It's the reason why they play this series. Such a great physical game for both teams. Ed's was getting dumb penalties because the relentlessness of the Elders player was non-stop. As I mentioned previously, Ed's has tremendous respect for Elder and this game, and this is exactly why. It's a damn good opponent who will test you in every way. The Elder kids have my deepest respect for how they leave everything on the field.

Both teams got significantly better today. Fantastic game.
Someone actually said toughness and grit don’t matter?
Omar the Dbag has probably posted that at least a thousand times on here! Was a Great Game from what I heard! Sure both Teams will improve as season goes along and will win make good playoff runs.
While not directly related to this game, it was really neat to see student athletes from other schools in attendance at The Pit today. I saw kids from Moeller, Princeton and Covington Catholic. One of the many drawbacks to all playoff games being at the same time on Friday night is how it prevents fans and players from attending multiple games each weekend.
What a game !!! If people look at Elder's record and see 2-2. Don't scoff at it. They can be 3-1 or 4- 0. They will be a tough out come playoff time. GCL south games will be fun to watch. They gave St Ed's everything they had. Each team took their opponents best blows.
Someone actually said toughness and grit don’t matter?

Has constantly said grit, hard work and toughness don't matter. Only talent matters. Says Elder can't compete because they are mostly "no talent try-hards" and says everything else is all fell-good BS.

He's a treat.

Has constantly said grit, hard work and toughness don't matter. Only talent matters. Says Elder can't compete because they are mostly "no talent try-hards" and says everything else is all fell-good BS.

He's a treat.
Omar the Dbag wasn’t any type of athlete! Doesn’t have a clue about how high level sports operate! Whiny little biatch=Omar the Dbag. Omar wants the series vs. Ed’s to end bc they supposedly cheat blah blah blah. Dude 110% vagina!!
He also is typically a million % wrong on his predictions. Case in point - said Elder would get turbo clocked int he first half.

Calls himself an Elder fan, but whines about every aspect of their teams.
Great game! The Eagles were definitely on the ropes and coming out of the Pit with a win is always a great accomplishment. Too many mistakes by Ed's almost cost them that though. Both teams will be stronger for this game, Elder's qb was a nightmare to bring down and that offense is sophisticated. I don't know that either team had a 3 and out the entire afternoon.

The real problem with a poster like Omar is that this forum would have and should have been a lot of fun to talk about all week but people shy away when there's clearly a nightmare poster.
Incredible game. Extremely entertaining. Better team won. Kickoff coverage cost Elder the W. If you limit Ed's to the 30-35 yard line with under two minutes, Elder wins this game.

Props to Ed's for finding big-time players that made the necessary plays when it mattered. Years from now when Elder kids are watching football on Saturday's and Sunday's, they will remember giving these Ohio St, Michigan, and Notre Dame players all they could handle and regret they let this one get away. It may end up being Ed's closest game all year.

Neither team did much on defense to stop the other. Ed's only punted once and I think that was in the 4th quarter.

Let's hope both teams came out of the game healthy enough to keep their best players available moving forward.
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So things that were failed to be discussed about the GAME:
How badly injured is the Ed’s quarterback. The backup did ok but you will you need him to beat Massillon.
Why did Elder not try to kickoff into the endzone with two minutes to go, Ed’s with no timeouts and a backup quarterback. Their kicker has kicked over 60% into the endzone this season.
Eds coaches made great halftime adjustments offensively.
Elder found the only weakness in Ed’s - their secondary. A good passing team with a good offensive line will also score over 30 against them.
I thought Ed’s two offensive tackles were not as good as I expected and showed immaturity.
The Colgate bound kid is legit.
Did Ed’s D1 stud linebacker play?
What a game !!! If people look at Elder's record and see 2-2. Don't scoff at it. They can be 3-1 or 4- 0. They will be a tough out come playoff time. GCL south games will be fun to watch. They gave St Ed's everything they had. Each team took their opponents best blows.
Don't think too many people want to run into Elder in the playoffs.Would be a mighty tough out. Elder always tough.