My predictions of state champs coming from Troy d3 district

Campbell is definitely a very talented kid, who as you mentioned previously is a very talented athlete across multiple sports and I would agree I think he has a very high ceiling/upside moving forward. Comparing multiple guys across different weights is tricky, but going off of what you're saying, you would take him over Marcus Blaze at 120?
Blaze is talented, to be sure. But "yes." You would not?
I wouldn't go as far as to predict Campbell over Blaze, however I do not see it as far fetched either. If Blaze has a weakness, (and I wouldn't call it a "weakness"), it is probably on bottom. Which is pretty much where most wrestlers weakness is. Given that Campbell is very very good on top, I would say that he has a shot if the match went away from scoring on their feet. Blaze is pretty methodical on his feet when wrestling the top guys. Waits for his opening, and when he finds it, its pretty much a wrap for the other guy. But if Campbell can keep it scoreless in the first period, then I actually think the match favors him. If he gives up a TD in the first, hes in trouble.
Campbell would not beat Blaze. Campbell is a stud though, could very well surpass Blaze at the college level.
I’ve been saying Campbell is nearly untouchable in Ohio, for the past couple of years. But…I truly think that gap has closed and a W is not a given anymore. Blaze wins this matchup.