Trump and Putin


Well-known member
Just wondering. Do you think Trump still thinks that Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine was brilliant?
Russia, under Putin, has …..
Watched NATO leap into action stronger and more united in decades.
Watched NATO grow with the additions of Finland and Sweden. (And eventually the Ukraine itself.)
Seen an estimated one million plus Russians flee their own country. (Among them the best and brightest of their people.)
Seen Russia suffer a minimum of 100,000 casualties in the last six months.
Seen an estimated 43% decline in national revenue.
Suffered the humiliation of being exposed as a second rate military power before the entire world. (Consider Russia without her nukes. Certainly no longer the super power once thought.)

Another example of Trump being woefully, totally WRONG. Yet, Trump will get the GOP nomination. YOUR LEADER!
Just wondering. Do you think Trump still thinks that Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine was brilliant?
Russia, under Putin, has …..
Watched NATO leap into action stronger and more united in decades.
Watched NATO grow with the additions of Finland and Sweden. (And eventually the Ukraine itself.)
Seen an estimated one million plus Russians flee their own country. (Among them the best and brightest of their people.)
Seen Russia suffer a minimum of 100,000 casualties in the last six months.
Seen an estimated 43% decline in national revenue.
Suffered the humiliation of being exposed as a second rate military power before the entire world. (Consider Russia without her nukes. Certainly no longer the super power once thought.)

Another example of Trump being woefully, totally WRONG. Yet, Trump will get the GOP nomination. YOUR LEADER!
That's it Lefty.....Stay focused on Trump......24/7/365.....All Trump, All the Time.....For crimes, both real and imagined.....expend all your time, effort, and finances on getting that orange SOB.......Clears the field and gives you Leftists less time to fabricate BS and conspire against DeSantis.....Stay focused and get crackin'.
Address my post instead of that tired Trump obsessed story line. You guys make him fair game with your continual worship of him. The orange jackass could not have been more wrong about Putin and the Ukraine.
Seriously.....are you Leftists taking a victory lap for us sending $26.5 billion dollars to Ukraine? Is that gonna' be the record you Lefty's run on in 24, when we have sent another $25 billion to Ukraine? Vote for the Leftists, we shipped $50 billion to Ukraine, left $10 billion behind in Afghanistan, and imported 10 million third world illegal immigrants! Now that's a record of accomplishments to run on! If it were me, I probably wouldn't highlight any of that stuff come election time.....just sayin'.
Address my post instead of that tired Trump obsessed story line. You guys make him fair game with your continual worship of him. The orange jackass could not have been more wrong about Putin and the Ukraine.
What is there to address besides your weird obsession with him? He isn't president and likely will never be again.
Address my post instead of that tired Trump obsessed story line. You guys make him fair game with your continual worship of him. The orange jackass could not have been more wrong about Putin and the Ukraine.
Your original post is stupid.

It takes the fact that Trump razzed Biden for being a weak waffling gullible fool that was outsmarted by Putin and tries to turn it into literal praise of Putin’s invasion. Then it goes and piles on a bunch of dirty straw in creating a false narrative.

The events that you note would not have happened at all with Trump in office a second term. Putin would have sat tight and waited for another weak Democrat with his focus on domestic pandering, inept on foreign policy, like Obama. He would have waited out Trump’s second term just like the first one.

Vlad stole back Crimea and entrenched in Donbas under Obama. He feared Trump and stopped his games for four years. Facts are facts
Seriously.....are you Leftists taking a victory lap for us sending $26.5 billion dollars to Ukraine? Is that gonna' be the record you Lefty's run on in 24, when we have sent another $25 billion to Ukraine? Vote for the Leftists, we shipped $50 billion to Ukraine, left $10 billion behind in Afghanistan, and imported 10 million third world illegal immigrants! Now that's a record of accomplishments to run on! If it were me, I probably wouldn't highlight any of that stuff come election time.....just sayin'.
The only good to come of this is that Vlad has lost much of his most precious asset as an aggressor - fighting, aged men and bright urban young people, to defection and death.

that’s what the idiot Lindsey Graham was celebrating, that it cost us none of our own people to reduce Vlad’s people.

but now Ukraine is becoming a void. Let’s just round up and deport all our illegal aliens to live there and wish them luck as Uki farmers and miners. .
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Address my post instead of that tired Trump obsessed story line. You guys make him fair game with your continual worship of him. The orange jackass could not have been more wrong about Putin and the Ukraine.
The term "brilliance" can mean different things depending on context.

I believe Nancy Pelosi displays brilliance in the way she wields power, although I detest her policies.

Is it possible that Trump recognizes a certain brilliance in Putin's strategy to bleed the United States of military resources to strength the hand of nation states opposed to America (China and Iran)? Does Trump recognize part of Putin's "brilliance" is that Vlad and Xi are playing Biden like a chump?

What I wrote is one possibility. There are many other possibilities as to what Trump meant. You owe to yourself to engage in critical thinking instead of touting ideology.
The term "brilliance" can mean different things depending on context.

I believe Nancy Pelosi displays brilliance in the way she wields power, although I detest her policies.

Is it possible that Trump recognizes a certain brilliance in Putin's strategy to bleed the United States of military resources to strength the hand of nation states opposed to America (China and Iran)? Does Trump recognize part of Putin's "brilliance" is that Vlad and Xi are playing Biden like a chump?

What I wrote is one possibility. There are many other possibilities as to what Trump meant. You owe to yourself to engage in critical thinking instead of touting ideology.
Beyond hope for many. They are forever ruined. Howard Zinn is a hero to them.
The term "brilliance" can mean different things depending on context.

I believe Nancy Pelosi displays brilliance in the way she wields power, although I detest her policies.

