St. Xavier...Any news?

The problem with X was and still is their antiquated ways. They make it really hard on most of their coaches. Specht doesn't make it any easier as well as he "encourages" his players to focus on football. Total douche. Before he started doing that Martin had tons of football players on his teams. And it led to a state title and other final four appearances. Having Martin on the sideline with Fleming is going to help him big time. He was and still is one of the top coaches to come out of Cincy. Hasn't had to move as his daughters were getting tuition money at Summit. Scott also wasn't going to cheat like Moe does. Some folks at X wanted Scott to get the job again, but he is content working with Fleming. And he can help Ryan navigate X's jacked up ways. It is a great combo at X.
The problem with X was and still is their antiquated ways. They make it really hard on most of their coaches. Specht doesn't make it any easier as well as he "encourages" his players to focus on football. Total douche. Before he started doing that Martin had tons of football players on his teams. And it led to a state title and other final four appearances. Having Martin on the sideline with Fleming is going to help him big time. He was and still is one of the top coaches to come out of Cincy. Hasn't had to move as his daughters were getting tuition money at Summit. Scott also wasn't going to cheat like Moe does. Some folks at X wanted Scott to get the job again, but he is content working with Fleming. And he can help Ryan navigate X's jacked up ways. It is a great combo at X.
That couldn't be anything further from the truth. Specht encourages his players to play other sports, however if they aren't participating in a sport the expectation is work out with the football team. I've heard the reverse was the issue. That the basketball coach actually pressuring the football players and that's why you didn't see some of the past faces that would have been helpful like Ted Hammond and Joey Wassler on the court this past season.
That couldn't be anything further from the truth. Specht encourages his players to play other sports, however if they aren't participating in a sport the expectation is work out with the football team. I've heard the reverse was the issue. That the basketball coach actually pressuring the football players and that's why you didn't see some of the past faces that would have been helpful like Ted Hammond and Joey Wassler on the court this past season.
Haha, good one.
That couldn't be anything further from the truth. Specht encourages his players to play other sports, however if they aren't participating in a sport the expectation is work out with the football team. I've heard the reverse was the issue. That the basketball coach actually pressuring the football players and that's why you didn't see some of the past faces that would have been helpful like Ted Hammond and Joey Wassler on the court this past season.
Hammond and Wassler are DI football commits, who are just okay at basketball, that’s why they didn’t play. From what my buddy has told me, football is at least a nine-month commitment at St. X. Noska and Martin were fine with guys playing both (Lallathin - not as much), but the administration bows down to football. Everybody who knows anything about the school knows this is true.
Outside of Moeller, it seems basketball takes a back-seat to football at pretty much every high level D1 school. It's just the way it is.

The smartest coaches realize this, but still find a way to communicate and deliver expectations. It's a fight they cannot win, and if they want to retain the best athletes, a dictatorship like approach will simply turn kids away.