Monroe's Mullins Resigns

I would guess at this point in the school year, outside of upcoming retirements, who knows?

I heard from a pretty reliable source that the second round of interviews in complete and they hope to have someone by the next school board meeting for approval. Not sure when that meeting takes place, but I'm sure it is sometime early in December.
They didn't mess around! Should help having the new coach in place as winter workouts start up.
Always a few Ted Lassos that think they can do it lol
Lol! You are exactly right. I remember one time an AD told me that someone applied for a head coaching position years ago and said that they were a fantasy football commissioner, won multiple fantasy football leagues, and loved watching his daughter play flag football.
The word around town is that Mark Mueller, Fenwicks football coach for the past few years is taking the Monroe job. Anyone else heard this
The word around town is that Mark Mueller, Fenwicks football coach for the past few years is taking the Monroe job. Anyone else heard this
Of course he is! I called this when that waste of an AD hired him at Funnywick. The guy never stays longer than 2-3 years at any school he's been too.

To all the coaches applying for this Monroe, just wait. It will be available real soon. Muller's probably buddies with the AD like he was with Funnywicks AD.
Of course he is! I called this when that waste of an AD hired him at Funnywick. The guy never stays longer than 2-3 years at any school he's been too.

To all the coaches applying for this Monroe, just wait. It will be available real soon. Muller's probably buddies with the AD like he was with Funnywicks AD.
Coached for 11 years at New Albany so this is false. The guy has a history of winning games so I don’t think this is Leach 2.0
I heard 2 nights ago they were down to 2. Didn't hear names, but heard both had previous head coaching experience. From the list of candidates I saw, that leaves Mueller and Snively. In Mueller's defense, Fenwick is a long way from competing for a GCL Coed title and coaches have been bailing from there after a couple of seasons for going on 10 years now. There is obviously a fundamental problem within the overall athletic program. Personally, I have a son in the program at Monroe and I would be happy with either of those hires.
I heard 2 nights ago they were down to 2. Didn't hear names, but heard both had previous head coaching experience. From the list of candidates I saw, that leaves Mueller and Snively. In Mueller's defense, Fenwick is a long way from competing for a GCL Coed title and coaches have been bailing from there after a couple of seasons for going on 10 years now. There is obviously a fundamental problem within the overall athletic program. Personally, I have a son in the program at Monroe and I would be happy with either of those hires.
If what I'm hearing is true you (or somebody else but Monroe makes the most sense) will get Mueller and Fenwick will look to bring in a big name. If the names I'm hearing are correct regarding Fenwick it will probably be a win now/quick fix approach but I'll save that for another thread... don't want to derail this. Mueller and Snively are both solid. Would be fine with either coaching my kid.
Of course he is! I called this when that waste of an AD hired him at Funnywick. The guy never stays longer than 2-3 years at any school he's been too.

To all the coaches applying for this Monroe, just wait. It will be available real soon. Muller's probably buddies with the AD like he was with Funnywicks AD.
I couldn’t disagree more.
I think this AD has been the best Fenwick has hired in awhile and while Mueller did some moving around- I think his personal business life has played a major role in that (as it should).

He is a great guy, wins games, will build a strong staff.