Pay to play at Perry or Louisville ????


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With the Failure of the School levies in both School Districts some School BOE Members are already talking about a pay to play situation at both. As it may or may not happen. I was told by Perry School District Employee who works in the Administration part that there may be as many as 18 kids leave for other schools for Football alone if this happens hummmm. They brought up M&M in the conversation
I would add Lake to this list. They had the largest levy and it failed, which probably means that they will be hurting the most.
I heard Louisville employees may open up their contract and lower their raises to help save some money.
Have any of these schools had pay to play before???
With the Failure of the School levies in both School Districts some School BOE Members are already talking about a pay to play situation at both. As it may or may not happen. I was told by Perry School District Employee who works in the Administration part that there may be as many as 18 kids leave for other schools for Football alone if this happens hummmm. They brought up M&M in the conversation
Uh huh, right.... How in the world would someone who supposedly works in the "Administration part" of the district would any idea if any kids may leave and certainly not be able to give an exact number? I call BS.....
Uh huh, right.... How in the world would someone who supposedly works in the "Administration part" of the district would any idea if any kids may leave and certainly not be able to give an exact number? I call BS.....
They said that there are a lot of upset parents about this situation and of course most of the parents threw the McKinley Massillon names around and we all know what that means.
I would add Lake to this list. They had the largest levy and it failed, which probably means that they will be hurting the most.
I heard Louisville employees may open up their contract and lower their raises to help save some money.
Have any of these schools had pay to play before???
I have heard nothing about Lake, But my buddy who has property in that district said to me he is glad it failed otherwise his taxes would have gone up 2K
As a former long term administrator who dealt with this through many levy failures, I'd advise against any district calling it " pay to play". Call it " pay to participate". That way you won't have to explain why Johnny or Susie didn't play in a contest. They did practice, warm ups etc! And if they play..that's great.
Terrible for these kids, and their families, who may be denied the opportunity to participate for their schools and communities.

Even worse is the failed “leadership” in Ohio that has ignored the state Supreme Court for NEARLY 30 years! Ohio is in bad shape in more ways than one.
They said that there are a lot of upset parents about this situation and of course most of the parents threw the McKinley Massillon names around and we all know what that means.
I'm sure there are people who are disappointed in the levy failure but I still call BS to a person working in the "administrative part" throwing out an exact number like you claim... And what exactly does "we all know what that means" mean?
With the Failure of the School levies in both School Districts some School BOE Members are already talking about a pay to play situation at both. As it may or may not happen. I was told by Perry School District Employee who works in the Administration part that there may be as many as 18 kids leave for other schools for Football alone if this happens hummmm. They brought up M&M in the conversation
WELL, in MOST schools NORTH of Macon in Georgia. Pay for play is the norm. I've heard reports of individual players being forced to pay as much as $500.00 per season, just to be on the dang roster. If THAT were the norm SOUTH of Macon where the per capita incomes are far less. Our teams wouldn't dress more than fifty players in a given season, instead of 100 plus. Many of our kid's families below the gnat line, can barely put food on the table, much less fund football activities. If they win a state championship. The rings are even donated by local businesses.
Terrible for these kids, and their families, who may be denied the opportunity to participate for their schools and communities.

