NBA players don't vote. Why should we listen?

I'm also surprised at how little I miss pro & college sports. The last decade I was spending more & more time watching sports and going to all these websites and listening to endless podcasts talk about sports. It was like an addiction. But between the covid overreaction and the politicization of the players, coaches, broadcasters, commentators & leagues my interest is waning fast.

I'm a season ticket holder for FC Cincinnati (MLS soccer) and I miss the in stadium experience a bit as it was fun but I can only stand to watch 20 minutes of the televised empty stadium games. Some times a game is on and I forgot to watch it. I'm reconsidering renewing my season tickets for next year even though a new stadium opens. Sure it will sell out as it's new and that counts for much in Cincy but after a couple of years of crappy soccer? I'm guessing they'll be begging folks to buy tickets.

The last couple of years at this time I would be getting wound up for college & pro football to start up. I would probably visit 15 sites a day to check out news on my favorite teams. Now I may go to 1 site per day and some days I don't even do that.

Watching HS football was a bore on Chatterbox last Friday. If ever a sport demanded live viewing it is high school football. Remember I'm a guy who went to EVERY game (home & away) during Fairfield's 22 game losing streak. Yet I suspect I'll fully reclaim my Friday nights within a few weeks as I stop watching the games on TV given just how sterile they are. And once I get used to doing something else on Friday night I might not come back. Which is sad in a way but I suspect I'm not alone here.

I'm sure sports will survive the covid and the fraternization with BLM. But in the end the decision to overreact (empty stadiums & cancelled seasons) will erode some support. And more support will be lost as the pro's overtly side with the left on law enforcement and "social justice". It will start out quietly - less clicks on sites devoted to sports; softer ticket sales at the live events; less gear sold; donations to High School & College sports programs dropping off a bit; less people watching on TV; less people listening to sports broadcasts and talk shows on the radio; etc.

It won't be dramatic but year over year it will add up. Five years from now it will be noticeable and hit these people in their wallets. And part of me thinks it couldn't happen to more deserving jerks.
Totally agree lotty, I was a rabid sports fan for years, college football and basketball and the NFL. I honestly started losing interest a few years ago in all of it as my wife and I started doing more things outdoors. After this year I don’t think I’ll ever have the same interest. I’ll still casually watch the Bengals because there is less outdoor activity during their season but I certainly don’t get upset if I miss a game like I used to. These times are changing and it’s for the better in my case
Ticket holder for soccer. Got it.

What you meant to say is that on this topic what I say actually matters because I spend real money on pro sports. I also buy and gift all sorts of Reds, Bills, Buckeyes, FCC & Bengals gear for birthdays and Christmas. I'm done with that to.
What you meant to say is that on this topic what I say actually matters because I spend real money on pro sports. I also buy and gift all sorts of Reds, Bills, Buckeyes, FCC & Bengals gear for birthdays and Christmas. I'm done with that to.
That'll show 'em.