McRib... yes or no....should it be on the menu.. all the time


Well-known member
Had one earlier in the week..... not a big fan of it... i think people buy it , just because it comes out once or twice a year
And that may be the hook. I've had the McRib and like it, but I don't miss it when it goes away. Believe me, if they had it on the menu all the time and made significant money on it, they'd have it on there all the time.
Had one earlier in the week..... not a big fan of it... i think people buy it , just because it comes out once or twice a year
That is outside of my price range.

Went to Chic filet this week, and meals for two were $25 (spicy chicken deluxe, fries, shake substitute from drink, water ) . Gift cards financed the meal!

Years back I had one and I recall it tasting rather "fake smoked" and was expensive for a sandwich I did not particularly enjoy.
That is outside of my price range.

Went to Chic filet this week, and meals for two were $25 (spicy chicken deluxe, fries, shake substitute from drink, water ) .

Years back I had one and I recall it tasting rather "fake smoked" and was expensive for a sandwich I did not particularly enjoy.
very BLAND....
Meh. It's OK, not great. It's pretty messy with all the BBQ sauce slopped on. I would probably get it again though. Better than most of Micky D's food.
Every time it comes out again I suffer amnesia because I can't remember how bad it was last time and think it looks good. And then I get it, and it's bad.

Plus, it's not even cheap anymore. It's $4.99 where I just had it and bathed in sauce. Maybe it's just me but I remember when it was on special for $1.99 or so and it felt like a deal. And I don't remember it being as coated in sauce as it is now. Maybe it's just selective memory.

But I feel if it were on the menu I'd eat it as often as I eat the Filet O' Fish... which is to say never.
I had one last week. Tasted OK but alot more expensive.

Read several years ago that McDs brings it back when pork prices are low...