Even worse is the failed “leadership” in Ohio that has ignored the state Supreme Court for NEARLY 30 years! Ohio is in bad shape in more ways than one.
Ohio SHOULD have a mandate in their legislature. That at the end of every fiscal year, the state budget MUST be balanced, as it is in Georgia!
Has Perry, Louisville, or Lake ever had pay to play? When this gets implemented I could see it having a very negative effect at the lower levels numbers. Paying $500 for your 8th grader to be the 42 player on the football team would be hard for some families. Or being the 11th girl on the volleyball team.
If you thin the pay to play is bad . just wait till the other cuts like bussing or only allowing students to to take 5.25 classes which meant early dismissal or late arrival by students every day. Those cuts will make people leave in droves.
I would hope that the Booster clubs at these schools would step in and help since sports are all considered extra curricular activities and not part of the academics. Why are the tax payers always expected to bail out the sports programs. I love HS sports but if they are considered "extra" then they need to be funded differently.
If you thin the pay to play is bad . just wait till the other cuts like bussing or only allowing students to to take 5.25 classes which meant early dismissal or late arrival by students every day. Those cuts will make people leave in droves.
This is on the block for Tallawanda (Oxford, OH). IIRC, they started doing that this spring with baseball/softball games. Away Games=Drive Yourself
Has Perry, Louisville, or Lake ever had pay to play? When this gets implemented I could see it having a very negative effect at the lower levels numbers. Paying $500 for your 8th grader to be the 42 player on the football team would be hard for some families. Or being the 11th girl on the volleyball team.
I thought Lake had pay to play for a little bit. Don’t think it really affected things too much. Not necessarily an area that’s hurting for money. Also, I have never heard a school making people pay 500 dollars to play. At least not in Ohio.
If you thin the pay to play is bad . just wait till the other cuts like bussing or only allowing students to to take 5.25 classes which meant early dismissal or late arrival by students every day. Those cuts will make people leave in droves.
Leave and go where? No one seems to be passing levy’s. If Ohio doesn’t make some changes and this economy doesn’t improve, every other school in this state will be in the exact same situation.
I thought Lake had pay to play for a little bit. Don’t think it really affected things too much. Not necessarily an area that’s hurting for money. Also, I have never heard a school making people pay 500 dollars to play. At least not in Ohio.
I was just throwing out a number. What do schools usually charge for Pay to Play? Has Lake Louisville or Perry ever had Pay to Play?
Leave and go where? No one seems to be passing levy’s. If Ohio doesn’t make some changes and this economy doesn’t improve, every other school in this state will be in the exact same situation.
Except those in affluent areas I'd imagine the Solons, Hudsons, Beachwoods, Richfield Reveres, Massillon Jacksons and such will continue to pass and thrive in NE Ohio.
If you thin the pay to play is bad . just wait till the other cuts like bussing or only allowing students to to take 5.25 classes which meant early dismissal or late arrival by students every day. Those cuts will make people leave in droves.
They will threaten it but in reality they will only cut the bus routes off for the Private Schools to force those parents to Vote for the levy in the fall.

School Union playbook Section 101 Page 69 Chapter 3
WELL, in MOST schools NORTH of Macon in Georgia. Pay for play is the norm. I've heard reports of individual players being forced to pay as much as $500.00 per season, just to be on the dang roster. If THAT were the norm SOUTH of Macon where the per capita incomes are far less. Our teams wouldn't dress more than fifty players in a given season, instead of 100 plus. Many of our kid's families below the gnat line, can barely put food on the table, much less fund football activities. If they win a state championship. The rings are even donated by local businesses.
Our district here in Alabama (I grew up in Ohio) is full pay to participate. The districts blame it on no lottery in Alabama. We paid $300 for my son to play 7th grade football and $500 each for wrestling season. It's crazy. We try to do as many fundraisers as possible to keep the cost down.
I remember decades ago I coached in a district in Ohio that implemented a $25 per kid fee for sports and the parents almost revolted, lol.
Out of curiosity what do those districts in Ohio cover when it comes to athletics?

In my district in South Carolina, the districts pays for coaches stipends and gives each school a small transportation allotment. Use to be $10k.

Uniforms, officials, equipment, and anything beyond $10k in transportation, the school is on the hook for.

The smaller sports (XC, Tennis, Golf) don't pose much of a financial threat. Football on the other hand takes our first two home games just to pay for helmet reconditioning haha.
Typically how much do schools charge to play a sport?
Looking at how big the levy's were should tell how desperate they were. Lakes was the Largest 13 mills for new Money. I think Perrys was around 6mills for new money and Louisville's was a renewal for I think 5 mills.
Perry and Louisville might be able to get buy without major changes, but Lake must really be hurting, based on the levy sizes.
Eventually the voters will be feed up with the entire levy system and most will fail. The state cuts taxes and then you get hit for local taxes to pay for schools. Joke system. 13 mills is crazy high and will fail repeatedly.