Is it possible that Trump recognizes a certain brilliance in Putin's strategy to bleed the United States of military resources to strength the hand of nation states opposed to America (China and Iran)? Does Trump recognize part of Putin's "brilliance" is that Vlad and Xi are playing Biden like a chump?

What I wrote is one possibility. There are many other possibilities as to what Trump meant. You owe to yourself to engage in critical thinking instead of touting ideology.
Well said
Your original post is stupid.

It takes the fact that Trump razzed Biden for being a weak waffling gullible fool that was outsmarted by Putin and tries to turn it into literal praise of Putin’s invasion. Then it goes and piles on a bunch of dirty straw in creating a false narrative.

The events that you note would not have happened at all with Trump in office a second term. Putin would have sat tight and waited for another weak Democrat with his focus on domestic pandering, inept on foreign policy, like Obama. He would have waited out Trump’s second term just like the first one.

Vlad stole back Crimea and entrenched in Donbas under Obama. He feared Trump and stopped his games for four years. Facts are facts
Putin was hoping Trump would win and finish destroying NATO for him. Putin invaded shortly after the election while NATO was still in disarray. This is a commonly held belief except among blind MAGA members. Putin has proven to be a murdering war criminal, yet Trump continues to support him. This is about as close to treason as you can get. Putin is an enemy of our country and always has been. If you support Trump, then you support Putin.
Putin was hoping Trump would win and finish destroying NATO for him. Putin invaded shortly after the election while NATO was still in disarray. This is a commonly held belief except among blind MAGA members. Putin has proven to be a murdering war criminal, yet Trump continues to support him. This is about as close to treason as you can get. Putin is an enemy of our country and always has been. If you support Trump, then you support Putin.
Trump did nothing to destroy NATO.

Our NATO allies did that over the last 30 years by stupidly neglecting their defense budgets and even more stupidly relying on Russian Energy.

Yet when the chit hit the fan, we bailed them out again.
Trump did nothing to destroy NATO.

Our NATO allies did that over the last 30 years by stupidly neglecting their defense budgets and even more stupidly relying on Russian Energy.

Yet when the chit hit the fan, we bailed them out again.
Not allowing Russian influence to spread is in our interest. It was never about bailing out Western Europe. Wake up. Trump complaining about the money wasn’t about the money. It was about attacking NATO and weakening NATO for his butt buddy Putin. Amazing how many idiots are so easily fooled by Trump.
Not allowing Russian influence to spread is in our interest. It was never about bailing out Western Europe. Wake up. Trump complaining about the money wasn’t about the money. It was about attacking NATO and weakening NATO for his butt buddy Putin. Amazing how many idiots are so easily fooled by Trump.
Amazing how many idiots actually believe this nonsense despite all facts to the contrary.
Putin was hoping Trump would win and finish destroying NATO for him. Putin invaded shortly after the election while NATO was still in disarray. This is a commonly held belief except among blind MAGA members. Putin has proven to be a murdering war criminal, yet Trump continues to support him. This is about as close to treason as you can get. Putin is an enemy of our country and always has been. If you support Trump, then you support Putin.
Not allowing Russian influence to spread is in our interest. It was never about bailing out Western Europe. Wake up. Trump complaining about the money wasn’t about the money. It was about attacking NATO and weakening NATO for his butt buddy Putin. Amazing how many idiots are so easily fooled by Trump.

Absolutely none of this matches the facts on the ground in Europe.
Not allowing Russian influence to spread is in our interest. It was never about bailing out Western Europe. Wake up. Trump complaining about the money wasn’t about the money. It was about attacking NATO and weakening NATO for his butt buddy Putin. Amazing how many idiots are so easily fooled by Trump.
But Trump
Address my post instead of that tired Trump obsessed story line. You guys make him fair game with your continual worship of him. The orange jackass could not have been more wrong about Putin and the Ukraine.
If Trump was wrong about Putin and Ukraine what are the results of Biden and Putin vs Ukraine. Tell me what did Biden do to control what happened that by the way did not happen during Trumps time in office? It seems to me that Putin was just waiting for weakness and when we allowed that to happen look at what the result was.
If Trump was wrong about Putin and Ukraine what are the results of Biden and Putin vs Ukraine. Tell me what did Biden do to control what happened that by the way did not happen during Trumps time in office? It seems to me that Putin was just waiting for weakness and when we allowed that to happen look at what the result was.
Biden has lead a resurgence of NATO that is laying waste to Putin's Russia. No US POTUS has been tougher on Russia...even Reagan.

Putin and his army are toast and Russia is falling into third world disarray.

Biden has lead a resurgence of NATO that is laying waste to Putin's Russia. No US POTUS has been tougher on Russia...even Reagan.

Putin and his army are toast and Russia is falling into third world disarray.

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And in truth the only reason Ukraine is still in the fight is US money we really do not have to give. We borrow money to give them (not loan) and if because of our money Russia does not succeed how long after this is over will it take Ukraine to take our money still to rebuild and then give us the finger on something we want or desire from them? Trust me it will happen.
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And in truth the only reason Ukraine is still in the fight is US money we really do not have to give. We borrow money to give them (not loan) and if because of our money Russia does not succeed how long after this is over will it take Ukraine to take our money still to rebuild and then give us the finger on something we want or desire from them? Trust me it will happen.
Peace and prosperity is not free.
And in truth the only reason Ukraine is still in the fight is US money we really do not have to give. We borrow money to give them (not loan) and if because of our money Russia does not succeed how long after this is over will it take Ukraine to take our money still to rebuild and then give us the finger on something we want or desire from them? Trust me it will happen.
How much money have we given Ukraine?